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校园文化对高校德育实效的促进作用及其实现措施研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从研究校园文化与德育的关系入手,重点分析了校园文化的教化、导向和辐射作用对德育实效的促进,结合当前高校校园文化对德育的影响,提出应采取多方面措施推动校园文化建设,提高高校德育实效。  相似文献   
艰苦奋斗精神的时代内涵及弘扬途径   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
艰苦奋斗精神是中华民族的传统美德和民族精神 ,中国共产党的三代领导人都高度重视用艰苦奋斗精神教育和武装全党。实现中华民族伟大复兴 ,唱响时代主旋律 ,提高全民族的思想道德素质和科学文化教育水平 ,都需要弘扬艰苦奋斗精神。应当与时俱进 ,科学地理解艰苦奋斗精神的时代内涵 :艰苦奋斗是志存高远、克己奉公的人生境界 ,是昂扬向上、发奋图强的精神风貌 ,是坚韧不拔、求真务实的工作作风 ,是简约朴素、吃苦耐劳的生活态度。培养大学生艰苦奋斗精神的有效教育方式 ,可以有以下几种 :开展励志教育 ;融入专业教学 ;大力加强实践教学 ;大力加强体育工作。  相似文献   
中华人民共和国成立之前,中国共产党就为新中国政治制度和政治体制的建立进行了理论 探讨,形成了比较完整的理论。这些理论包括:以中国国情为基础发展中国政治,社会主义、共产主义的 政治发展目标,通过革命建设中国民主政治,国体和政体,统一战线,民族区域自治。这些理论成果为新 中国政治制度和政治体制的建立做了重要的理论准备。  相似文献   
本文主要考察小学语文课本各册《生字表》同《汉字频度表》的对应关系,结果发现,《生字表》里分布的具体汉字没有很好地按照字频由高到低的顺序来安排学习,存在比较明显的阶段性分布不合理问题,有待改进。  相似文献   
Declining inter-industry wage dispersion in the US   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Industrial effects have long been significant factors in wage inequality. Previous research indicates that wage differentials across industries were increasing through the mid 1980s. Using more recent data, however, we find that the level of inter-industry wage dispersion declined by 36% from 1986 to 2002 despite the continued trend towards increasing inequality in the labor force. This decline in inter-industry wage dispersion is evident across gender and educational groups. Using multilevel growth curve models, our multivariate results indicate that the decline is only weakly related to industrial changes in education, occupation or even productivity despite the fact that the latter variable had been a critical factor in the prior period. Indicators of globalization and downsizing also do not appear to explain this decline. For the more recent period, the most important factors associated with the narrowing of inter-industry wage dispersion are reduced unionization rates and the higher proportion of casual workers. We interpret these results as suggesting that firms may now be less economically obliged to pass on a portion of their rents to broad groups of workers and may instead be engaged in more idiosyncratic processes of negotiation with individual workers based on micro-level sources of bargaining power.  相似文献   
为了解"两课"新方案设置以来高校政治理论课程教学改革的实效,厘清教学中存在的问题与难点,进行针对性教学,就此展开综合调研,结果显示大多数同学对马克思主义理论课的必要性表示认同,对马克思主义的最新理论成果——"三个代表"重要思想都显示出高度的关注,但对传统教学方法难以认同。政治理论课程自身更应根据时代和社会实践的发展而发展,并重新进行定位。  相似文献   
由于办学形式的多样化,高校后勤社会化步伐的加快,高校预算会计在实际工作中不能及时反映高校财务状况的全貌,没有及时反映资产和负债在某一时点的真实状况。本文对高校预算会计情况进行了分析,并提出了改革建议。  相似文献   
增强实效性,是加强和改进高校思想政治教育的关键问题。重点阐述了实效性的涵义和基本要求,明确提出了优化社会环境、加强理论创新、深化思想政治教育改革是增强实效性的根本途径;加强教师队伍建设,是增强实效性的保证,进而指出了职业化、专业化是搞好师资队伍建设的理性选择。  相似文献   
The arrest of Pete Townshend, lead guitarist for The Who, for downloading and possessing Internet child pornography and the publicity surrounding the case provides an initial point of discussion concerning the emergence of an ethics of the image that is not predicated on the actual evidential status of that image but on more virtual forms of observation. The discussion in this article focuses on three substantive aspects of this event - legislation in the UK and the US, expert psychological discourse, and public discussion in the UK press - in order to present a particular and situated rendering of forms of virtual observation. The context to this discussion concerns the notion that digital imaging technology presages a need for new legislation, law enforcement and social analytical frameworks for understanding and tackling the production, distribution and consumption of images of child sexual abuse.  相似文献   
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