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英国工业革命时期的劳动力市场与工资水平   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
英国工业革命使经济迅速发展。经济的快速发展对劳动力需求是巨大的。而圈地运动为工业革命提供了大量的自由劳动力。众所周知,劳动力市场供需的变化对工资水平具有直接的影响。李嘉图曾认为,工人的工资决定于劳动者维持其自身与家庭所需的食物、必需品和享用品的价格,是一种生存工资。本文论证了为什么英国工业革命时期劳动力市场的巨大需求没有引起工资水平的上升,而只是处于李嘉图所说的生存工资水平上。  相似文献   
英国的维多利亚时代是男女性别角色界定严重两极分化的时代,是谈性色变的时代.这个时代的主体文化价值对女性的期待都是理想的"永恒的女性",女性的社会角色大多被局限于家庭.但随着浪漫主义思潮引发的对个性化和想象力的推崇在一定程度上解放了女性思维的禁锢,维多利亚时代小说的兴起也提供给了女性作家可以接近的文体,所以女性写作在这个特定的社会转型时代兴起,在一定程度上修改了男性文本中不真实的女性形象.此时的女性写作大都采取了表面上与主体文化妥协实则篡改的方式,虽然这种篡改有时候只是悄悄的、隐蔽的努力.  相似文献   
中世纪晚期英格兰乡村社会发生了深刻的社会变化,劳动者逐渐从庄园制度束缚下解放出来,成为了自由农民.然而这种变化却呈现出明显的地区不平衡,其中东部和西南部各郡庄园制解体较早,自由农发展较快;而中部地区和米德兰平原自由农发展相对缓慢.东部和西南部地区自由农的主体是自由持有农,而米德兰和中部地区自由农以公簿农为主,东部和西南部自由农经济上也比米德兰和中部地区的自由农更加富裕.  相似文献   
妖巫信仰是近代早期欧洲普遍存在的现象,但在各国具体表现形式并不完全相同。在英国,“听差精灵”观念显得较为特殊。它不仅在英国妖巫信仰中占据着重要地位,同时亦标识出英国妖巫信仰在近代早期欧洲的独特性。  相似文献   
剖析《名利场》中蓓基的另一面   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《名利场》是一部批判现实主义作品 ,反映了维多利亚时代的风尚 ,萨克雷对当时虚伪、残忍的英国社会勇敢地表示出一种反叛精神 ,正是在这种精神的指引下 ,萨克雷笔下出现了光彩夺目的叛逆女性———蓓基·夏普。本文通过对蓓基品德的分析 ,展示维多利亚时代女性的处境和社会的本来面目  相似文献   
乔治·艾略特是19世纪维多利亚时代杰出的女作家,她的一生被视为妇女解放运动的“活标本”。艾略特对维多利亚时代的妇女观充满了质疑和鄙视,在其作品中,通过其笔下女性的命运对传统的妇女观提出了挑战,表明了自己独特的妇女观;其女性观又因为宗教信仰、美学思想和个人生活经历等因素而表现出一定的局限性。  相似文献   
盎格鲁-撒克逊晚期,生产力的发展和商品经济的活跃,为城市的兴起奠定了坚实的物资基础.丹麦战争中,王权为收复失地而采取的各项临时措施广泛的刺激了英国城市的发展,教会此时也以积极的力量出现在早期英国城市的发展舞台上.在这三种因素的综合作用下,英国城市在盎格鲁-撒克逊晚期开始发展壮大,从而缓缓拉开了此后几个世纪自治城市发展历程的序幕.  相似文献   
Work in perceptual dialectology has argued that listeners’ successful identification of accent areas is facilitated by their geographical proximity to a particular region. Montgomery ( 2007 , 2012 ) argues that this proximity effect is mediated by a ‘cultural prominence’ effect, where localities of high cultural salience seem less distant. We explore these claims using an online survey in which listeners were asked to identify the regional origin of speakers of five accents from England's ‘linguistic north’ (Liverpool, Manchester, Crewe, Stoke‐on‐Trent and Macclesfield) from audio clips of four different sentences. We show that the proximity and cultural prominence effects are partially supported, and that the proximity effect is driven by listeners’ likely contact with/experience of the dialect in question. We also show that listeners react differently to different sentences in the same accent. While some sentences are identified correctly very often, others, even for culturally prominent locations with distinctive accents (i.e. Liverpool), are hardly ever correctly identified. We connect this to the geographical distribution of the linguistic features in the clips, and we argue that the presence, absence and range of individual linguistic features should be systematically considered in all perceptual dialectology work which uses audio stimuli.  相似文献   
Questioning scholars who claim that the public humanities are the future of the humanities, this article argues that contemporary public humanities initiatives reproduce Victorian cultural logics by reinforcing divisions between popular and national culture, defining democracy through the state and state institutions and maintaining social inequality while perpetuating imperialism. It contends that like Victorian cultural critics, especially Matthew Arnold and John Stuart Mill, who differentiate between culture and public culture in order to exclude particular social groups from democratic participation, these contemporary programs define culture institutionally in order to secure the authority of the university. Instead of changing the principle of knowledge or cultural authority, the public humanities strengthen and legitimate established power relations as they exclude minority cultural groups. Warning against channelling new energy into old forms, the article concludes by focusing on public culture as a mode of relation rather than an institutional form.  相似文献   
本文拟从女作家小说叙事中的情感活动形式入手,论述中外女性文学群体在女性意识的言说中的一些共同规律.  相似文献   
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