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Prior research has examined race and class bias embedded in media presentations of pregnant drug users; however, this past research is limited in identifying biases because it focuses on single substances—primarily crack cocaine. I build on this work by conducting a comparative analysis of more than 15 years worth of New York Times articles on three drugs (crack cocaine, alcohol, and tobacco) used during pregnancy. These three drugs have varying levels of deleterious effects on fetal development and infant health, as well as varying levels of use by poor and minority women. Because of this variation, I am able to assess whether media coverage of pregnant drug‐using women is proportional to the documented adverse consequences of specific drugs or, rather, whether media coverage is higher and more negative for poor and minority pregnant women regardless of the degree of adverse health consequences associated with the specific drug used. Through this analysis, I demonstrate that the prevalence and framing of news stories about pregnant drug‐using women has little to do with protecting the health of children. Rather, concern for children is a rhetorical tool used to define poor and minority women as bad mothers and blame them for contemporary changes in families.  相似文献   
根据全国25个省(市)1985—2009年的面板数据,实证分析几个关键因素对农村土地抛荒(种粮补贴和粮食价格)的影响。结果表明:种粮补贴对农村土地抛荒的发生概率没有显著性影响,增加种粮补贴并未减少农村土地抛荒。原因在于种粮补贴机制不健全,政府应改变种粮补贴政策的具体执行方式,使之成为种粮的激励因素。粮食价格对农村土地抛荒的发生概率具有显著性影响,提高粮食价格能减少农村土地抛荒,但作用有限,其原因一是第一产业收入低于工资性收入,不再成为农户最重要的收入来源;二是粮食市场体系不完善。因此,政府应打破粮食市场垄断局面,粮食收购企业应建立粮食质量信息甄选机制,消除信息不对称和逆向选择,促进粮食收购企业和粮农之间的良性循环。  相似文献   
古今中外的文学作品中,常常会出现"弃婴"的形象."弃婴"的过去往往无据可查,"弃婴"的未来却是五花八门."弃婴",较常人更有故事的可塑性,引起的社会思考也更多更复杂.文学作品中的"弃婴"故事是作者依据一定的文学理论创造出来的,可以说文学作品中的"弃婴"其实就是作者的孩子.  相似文献   
失依儿童是需要特别扶持的弱势群体,对其进行社会救助不仅是儿童健康成长的需要,也是社会事业改革创新的要求,体现了国家的责任和社会的义务。但是目前的失依儿童社会救助仍然存在困境,家庭的抚育作用有限、制度的保障程度不足、社会救助和支持缺乏,他们处于孤立无援、无依无靠的生活状态。究其原因,主要是我国儿童权利保护法律缺失、制度性保障政策救助范围狭窄、儿童救助保护机制缺位和社会力量薄弱,因此我们需要在分析其救助困境的基础上更加重视失依儿童的救助和扶持。  相似文献   
褒姒的"烽火戏诸侯"与帕里斯和海伦的爱火导致了一个国家的灭亡和一座城池的毁灭,遭受灭亡的周王朝与特洛亚城,其毁灭的过程有着惊人的相似。透过弃婴的故事模式,我们能够从伦理和理性的比较中了解到中西文化的差异。  相似文献   
毛泽东是一位通晓中国历史和中国文化的伟人,国学功底深厚,其建党思想批判地吸取和辩证地融合了中国传统文化的精粹。党的实事求是思想路线是毛泽东对实事求是这一古代优良学风的扬弃成果,大同思想为毛泽东确立党的最高纲领提供了丰富思想材料,尚贤思想成为任人唯贤干部路线的重要活水源头,民本思想为群众路线提供了历史参照系,重德精神与中国共产党重视党员修养有着密切联系,群体意识对中国共产党集体主义精神产生深远影响,中庸思想与党内斗争理论具有历史渊源关系。通过对这些优秀传统文化的扬弃,诞生了具有中国气派和民族风格的无产阶级政党理论。  相似文献   
井冈山斗争时期,以毛泽东为代表的共产党人和红军官兵,在深入调研了解群众利益需求的基础上,制定正确的政策、采取有效的措施,用铁的纪律和奉献的精神,真心实意为群众谋利益凝聚民心,从而创建了井冈山根据地,创造性地探索出一条适合中国国情的中国革命的新的发展道路。  相似文献   
尽管第二次世界大战结束已有50多年,但日本军队在侵华战争中遗弃在中国领土内的化学武器却一直对我国的生态环境和人民生命财产造成严重危害。从国际法的角度看,这些化学武器的受害者能不能提出诉讼,有没有权利要求赔偿,本文将这两个基本问题并结合前不久东京地方法庭的一个判决和日本政府在该案中所陈述的论点,拟从国际法的基本原则和规定来进行阐述。  相似文献   
《绿化树》在发表后引起很大轰动。通过对"才子佳人"模式的再思考,对以往"马缨花不具有主体性"的说法提出质疑,认为马缨花是乐观开朗并带有自身主体性的女性。借助西方"菲逻各斯"理论来阐释男性在父权意识形态下的屈从状态,颠覆传统评论认为的男性的权威主体性,在男女形象的裂缝中探寻女性的主体性。  相似文献   
Birthright citizenship is often a subject of important national debates on immigration. From a historical perspective, the influx of Mexican and Chinese immigrants to the United Stated has elicited politically charged efforts to deny the right of US citizenship to their children. Based on a review of popular discursive frames concerning the politics of birthright citizenship, this essay identifies and critiques the arguments from both ends of the political spectrum. We conclude that, by and large, the substance of their legal and philosophical arguments is old, hackneyed responses from decades ago. However, on many symbolic levels, the current rhetoric is quite uncharacteristically caustic, with a focus on racialized and gendered discourses among nationalist groups. We seek to explain why this is the case. Framed as ‘genderacing immigrant subjects’, this essay examines the politics of naming (or nomenclature) through the construction of the racially gendered referent in public discourse, thereby ascribing socially resonant meanings that naturalize a call for draconian policy measures in order to socially engineer the national body.  相似文献   
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