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苏文健 《东方论坛》2014,(2):113-119
本雅明的"辩证形象"来源于其前期的"寓言"与"星座"等美学概念,具有视觉文化观照下的历史性与视觉性两个重要审美维度。本雅明在此基础上对现代性史前史进行了深入挖掘,并批判了现存的资本主义弊病。这种"视觉政治"推动了他对"救赎视觉学"的思考与建构。  相似文献   
在 19世纪,中国最大的一项翻译工程大概要算是《圣经》翻译了。从 19世纪 20年代到60年代,先后有五种《圣经》中译本由新教宣教会完成并出版问世。本文所讨论之《圣经》委办本,亦涉及许多传教士和他们的中国助手。围绕《圣经》中译之方法,传教士之间发生了激烈争吵。争论的焦点主要集中于究竟是绝对忠实于希伯来和希腊原文,还是要保证中国读者能够读懂接受。争论的第二个焦点在于中译本的文言水平(白话《圣经》中译本是稍晚才出现的) :究竟是用受教育者能接受的标准文言,还是用初识文墨之人亦能读懂的更粗浅的文言 .有关读者接受以及标准文言使用之话题的挑起者,乃传教士麦都思,他期待能够完成一部可以被称为中国文学的《圣经》中译本。在 1843年至 1854 年间完成的“《圣经》委办本”中,麦都思最终几乎将自己的理想付诸实施。此目标的基本要求就是要找到中国协作者,协作者能够将传教士及其中国助手的工作转化成让人接受的中国散文。麦都思最初的人选为王昌桂,他是一位教授中国经典的儒生,但在新约《圣经》完成之前已去世。麦都思继而聘用了他当时尚年轻的儿子王韬,王韬协助完成了整部《圣经》,同时还写了一些宣教小册子,并修订了一部圣歌集。王韬的译者经历亦让我们对其早期思想的发展有了诸多了解。  相似文献   
在本雅明的笔下,现代都市中的游荡者既是现代性的产物,也是现代性的观察者.游荡者漫无目的地在都市中游逛,行走在店铺林立的街头,穿梭于熙攘的人群中,欣赏着商品经济制造的琳琅满目的文化形象,但却脱离于现代都市生活的节奏.游荡者被现代都市生活所遗弃,但又深处都市生活的中心地带,以冷眼旁观的姿态观察着都市生活,他的视角是那些忙忙碌碌的都市男女所不具备的,正是这个视角使他能够洞悉都市生活的本质.  相似文献   
In this paper I draw on Walter Benjamin's understanding of the flâneur, memory and history to discuss my recent ethnographic fieldwork on the cultural history of abandoned spaces and places in rural Saskatchewan, Canada. By utilizing Benjamin's notion of historical accumulation that is based in individual perception, I ask how abandoned spaces can create reflexive textual meaning through the process of historical accumulation in space. Additionally, I work to develop a conflux of Bakhtin's notion of the chronotope and Benjamin's theories of time, history and memory to create an understanding of abandoned space that sees isolation and depopulated locations as fertile grounds for cultural critique.

I also invoke Benjamin's writing on the figure of the flâneur in my methodological approach to anthropological fieldwork by transferring the image of the urban wanderer (the flâneur) into the context of an 1000 kilometre driving trip through Saskatchewan, Canada that I undertook in search of abandoned spaces and objects to document in writing, photography and video. Here, I discuss the ways in which Benjamin's notions of the flâneur and history/memory can be effectively integrated into the practice and theory of contemporary ethnographic inquiry.  相似文献   
美国外交史学中的“威斯康星学派”是一个富有特色的学派。该学派之所以能够在20世纪60年代崛起于威斯康星大学,除了威大历史上的进步主义史学传统这一丰厚的思想资源外,一个激进的史学家社区的存在,及紧密的私人情谊,是该学派得以创立的根本保证。正是通过威廉斯,美国外交史学中的“进步主义”传统才得以从查尔斯·比尔德、哈林顿一代,传递给了拉夫伯、加德纳和麦考密克一代;也正是威廉斯组建了一个人员基础雄厚的激进知识分子社区,并通过这一社区,把他本人以及拉夫伯等人置放在富有成果的思想脉络当中,从而获得创新的能量,然后打开局面,开宗立派。  相似文献   
本文讨论西方诗歌、特别是拉丁文和德文诗歌汉译中所涉及的句法问题和翻译理论问题。其中对句法的讨论涉及汉语和拉丁语、德语的句法结构差异以及相关的修辞格式;对翻译哲学的讨论涉及便雅悯著名的翻译论文。论文所讨论的诗歌主要包括贺拉修和荷尔德林的作品。  相似文献   
对本雅明翻译观的解读,既不能当作现代翻译研究所关心的技巧问题,也不能将本氏的前后文本割裂开来,必须从语言批判—接受之维—解构诠释这样一个思想轨迹入手,注意它的转向和转变。只有把本雅明翻译作为隐寓,才能剀切地认识到他对现代性危机的批判。  相似文献   

Addressing processes of cultural memory and mental appropriation in leisure architecture, this study relies on the fact that, in Denmark, summerhouses are often sold with furniture and objects representing the former owners and their ways of life. The theoretical starting point is formed by a discussion of Gaston Bachelard’s notion of “childhood home.” A menaced phenomenon in today’s urbanized reality, the childhood home and its mental values may indirectly be cultivated and reinterpreted by way of summerhouses. Buying a partly furnished summerhouse involves a joint encounter with immobilier (real estate) and mobilier (movables). In this way, a dialogue between the actual residents and a larger cultural history comes about. Built 1960/1971, the summerhouse studied here belongs to the author and his family. Archival and photographic experiments carried out after the acquisition in 1998 support reflections on space and life, now and in the previous history of the house.  相似文献   
米契尔在满足延宕方面做了大量研究,取得了一些富有创新性的成果,成为这方面的头号代表人物。他在批判传统人格理论的基础上,强调个体与情境之间的相互作用,提出了五种认知社会学习个体变量,来解释个体间行为的差异,和坎特一起探讨了个体对人和情境进行分类的认知原型方法。1995年,米契尔等人扩展了社会认知方法,提出了认知-情感人格系统理论,做出了整合人格心理学的尝试。  相似文献   
During the past few years, the international agencies have been playing down economic growth as the main road to the elimination of poverty and emphasizing the role of asset and income redistribution. The latest reflection of this attitude is the so-called “basic needs” approach. This essay attempts to demonstrate that where economic growth has been sufficiently high and sustained, it has been a powerful means of alleviating poverty. Growth has not “failed”; there is simply not enough International agencies should be cautious in advocating redistribution, for the results .  相似文献   
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