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明清理学与文学的论争主要基于世道人心与文学表达方式能否实现“传道”的功能以及传道应该借助的途径和手段。明代关中士人,诸如李梦阳和康海等人尽管以诗文见长,但都是在理学环境浸润下成长起来的士人,对这一问题的看法和传统持有相同观点。清初关中士人基于家国情怀,具有强烈的遗民情结,他们出于对世道人心的焦虑,大都对文学中非理学的成分保持一定的心理距离。  相似文献   
在经济全球化浪潮的冲击下,由于实用主义和重商主义等因素,国内高校的英美文学教学面临来自学科内外的困境。新世纪以来,不少学者和英语教师针对英美文学教学现状进行了相关研究,试图找到解决这些困境的思路和方法。本文对新世纪15年来国内英美文学教学研究状况进行简要回顾,并展望了高校英美文学教学的前景。  相似文献   
协商民主是20世纪80年代兴起的一种民主范式,其学说理论受到学界的广泛关注.通过对协商民主的文献分析,从总体上把握这一研究领域的进展情况.对协商民主的理论思考体现出不同的观点:从中国特色协商民主制度的发展考量,社会主义民主应采取刚性民主和柔性民主相结合;从协商民主对中国所具有的意义维度考察,它是适合中国国情的民主政治形态;从协商民主理论的场域实践来看,中国的协商民主实践和对其认知要早于西方;从对协商民主理论的政治认同来看,它非常近切地契合了中国的国情.在对协商民主的探索实践中,学者进行了多维度的解读和阐释,观点精彩纷呈.深入、系统研究协商民主理论对中国民主政治发展将不无裨益.  相似文献   
Historically, the development literature concerned with Latin American labour markets has focused on job numbers and productivity. But given the persistence of large shares of informal and now otherwise precarious employment, the authors argue that meaningful analysis also requires consideration of the implications of occupational status for the quality of employment. Based on empirical evidence from recent decades, they conclude that most dimensions of this concept – including social protection – depend on the conclusion of a written contract of employment. This finding leads them to outline policy options for stabilizing formal employment and securing adequate funding for social protection.  相似文献   
The Jewish underground movement in the Soviet Union in the second half of the 1960s produced literature that became a part of the counterculture of Soviet dissent. For the first time in decades, Russian Jews identified, to a significant degree, as people of the galut (Jewish Diaspora). The battle for the return to Israel and the new Jewish renaissance in the intellectual sphere of the unofficial led to the emergence of new topographical concepts, which were inspired primarily by the Jewish cultural tradition. In fact, the exodus texts written in the 1960s–1980s represented a new, late Soviet shaping of Zionist prose. They relate to the symbol of the Promised Land as a fundamental projection of aspirations. Late Soviet Zionist texts share the traditional Jewish vision of Israel as an imagined topos of the original homeland that is both retrospective (with reference to the biblical promise of the land and the seizure of Canaan) and prospective (return and redemption). The Exodus story contained in Sefer Shemot becomes a leading poetic, philosophical and at times religiously charged metaphor of liberation and reunification. The re-strengthened collective memory of tradition required biblical symbols to be imbued with new semiotic power.

This paper will show that the historical dimension of the events dealt with in the literature often has strong mystical and mythological traits and displays messianic-apocalyptic hopes of salvation. However, alternative literary space and time models represented in the aliyah literature hereby betray their rootedness in the teleology of the communist regime. The powerful Israel utopia reflects both the eschatological time of the Soviet empire and its phantasms of paradise on earth. Late Soviet Zionism and totalitarian discourse are shown to be two space-time utopias.  相似文献   

Exploring intergenerational themes in children’s literature, this article shares the perspective of one grandfather and the reactions of educators in response to stories of young and old. Four themes found within intergenerational children’s literature are identified: (a) perceptions of grandparents’ interests and personalities, (b) passing down of knowledge, (c) shared moments/adventures, and (d) perceptions of aging. Intended as a reference point for educators as they select books depicting intergenerational themes, a question asked is, What is at the heart of the matter when it comes to children’s literature depicting themes of young and old?  相似文献   
李新宽 《北方论丛》2007,4(6):77-82
重商主义时代是现代企业组织起源的关键时期,英国在从封建社会向资本主义社会过渡的过程中,生产和交换的组织形式不断变革,在复杂的历史形态中逐渐走向成熟,特别是股份公司的"法人革命",奠定了现代企业制度的基础。  相似文献   
毛巧晖 《晋阳学刊》2007,(5):121-124
"延安文艺座谈会"召开之后,解放区掀起了一场新秧歌运动。新秧歌呈现了一个全新的"民间",它的主体为工农兵,内容与主流话语一致。当时的权威话语期望新秧歌既能成为新文艺,同时又不脱离民间,但它的创作者追随意识形态话语,忽视了艺术性和文化内涵,使得它在历史上只是昙花一现,既没有对书面文学产生触动,也没有在民间文学领域留下痕迹。新秧歌运动的历史经验与教训在当今仍具有警示作用。  相似文献   
“区域化”取向与近代史研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
王先明认为,学术意义上的区域史研究,是指在一定时空内具有同质性或共趋性的区域历史进程的研究,而近年来的所谓区域史研究,大多不过是研究的区域化取向而已。张利民认为,区域史是研究一定空间范围的历史,因此,研究者既要考虑环境对区域形成与演变的作用和影响,更要注重自然科学尚不能包容的政治、经济、社会、文化等人文因素。吴宏岐认为,区域比较研究目前已是学者们习惯采用的分析方法,但是,仅靠区域个性特征之间的比较还是远远不够的,还需用辩证统一的观点考察区域社会现象之间相互影响、相互作用的关系。唐力行认为,以往的中国近代史研究是以宏大叙事见长的,强调的是历史的阶段性和进步性,往往忽略了历史发展的延续性,而实际上,传统社会的延续性和巨大惯性仍在历史的深层左右着近代历史的定向。因此,关注历史发展的延续性,才能真正实现社会整体史的研究目标。  相似文献   
人文教育与大学人才培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重新认识人文文化和人文教育 ,提升它在高等教育中的地位 ,并努力促成它与科学教育的融合 ,是新世纪全球性的教育话题。这个既古老又年轻的教育理念 ,是大学教育改革和提高人才质量的必然要求 ,也是现代大学的追求。在人文教育与人才培养过程中 ,在人文教育与科学教育的交融过程中 ,文学艺术教育具有特殊的意义 ,发挥着巨大的作用  相似文献   
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