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学术期刊作为传播学术信息和学术成果的载体,它与学术论文的价值大小之间具有对应性和不对应性的传播关系,两者之间也并不能简单地画等号.作为一种传播媒介,学术期刊也并不具备评价已公开发表的论文价值尺度的功能,而单纯以某类刊物作为评价论文价值和奖励依据的方法,也缺乏合理性和科学性,因此,必须尊重学术文化创造和传播的规律,才能打造出学术名作和名著.  相似文献   
《伊洛渊源录》与学案体   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对“学案”的概念进行了甄别,对关于朱熹《伊洛渊源录》是否为学案体著作存在着的两种对立观点进行了辨析,认为应当认定《伊洛渊源录》为学案体的发端之作。同时,从学术史的角度考察了《伊洛渊源录》等学案体著作对先秦迄汉诸子学术史论、正史《儒林传》及目录著作等具有学术史性质著作的营养的汲取。  相似文献   
论高校社科学报特色栏目的策划与建设   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
分析了高校社科学报目前存在的诸多问题:一是数量多,刊名相似;二是特色趋同,影响小;三是办刊模式陈旧,市场意识缺乏。认为高校社科学报在市场竞争中生存下去的手段是开办特色栏目,并指出设置特色栏目的方法:找准特色,开发作者群,选择好学术带头人。  相似文献   
近几年来,学术界的批评气氛颇为浓厚,但也出现了些不良现象:目标散乱,重点不突出;批评的态度不正常;参战者少、旁观者众;学术管理机构、学术行政领导对有学术道德问题的学者态度暧昧.要发展正常、健康的学术批评,要建章立制,规范学术批评活动;要肯定和支持学术批评的成果;要开辟更多的新阵地,提供更多的活动平台.  相似文献   
The discourse of some of the most powerful public figures in today’s world is often incoherent and nonsensical. Incoherent yet authoritative discourse shows that authority does not rest in language but results from non‐linguistic and pre‐textual conditions. The non‐linguistic and pre‐textual conditions are exemplified in an Australian case‐study of a media debate between the Immigration Minister and a refugee, drawing on research by Smith‐Khan (2019a, 2019b). Two such conditions are then examined with reference to academic publics. First, I ask which languages do or do not carry authority, before moving on to speaker identity as a condition of authority. The close association between English and academic excellence has resulted in diminishing the authority of academic publications in languages other than English. The same is true of publications by women and people of colour. I close by reflecting on referencing practices as forms of extending authoritativeness to voices in excluded languages and from excluded scholars in academic publics.  相似文献   
In this commentary, we argue that plagiarism is not a new problem in academic publishing and data falsification in recent times has received a great attention globally. Due to lack of literature, the objective of this study is to evaluate data falsification and academic integrity. Accordingly, the study presents the academic misconduct (Falsification/Fabrication of data and Concerns/Issues About Data) case of Professor James E. Hunton, a former top ranked accounting professor from Bentley University. The study shows how research fraud/data falsification activity in the academic world lacks honesty and morality. The study offers some recommendations for the detection of plagiarism and academic misconduct. In the age of the Internet and digital era, Crossref, iThenticate, the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) would help to detect plagiarism. However, the question remains on detecting data falsification in the academic world.  相似文献   
司法过程在不同的场域中遵循的是不同的逻辑:在学术场域中,司法过程是一个发现真理的过程,法律解释和法律推理是追求法律真理的手段;在权力场域中,司法过程事实上是各行动者之间的权力话语斗争,法律解释和法律推理是法官根据特定权力场域的权力关系所利用的一种策略。两种相互冲突的逻辑必须在司法过程中达到完好的整合,只有这样,才能为司法过程中的权力关系提供合法性。  相似文献   
论高校辅导员在学风建设中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对合肥市七所高校的1 200名学生进行问卷调查,发现高校学风中存在一些问题,需要我们给予高度重视。高校辅导员具有管理与育人的双重身份,在学风建设中起着不可替代的作用。文章就高校辅导员如何充分发挥在学风建设中的作用,提出了一些意见。  相似文献   
法律规范的逻辑结构新论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将法律后果界定为法律规范的逻辑构成要素,不仅与法律规则和法律部门的划分理论相矛盾,而且与立法、执法和司法实践相冲突。法律后果中应包含奖励,有肯定性法律后果和否定性后果。规范适用的条件应是法律规范的逻辑构成要素。法律后果要素本身就是一个完整的法律规范,法律规范的逻辑结构只由规范适用的条件(或称为假定)和行为模式(或称为处理)构成。  相似文献   
王栋从关注民生的角度阐述了人欲的合理性,竭力反对"去人欲"的观点,提出了人欲不能无的主张。他认为"人欲不能无",理学家提出"察私防欲"的主张是由于对"慎独"的错误理解造成的。同时,王栋还指出人的物质需求是不能遏制的,只是要注意"节约"罢了。孔子的"克己"、孟子的"寡欲"的核心乃实指"节欲"之意。不过,王栋所说的"人欲不能无"中的"人欲"也并非指一切人欲,而是指满足人生存和发展需要的合理的人欲。事实上王栋是反对"恶欲"的。他要人们时刻保持良好的心态,少忧戚,多坦荡。努力做到"淡而不厌"。  相似文献   
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