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In the estimation of a proportion p by group testing (pooled testing), retesting of units within positive groups has received little attention due to the minimal gain in precision compared to testing additional units. If acquisition of additional units is impractical or too expensive, and testing is not destructive, we show that retesting can be a useful option. We propose the retesting of a random grouping of units from positive groups, and compare it with nested halving procedures suggested by others. We develop an estimator of p for our proposed method, and examine its variance properties. Using simulation we compare retesting methods across a range of group testing situations, and show that for most realistic scenarios, our method is more efficient.  相似文献   
社会资本在聋儿成长中具有非常重要的作用。重构聋儿社会资本成为社会康复的核心内容。在聋儿听力康复过程中,由于聋儿游戏群体的缺失、家长的认识偏误以及家长社会资本的不足等原因,导致聋儿社会资本不足的问题非常突出。文章从小组工作视角出发,提出通过组建聋儿游戏群体,增进聋儿家长社会资本,重构聋儿社会资本的建议。  相似文献   
伍德罗·威尔逊秉承基督教长老派思想,站在超验主义的立场反思科学主义,他批判结构主义造成的新迷信,坚持传统的文本解读策略。威尔逊的文学经典三原则维护文学的人文属性,体现出世纪之交的美国新保守主义思想,其文学观的时代意义在于用新古典主义重建社会价值体系。  相似文献   
《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):73-89

Within the social work profession, one's world view, one's beliefs and values based on one's experiences, strongly influences one's practice and comfort with groups. This paper will examine some of the different ways of viewing the world held by practitioners and students in relation to the likelihood that they will be able to work effectively with groups. Such examination, and the identification of the differences among social workers that results from it has implications for both teaching and supervision in social work. These implications will be discussed and specific principles and techniques for teaching social workers, in education and in supervision, based on their world views will be described. This paper aims to enrich education for group work so that the community of social group work practitioners can grow and continue to thrive.  相似文献   
清代钱塘闺秀的文学生活比较活跃,有三个突出特征:其一,一门风雅:家族内的几代女性都能吟诗作词,她们学词的途径通常是通过家族内部诸如父母的亲自教诲或拜社会上的名师学习或自学成材;其二,彼此唱酬:钱塘闺秀彼此间的唱酬也由个别的、零散的现象变成一种群体的、集中的文学活动。这些女性不仅在家族内部女性之间、夫妇之间、更与其他男性文人间接席联吟;其三,结集英华:她们产生了自觉的立言意识,因此她们有意识地为自己或者为他人结集,或者她们的作品经由夫婿或其他男性文人结集,从而使得她们的文学成果能够保留下来。  相似文献   
回族是在中国历史上发展形成的一个民族群体,并对中国社会发生重大的影响。把民族与宗教信仰紧密联系在一起,是中国回族最突出的特点,也是最重要的特点。中国回族实际上是直接受到两种思想和两种文化的影响和教育。中国回族先民在融会贯通伊斯兰思想和儒家思想方面,有许多创新和独到之处,积累了丰富的经验,提出了许多切实可行的理论和观点,取得了很好的效果,也树立了不同思想和文化之间交流和对话的典范。今天,在新形势下,我们更应该发扬这种精神,积极创造条件,加强民族团结,促进社会和谐。  相似文献   
曾经的辉煌与当下的衰败、曾经的核心与目前的边缘化所造成的失落感,三大圣地、《古兰经》与先知穆罕默德的相继蒙羞和遭辱所带来的受辱感,历史的创伤记忆与现实的生存困窘共同积淀成了一种顽强的集体潜意识,形成阿拉伯—伊斯兰民众仇恨与暴力相交织的心理死结,外现为以暴易暴、铤而走险甚至不断丧失自我。因此,阿拉伯—伊斯兰世界应在不断抵抗西方霸权主义对中东诸多利益的制衡中,努力变革滞后于全球化主潮的落后现状。否则,将面临更为严重的民族和地区的倒退,危及世界和平与稳定。  相似文献   
刘勰《文心雕龙》无论是对理论体系的设置,还是对具体问题的论述,或是对总纲五篇的排序,抑或是用“文心”来为全书命名,均体现出一种由内及外的思维方式。而归根结底,这种思维方式源于南朝礼学,所以《文心雕龙》与礼学在思维方式层面具有鲜明的异质同构性。刘勰的思想精神与立身行事体现出其积极入世的儒家情怀,彰显出对礼学的热衷推崇,可以说进行礼学批评是其撰写《文心雕龙》的一个动机,以此敷赞圣旨,进而谋求仕进。因此,《文心雕龙》彰显出浓厚的礼学思想特色,具有深厚的礼学蕴涵,由内及外的思维方式正是其礼学蕴涵的表现之一。  相似文献   
《中国少数民族文艺理论集成》一书的出版填补了我国文艺理论研究史上的不少空白.但由于此书成于众手,错舛之处亦在所难免,按页码顺序从该书中可拣出除刘禹锡部分(刘禹锡部分有另文论之)之外的、有明显误漏的注释十二条,并有翔实的史料可为此举证.  相似文献   
One essential dilemma for modern clinical social work involves the relationship between the processes taking place inside the self and the social, cultural, and political developments affecting a person from the outside. The group-analysis approach focuses on four levels of relationships and communication within the group, among others a primordial level of shared myths, archetypical images, and the collective unconscious as an important component of psychotherapy. This article describes group-analysis therapy with women, analyzing a therapeutic process that used social myths to explore the formative institutionalization processes participants had undergone, thereby expanding themselves, growing, and changing.
Orit Nuttman-ShwartzEmail: Email:
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