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基于抗战时期的历史档案,梳理了国立西北农学院(西北农林科技大学前身)合组成立的历史经过。地处后稷教民稼穑之地武功的国立西北农林专科学校与抗日战争期间西迁的国立北平大学农学院合组是现代农业文明的一次重要融汇。在强大的师资力量支撑下,国立西北农学院办学水平和科学研究方面表现卓越,成为当时国内惟一的独立农学院,并在合组后逐步形成扎根西北、融汇世界的教育思想和办学抱负,成为当代兴学强国的宝贵精神财富。  相似文献   
积极心理学是当今时代下心理学界所兴起的一种全新的研究领域,并在一定程度上应用到了大学的心理健康教育当中,从而能够在一定程度上,增加教育的时效性。通过积极心理学的教学观念,将心理学视角下的健康教育深入大学生的日常教学当中,进而能够深入挖掘以及培养大学生的积极心理品质,全面优化大学生的心理教育的环境,进而用更加先进的积极心理学理念,指导并帮助大学生构建更加完善的心理观念。  相似文献   
北平辅仁大学作为一所私立天主教大学,在北平沦陷之后弦歌不辍,讲诵如恒,并得以发展。学校师生与日伪周旋,抗敌不屈,延续民族文化生命,抵制日伪奴化教育,因此赢得了"抗日大本营"的赞誉。  相似文献   
大学生思想政治教育的时代性要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生的思想是随着时代的发展而发展的.对大学生的思想政治教育,只有与时俱进、突出时代要求才能收到好的效果.大学生思想政治教育的时代性内容丰富,要突出时代特色,关键是能反映时代脉搏,跟上时代发展步伐.  相似文献   
“巩固、深化、提高、发展”是教育部提出的高等教育改革和发展的“新八字方针”,广州大学在办学实践中认真探索、大胆实践地方综合性大学快速、协调发展的路子:通过巩固成果、弘扬传统、彰显优势、型构学科专业结构、完善教育教学体系,深化改革、理顺关系、组建团队、形成良好的激励机制、提升教育教学水平,提高质量、重视实践、规范制度、提高教师整体实力、营造良好的学风环境,持续发展、科学定位、对外开放、拓展学校发展空间、规划教学研究型大学发展蓝图等举措,大踏步地向高层次突破,向高水平发展。  相似文献   
Universities have the potential to play a leading role in enabling communities to develop more sustainable ways of living and working however, sustainable communities may only emerge with facilitation, community learning and continual efforts to build their capacities. Elements of programme planning and evaluation on the one hand, and capacity building on the other, are needed. The latter entails approaches and processes that may contribute to community empowerment; universities may either lead such approaches, or be key partners in an endeavour to empower communities to address the challenges posed by the need for sustainable development. Although capacity building and the promotion of sustainable development locally, are on the agenda for universities who take seriously regional engagement, very little is published that illustrates or describes the various forms of activities that take place. Further, there is a paucity of studies that have evaluated the work performed by universities in building capacity for sustainable development at the local level. This paper is an attempt to address this need, and entails an empirical study based on a sample of universities in the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal and Brazil. The paper examines the extent to which capacity building for sustainable development is being undertaken, suggests the forms that this might take and evaluates some of the benefits for local communities. The paper concludes by reinforcing that universities have a critical role to play in community development; that role has to prioritise the sustainability agenda.  相似文献   
Globally, social enterprise is used increasingly by nonprofit organizations to create new funding streams in the face of dwindling public funds. In light of evidence that institutions of higher education are making similar adaptations, this study explores the extent to which academic centers in US schools of social work are using social enterprise strategies to fund mission efforts. Interviews with the directors of 16 social work research centers in 14 states reveal incentives and barriers that exist at multiple levels and considerably impact the potential viability of social enterprise in the social work academic setting. Implications for institutions of higher education and social work scholars are discussed.  相似文献   
大学生诚信机制构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
要使大学生自觉地把诚信作为高尚的人生追求、优良的行为品质、立身处世的根本准则,必须构建一个科学合理的诚信教育机制,也就是将诚信教育作为一项系统工程进行建设,而这一机制的建设有赖于教育观念、制度、教育管理、环境和监督与惩戒五大重要系统的建立和完善以及彼此之间的相互作用。  相似文献   
在就业形势日益严峻的今天,大学生就业问题在一定程度上制约了社会经济的发展,同时也关乎国家全局的稳定建设。在高等教育由精英化转向大众化的大背景之下,“市场化”、“竞争化”和“国际化”的教育趋势越发明显,大学生就业问题无疑成为了当下讨论和关注的热点。在综合性院校中,由于临床医学的专业性较强,这就决定了毕业生的就业渠道较为狭窄。加之医学毕业生数量的逐年增加,就业难的问题也日益突出。因地制宜,立足实际,提升医学毕业生的就业竞争力,既关系着综合院校的整体竞争力,也事关我国和谐社会的发展。  相似文献   
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