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加入WTO对中国农村信用社将是一个更为严峻的挑战 ,农村信用社是否能一如既往地占住广大的农村金融市场 ,保住乡镇企业、农村个体企业及农户等客户群 ,为“三农”提供优质的服务 ,都将成为急待研究的问题 ,并寻找积极对策 ,以适应WTO金融服务规则的要求  相似文献   
Rita Claes 《Work and stress》2013,27(3):224-242
The model of sickness presence (SP) proposed by Aronsson and Gustafsson consists of two parts. The first postulates SP as an employee's reaction to his/her general state of health, and as depending on employee correlates relating to the individual and the job. The second proposes longitudinal relationships between SP and future health. The present study is the first to test the first part of the model outside Scandinavia. Positive sickness presence factors studied were work involvement and job satisfaction; negative presence factors were financial household contribution, time pressure at work, and perceived job insecurity. Control variables were general health, age, gender and autonomy. Data (N=2348) were gathered from a total of 110 organizations in four European countries (Belgium, Spain, Sweden and the UK) with differing welfare state regime, degree of employment protection, labour market and sickness absence-related indicators. The data were analysed by hierarchical multiple regression per country. The findings partially confirmed the Aronsson and Gustafsson model. In all countries, employee general health status was a prerequisite of SP, and time pressure at work related to SP. In Sweden and the UK, job satisfaction related to SP. In the UK, work involvement related to SP.  相似文献   
This paper intends to show both that a reform of the WTO is severely needed in order to establish a fairer international trade order but also that it is possible. The first section of this paper analyzes the functioning and the most controversial rules of the organization. The second and third sections intend to look for current opportunities of reforming the WTO by analyzing the main existing critical responses to the institution’s deficiencies—namely coalitions of southern Nation-States and global civil society movements—and their potential to achieve some change. It is concluded that these two key group actors, while playing different roles, do have common goals on selected issues of international trade and if so, their combined negotiating power is considerably increased for achieving a progress in the direction of a positive reform of the WTO for the developing world.
Alexandre S. de CrombruggheEmail:

Alexandre S. de Crombrugghe   Associate Economic Affairs Officer at UNCTAD. Beforehand, I worked for other international and civil society organizations in Europe and the developing world.  相似文献   
针对我国短期利率易受政策影响,波动较大并存在结构变化等特点,构建了跳跃 扩散 机制转换模型,同时考察了银行间 7 天同业拆借利率的波动、跳跃和结构变化三种效应,发现我国同业拆借利率不仅具有均值回归特性而且还存在明显的跳跃与机制转换,并且该模型 比其嵌套的受限模型表现更佳. 在高波动状态下利率波动的水平效应和 ARCH 效应可以忽略; 低波动状态下,水平效应可以忽略. 另外,跳跃具有聚类效应,高( 低) 的跳跃概率和高( 低)状态概率对应着高( 低) 利率和较高( 低) 的波动率,跳跃主要发生在高状态机制下,低状态机 制下发生跳跃的可能性很小.  相似文献   
韩志斌  李铁 《阿拉伯世界》2004,(5):22-24,33
6月28日,美英联军当局提前向伊临时政府移交权力,标志着伊拉克历时14个月的被占领状态在法律意义上正式结束,为实现“伊人治伊”目标迈出了重要一步。但临时政府将会遇到重重阻力和挑战,交权后,美对伊的控制地位不变,因此,未来的伊政治格局仍是美为幕后导演,登台主演的是伊临时政府。  相似文献   
The Jewish underground movement in the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1960s produced literature that became a part of the counterculture of Soviet dissent. For the first time in decades, Russian Jews identified, to a significant degree, as people of the galut (Jewish Diaspora). The battle for the return to Israel and the new Jewish renaissance in the intellectual sphere of the unofficial led to the emergence of new topographical concepts, which were inspired primarily by the Jewish cultural tradition. In fact, the exodus texts written in the 1960s–1980s represented a new, late Soviet shaping of Zionist prose. They relate to the symbol of the Promised Land as a fundamental projection of aspirations. Late Soviet Zionist texts share the traditional Jewish vision of Israel as an imagined topos of the original homeland that is both retrospective (with reference to the biblical promise of the land and the seizure of Canaan) and prospective (return and redemption). The Exodus story contained in Sefer Shemot becomes a leading poetic, philosophical and at times religiously charged metaphor of liberation and reunification. The re-strengthened collective memory of tradition required biblical symbols to be imbued with new semiotic power.

This paper will show that the historical dimension of the events dealt with in the literature often has strong mystical and mythological traits and displays messianic-apocalyptic hopes of salvation. However, alternative literary space and time models represented in the aliyah literature hereby betray their rootedness in the teleology of the communist regime. The powerful Israel utopia reflects both the eschatological time of the Soviet empire and its phantasms of paradise on earth. Late Soviet Zionism and totalitarian discourse are shown to be two space-time utopias.  相似文献   

浅谈文昌鸡产业化及其发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文昌鸡是美食品牌产品 ,与临高乳猪、东山羊、加积鸭被称为海南省四大名吃 .要发展文昌鸡产业 ,必须加强文昌鸡的信息网络建设 ;搞好提纯复壮、育种、生产与销售的有效结合 ;要做好规模与效益的统一 ;同时必须加强文昌鸡产业标准化建设和市场的调控力度 .加入WTO后 ,文昌鸡产业发展应采取加强与国际的合作和技术交流 ,抓好文昌鸡业生产的卫生与安全 ,实施文昌鸡保护工程等对策  相似文献   
功能性产业政策是一种既符合WTO规制要求 ,又有利于提升我国产业国际竞争力的产业政策。WTO的“绿箱”政策就是这种产业政策安排的典型体现。其基本特点是 :非专向性、非贸易扭曲性。实施功能性产业政策是我国入世后政府政策的必然选择。  相似文献   
加入WTO ,是中国经济发展的一个战略性转变 ,也是中国发展旅游经济的重要平台。从中国旅游业自身的优势分析 ,加入WTO后 ,我国旅游业发展将面临一系列挑战和前所未有的机遇。为应对挑战 ,中国旅游业应以竞争创新的姿态 ,全面拓展中国旅游业国际化的发展空间。  相似文献   
外商直接投资对我国国际收支风险的影响探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伴随着我国加入世贸组织,外商直接投资模式发生了很大变化,其资本、产业、来源结构变化十分明显,这必然给我国经济带来新的影响和不稳定因素。本文通过对外商直接投资对我国国际收支风险的影响分析研究,揭示出我国国际收支远期的危机较大,将会由潜在风险向显性化发展。  相似文献   
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