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This article analyzes the panorama of care provision in Sweden from the informal carers' perspective. We consider informal care, publicly financed services, for-profit agencies and voluntary organizations, using a survey conducted in 2009. Most cared-for persons with minor needs living in a separate household are helped also by others, but only a tenth use public services or other providers. About half of cared-for persons with major needs living in a separate household receive care also from other informal carers as well as public services. Only 1 in 10 of them relied on no one else beyond the carer interviewed. Among intra household carers—a minority of all persons cared for—it was common that the carer was alone in his/her commitment, without any contributions from public services or others. For the large majority of informal carers it is not a solitary undertaking as the commitment is often shared with family members and others and/or public services. The results suggest that ideal types about complementarity and substitution may understate the complex interplay between informal care and the public services (and potential other providers). The findings may suggest a need for more empirical research about ‘Care Cultures’ and expose simplistic representations of welfare societies; informal care plays a major—and increasing—role also in Sweden, a country with extensive public services. 相似文献
论电子商务背景下中小旅行社营运模式创新 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
周宁 《浙江海洋学院学报(人文科学版)》2006,23(4):53-57
随着电子商务蓬勃发展,全球在线旅游急速增长,依靠传统佣金模式的中小旅行社大受冲击。中小旅行社只有在经营理念、商业模式、整合和技术方面进行创新,才能求得生存发展。为此,必须以特色化、个性化、专业化为开发经营模式,以个人休闲客源市场为主营业务,注重体验式专业化产品开发,并加强科技和文化创意,提高产品附加值,才能在电子商务市场中赢得丰厚回报。 相似文献
陈勇 《西南大学学报(社会科学版)》2009,35(4)
受社会转型、非诉解纷功能弱化、诉讼费全面下调等多种因素的影响,"人民调解工作室"之类的法院附设调解机构雨后春笋般地在各地挂牌.人民调解员进法院后引发了一系列社会变革和社会责任.其中,社会变革包括解纷机构与人员的变化、解纷流程的变化.社会责任包括立法责任、司法责任、政府及其他社会主体的责任.因此,客观分析这一新生事物背后的社会原因,准确预断人民调解的适度司法化抑或司法调解的适度社会化趋向,以及可能引发的社会变革与社会责任有着十分重要的现实意义. 相似文献
马勇 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》2002,24(2):57-60
我国国有企业相关各利益主体之间由于责、权、利模糊不清 ,企业约束机制在当前体制转轨时期存在着许多缺陷 ,阻碍着制度的创新和机制的转换 ,制约着效益的提高。为此 ,应该从企业主管机构、中介机构和企业内部三个方面入手 ,对企业的管理体制和制度、相关者的职责和利益关系、约束方法和手段等进行深入分析 ,寻找企业约束机制缺陷的主要原因 ,为进一步建立和健全有效约束机制提供充足依据 相似文献
事业单位会计制度若干问题的探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
随着事业单位的不断改革及新政策、新规定的相继出台,事业单位财务会计环境产生变化,会计准则及制度在内容上出现了许多新情况,现行事业单位会计制度已越来越不适应形势发展的需要,笔者就目前的事业单位会计制度存在的问题作一些探讨. 相似文献
马俊涛 《西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2007,26(3):68-70,118
随着我国教育体制改革的不断深入,高校教育经费形成了以政府拨款为主、多渠道筹措经费的新机制,由于学费的不断增加,如何确立合理的收费标准,迫在眉睫。高等学校教育成本也成为人们关注的焦点,加强高校教育成本核算就显得尤为重要。因此,在现阶段高校应引进现代企业成本管理理念来进行教育成本核算,促进高等学校财务管理科学化、规范化,全面改善和加强高校教育行政管理、挖掘潜力、节约开支,防止或制止损失、浪费现象的发生,取得更好的经济效益。 相似文献
何军 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》2003,27(2):66-68
当前国外旅行社企业进入我国市场的经营战略的要点是:以商务旅游市场为目标市场;以同我国企业的合资与协作经营为主要形式;以品牌战略为重点。在这种经营战略之下,外资旅行社业将谋求同中国企业的广泛合作,而不是竞争。我国旅行社业应该充分利用这一时期加快发展自己,为迎接未来的激烈竞争做好必要的准备。 相似文献
农村信用社是最好的联系农民的金融纽带和支农主力军,但多年来农村信用社信贷资金质量低下,已成为束缚农村信用社发展的主要原因,严重影响了农村信用社在农村经济发展中的作用以及农村信用社自身的经济效益。本文就农村信用社不良贷款的特性及成因进行分析,提出降低不良贷款,化解风险的措施。 相似文献
《Journal of gerontological social work》2013,56(2):23-38
Abstract This study was conducted to determine the extent to which service providers in a community-based care program accurately identified and referred elders with symptoms of depression. Interviews were conducted with 79 frail, low-income elders, with the CES-D used to gauge depressive symptomatology. Reviews of their case files were then conducted to determine first, the extent to which case managers recognized depressive symptoms and second, the extent to which respondents who screened with significant symptoms were referred for mental health services. Results suggest an imperfect association between CES-D scores and case managers' perceptions and referrals. Less than 1/3 (31%) of those who screened for depression received counseling. 相似文献