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We explore the determinants of financial satisfaction using a modelling framework which allows the drivers of financial satisfaction to vary across life stages. Given that financial satisfaction is measured as an ordered variable, our modelling approach is based on a latent class ordered probit model with an ordered probit class assignment function. Our analysis of household survey data indicates that four life stages are supported by the data. Our results suggest that such flexibility is important in understanding the drivers of financial satisfaction over the life cycle since there is a substantial amount of parameter heterogeneity across the four classes.  相似文献   
A test for homogeneity of several populations against the simple tree alternative is proposed when the observations in various groups are subject to the same pattern of random right-censorship. The test is a generalization of the one proposed by Slivka (1970) which is useful when testing time is expensive so that an early termination of an experiment is desirable. The power of the test is examined in a simulation study.  相似文献   
《陈垣年谱配图长编》是一部严谨有加的学术著作。较缺乏,因此,该书不可避免地出现了个别遗漏和失误之处。臻完善,更具有使用价值。因为历史年代跨度较大,20世纪早期的文献史料又比为此,运用新发现的史料,为该书补遗、指谬,使之更  相似文献   
对<浮生六记>的研究渐热,人们在关注和研究其内容的同时,对其艺术性的探讨,也应不断地深入.因此,本文将对<浮生六记>精巧的艺术构思、变化的意境美进行较深入、系统的探析,以期人们在理解、鉴赏<浮生六记>时,能将其内容美与艺术美完美地结合,获得更高的审美享受.  相似文献   
梁启超把趣味看成生活的根芽和基本内容,从中反映了梁启超审美理想主义的人生观和社会理想。在他的趣味论思想中,有着中国传统文化的根底,并借鉴和运用了西方的相关理论和方法,更有着自己独到的体悟,对我们产生了深刻的启示和影响。他所谓的趣味,主要是指一种积极的、快乐的、有生意的情怀和充满活力与灵性的审美感受,具有丰满、充盈和富有生机等特点。它和人们的生活息息相关,体现了他对人生、对生命的肯定,表现出了一种乐观、向上的生命意识。它以敏锐的感觉器官为基础,需要诱发机缘,表现为内在情感和外在环境的契合,体现超越功利的“无所为”与责任心的统一,并具体论述了获得趣味的三种途径和因势利导的趣味教育。  相似文献   
中国古人非常重视生态保护,历代统治者为了农业生产在实践上采取了一系列的生态保护措施,通过设置专门的官员加强对生态环境的管理;通过颁布禁令和法律约束人们的行为;通过舆论从生活起居上指导人们的实践。这些措施使古代的生态保护有利于当时的生产和生活。  相似文献   
The issue of convergence or divergence in the European Union (EU) is usually viewed from a macroeconomic perspective, using indicators such as the income per head, the unemployment rate and the inflation rate. Little attention has been paid to the possibility of an associated convergence in ‘well-being’ across countries. Since recent literature has shown that subjective well-being (life satisfaction, ‘happiness’) is significantly affected by macroeconomic variables, it is natural to ask not only whether or not subjective well-being converges, but also, whether, how and to what extent this process is linked to macroeconomic convergence. In this paper we use self-rated life satisfaction elicited in large scale surveys to address these questions. We find evidence of convergence of life satisfaction across the member states of the EU, which can be attributed to a considerable extent to the convergence in macroeconomic conditions. Among the various macroeconomic indicators, the convergence in inflation rates has played a major role for the convergence in life satisfaction.  相似文献   
Independent living programs have emerged as the primary intervention to address the needs of foster youth transitioning out of care. Prior reviews of independent living programs have focused on implications for research and policy, but not on direct practice. In order to create effective independent living programs, direct service workers must be provided with concrete practice guidelines for providing effective independent living services. This article summarizes 19 studies on independent living and provides evidence-based implications for each in an effort to begin to fill the gap between research, policy and practice.  相似文献   
鲁迅先生为《生死场》写的序言从更深层的意义上,肯定了萧红的创作成就。《生死场》所体现出 来的艺术结构的多元美,使之成为中国现代小说中较为追求结构关的优秀作品之一。  相似文献   
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