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How does the US recruit its citizen spies used to maintain and proliferate coercive power? I use an interdisciplinary approach and a framework of affect theory to argue that there is an ‘affective security curriculum’ (ASC) that assists in explaining the tendencies towards jingoism used in the recruitment and indoctrination of students – as future security workers – in certain academic disciplines. The ASC is precisely the phenomenon that works to construct this expert class and is produced by order words, the most crucial of which is ‘terrorism’, as well as larger cultural norms linked to neoliberalism that have achieved near total dominance since the 1980s. The ASC works by intensifying the (in)ability to act for those in its domain. The necessity of linguistically proficient security workers to the US’ hegemonic project makes this a question of considerable political importance. The ASC is a different approach to answering questions of how US hegemony is maintained. Whereas positivist research agendas, such as content analysis, and postpositivist approaches, such as critical discourse analysis, certainly have their uses (and to which my notion of ASC is indebted), paradigms such as these fail to focus on the engendering processes at work vis-à-vis the expert class, without which the discursive frames such methodologies analyse would simply dissipate. My overarching purpose in this paper is to develop the concept of the ASC, its quiddity, and to present at least an incipient methodology for analysing its critical duties. As my primary intent is to introduce and conceptualize the theoretical framework of the affective security curriculum, the applied segment of this endeavour will be relatively brief – and is designed as a primer for further research.  相似文献   
Responding to the call for culturally informed research on autism spectrum (AS) to allow for the provision of appropriate services, this paper qualitatively explores the affective experience of five Korean learners identified with AS and cognitive difficulties by listening to their voices. The learners, supported by the use of visual aids and a choice of their preferred mode of communication, expressed the complexity of their inner experience that encompassed abilities as well as difficulties. The findings highlight the commonalities of experience between Korean and non-Korean individuals with AS, along with some aspects specific to the Korean cultural context.  相似文献   
何光超 《云梦学刊》2005,26(3):99-101
樊川是杜牧幼年和青少年成长的地方,这里秀美的山水孕育了他的樊川情结,家庭的变故和仕途的失意进一步强化了这一情结。在本质上,杜牧是把樊川作为他理想人格的观照,并在潜意识中把它作为人生漂泊中灵魂栖居的精神家园,从而与现实世界相对立而存在。  相似文献   
为了对欧里庇得斯所创作的《美狄亚》中女主人公美狄亚的“母杀子”行为作出更深入而科学的解释,尝试运用病理心理学理论对美狄亚进行“临床诊断”;探讨美狄亚情感性精神障碍病的病因、病理、心理变化及由此引发的复仇行为;从人的自然属性和社会属性两方面及其相互作用来阐述、探析美狄亚复仇的本质。  相似文献   
语言是人类所特有的,人类的语言具有极大的表现力和创造力.成语是人们在劳动实践与认识世界的过程中提炼出来的思想结晶,是语言中的精华,就像一面镜子能明显地反映出一个民族的文化特征.从汉英成语的语言现象出发,特别是从词语的联想意义出发,从对比语言学角度对汉英成语进行对比分析,探其异同以及相互之间的关系以加深对汉英成语的理解,提高汉英成语的运用的能力,促进外语教学及跨文化交际.  相似文献   
情感因素在现代教育特别是现代外语教育中的地位越来越突出.积极情感可显著提升教学质量,积极情感的养成需要教师对其角色进行调整.具体来讲,教师要通过尊重学生的个性化选择、以诚相待和培养学生自信心等方法,实现自身由"讲师"向"导师"的角色转换.  相似文献   
29名不经常锻炼女大学生被随机分成2个实验组和1个对照组,采用RPE生成强度方案,实验组分别以RPE=11和RPE=16的强度训练8周,对照组自由活动,训练前和训练后3组被试均参加10min RPE生成强度运动,运动中3、6、9min及运动后5min自述主观运动体验,以检验不同指定强度训练对不经常锻炼者强度-感情反应的影响.结果显示,积极良好状态有组别主效应和强度×时间交互作用,无训练效应.心理苦恼有测试×强度×时间×组别交互作用.疲劳有测试×强度×组别、测试×强度×时间与强度×时间×组别的交互作用.研究暗示更高强度的健身训练使不经常锻炼者强度-情绪反应的变化更积极.  相似文献   
语文教学中的情感因素越来越受到人们的重视,新一轮语文课程改革就把情感目标提升到课程目标的维度加以阐述。但当前语文教学中,过于强调工具理性导致了情感教育方式的失灵。情感教育的价值取向应摆脱工具理性的“铁笼”,实现价值理性与工具理性的有效融合,从而实现语文情感教育的价值回归与价值实现。  相似文献   
本文侧重于情感教育的目的功能,探讨大学英语教学渗透情感教育的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
EFL教学效果与学生的情感因素密切相关。本文首先简要介绍了情感以及情感对教学效果的影响,并归纳总结了前人对于情感教学的相关论述。在此理论基础上,结合高校学生和EFL的特点,提出了在高校EFL教学中实施情感教学的具体策略。  相似文献   
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