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语言是人类所特有的,人类的语言具有极大的表现力和创造力.成语是人们在劳动实践与认识世界的过程中提炼出来的思想结晶,是语言中的精华,就像一面镜子能明显地反映出一个民族的文化特征.从汉英成语的语言现象出发,特别是从词语的联想意义出发,从对比语言学角度对汉英成语进行对比分析,探其异同以及相互之间的关系以加深对汉英成语的理解,提高汉英成语的运用的能力,促进外语教学及跨文化交际.  相似文献   
情感因素在现代教育特别是现代外语教育中的地位越来越突出.积极情感可显著提升教学质量,积极情感的养成需要教师对其角色进行调整.具体来讲,教师要通过尊重学生的个性化选择、以诚相待和培养学生自信心等方法,实现自身由"讲师"向"导师"的角色转换.  相似文献   
为了对欧里庇得斯所创作的《美狄亚》中女主人公美狄亚的“母杀子”行为作出更深入而科学的解释,尝试运用病理心理学理论对美狄亚进行“临床诊断”;探讨美狄亚情感性精神障碍病的病因、病理、心理变化及由此引发的复仇行为;从人的自然属性和社会属性两方面及其相互作用来阐述、探析美狄亚复仇的本质。  相似文献   
EFL教学效果与学生的情感因素密切相关。本文首先简要介绍了情感以及情感对教学效果的影响,并归纳总结了前人对于情感教学的相关论述。在此理论基础上,结合高校学生和EFL的特点,提出了在高校EFL教学中实施情感教学的具体策略。  相似文献   
29名不经常锻炼女大学生被随机分成2个实验组和1个对照组,采用RPE生成强度方案,实验组分别以RPE=11和RPE=16的强度训练8周,对照组自由活动,训练前和训练后3组被试均参加10min RPE生成强度运动,运动中3、6、9min及运动后5min自述主观运动体验,以检验不同指定强度训练对不经常锻炼者强度-感情反应的影响.结果显示,积极良好状态有组别主效应和强度×时间交互作用,无训练效应.心理苦恼有测试×强度×时间×组别交互作用.疲劳有测试×强度×组别、测试×强度×时间与强度×时间×组别的交互作用.研究暗示更高强度的健身训练使不经常锻炼者强度-情绪反应的变化更积极.  相似文献   

Theorization of cultural and political issues of Northeast of India often creates a disengagement from the actual cultural performances produced in the region. This unique geo-cultural place is sometimes homogenized. In actuality, it is the home of diverse socio-cultural practices and performances. In the context of globalization, deforestation, Christianization, other internal clashes and external influences, material bodies, here, are continuously being rewritten in socio-cultural sphere. Non-representational theory considers poetry as an effective mode of exhibiting the virtual multiplicity of the nonrepresentational world. This paper will focus on exploring the corpus of Northeast Indian English poetry that focuses on social practices and bodily experiences to interpret the entire cultural flow of everyday life. As Non-representational Theory positions ‘affect’ as a central issue to individual and collective disposition in constituting the affective political discourse, this paper will also indicate some political imperatives by advancing a politics of hope in the realm of socio-political sphere.  相似文献   
Eunmi Chang 《Human Relations》1999,52(10):1257-1278
This study investigated the moderating role ofcareer commitment on the relationships betweenemployees' perception of company practices andorganizational commitment, and between organizationalcommitment and turnover intention. Using a sample of 225researchers from eight business-related researchinstitutes in Korea, it was found that (1) careercommitment was perceived as distinct from the twodimensions of organizational commitment (affective andcontinuance) by Korean researchers; (2) careercommitment moderated the effect of employees' perceptionof supervisory support on affective commitment; and (3) career commitment also moderated the effect ofaffective commitment on turnover intention. Thepractical and conceptual implications of these resultsare discussed.  相似文献   
Susan Frohlick 《Mobilities》2020,15(2):120-134

Drawing on a conceptual framework of therapeutic atmospheres, I explore the question of how a tourist destination reverberated with reproductive potentiality or a ‘reproductive vibe.’ I draw on ethnographic fieldwork attentive to the ‘charged atmosphere of everyday life’, to consider how reproductive possibilities unfolded in the Costa Rican Caribbean for some tourist women. Moving away from the autonomous, liberal, mobile subject as only ever a rational agent in reproductive decision-making, this article introduces new actors into the analytical and empirical framework of reproductive mobilities and cross-border reproductive care. I look at destination branding entangled with therapeutic ‘life affirming’ possibilities that emanated from local spaces and relations with the environment. In doing so, I trouble the irrational/rationality binary that dominates notions of reproductive decision-making to consider the role of affect, feelings, and bodies in reproductive subjectivities.  相似文献   
组织变革日益成为我国企业进行转型升级的重要途径。以往研究对企业员工在变革背景下的角色压力及其影响后果关注不多,针对380名员工的问卷调查发现,在组织变革背景下,员工对自身角色超载的感知会降低他们对组织的情感承诺,进而提高其离职倾向,并同时降低其任务绩效、减少帮助行为。另外,员工在组织中的参与程度会调节上述中介关系。具体而言,当参与程度较高时,角色超载通过情感承诺间接影响离职倾向、任务绩效和帮助行为这三类结果的效应就会减弱,反之则增强。这些发现一方面增进了关于角色超载影响作用的深入理解,另一方面也对组织变革和压力管理的理论和实践提供了重要启示。  相似文献   

Based on person–organization fit theory, this article moves beyond theories of motivation and social exchange relationships that have often been used in commitment literature. This article contributes to understanding perceptions of organizational culture (OC) and affective commitment (AC) through perceptions of a learning organization (LO). Such understanding helps to tackle current commitment issues in Malaysia through strategic human resources development (HRD) planning and deploying organization development activities. We examined: (a) the extent to which organizations with an embraced LO mediated OC and AC, (b) the most influential component of OC in promoting employee AC, and (c) the most important component of LO for influencing OC and AC. We obtained 516 respondents (64.5% response rate) in selected Malaysian private organizations. It was concluded that LO mediated the relationship between OC and AC. Respect for people was an influential factor of OC for AC, while empowerment played a significant role in LO culture mediating the relationship between OC and AC. HRD practitioners should strategically plan organizational activities, norms, and policies that promote organizational learning processes and a learning culture to enhance AC.  相似文献   
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