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This paper critically examines discourses of veganism in UK national newspapers in 2007. In setting parameters for what can and cannot easily be discussed, dominant discourses also help frame understanding. Discourses relating to veganism are therefore presented as contravening commonsense, because they fall outside readily understood meat-eating discourses. Newspapers tend to discredit veganism through ridicule, or as being difficult or impossible to maintain in practice. Vegans are variously stereotyped as ascetics, faddists, sentimentalists, or in some cases, hostile extremists. The overall effect is of a derogatory portrayal of vegans and veganism that we interpret as 'vegaphobia'. We interpret derogatory discourses of veganism in UK national newspapers as evidence of the cultural reproduction of speciesism, through which veganism is dissociated from its connection with debates concerning nonhuman animals' rights or liberation. This is problematic in three, interrelated, respects. First, it empirically misrepresents the experience of veganism, and thereby marginalizes vegans. Second, it perpetuates a moral injury to omnivorous readers who are not presented with the opportunity to understand veganism and the challenge to speciesism that it contains. Third, and most seriously, it obscures and thereby reproduces exploitative and violent relations between human and nonhuman animals.  相似文献   
根植于西部大漠地理空间,雪漠的"大漠三部曲"在对自然、动植物的民间化、传奇化书写中,沉潜着现代文明的反思与家园意识的建构。叙事策略上的文化空间间离与时间对峙的审美间距,生成的是敦实厚重的异域情调之美。对大漠村落的民间禁忌、方言土语、情爱悲歌的乡土本色书写,闪射出异域情调的文化忧郁意识。  相似文献   
湛然圆澄以禅师身份参与戏剧创作,颇具匠心。其所作杂剧《鱼儿佛》,通过金婴、妻子钟氏二人在鱼蓝观音的疏导接引下速证菩提的效应,普劝世人戒杀茹斋、念佛往生。作者通过世俗社会所喜闻乐见的戏剧样式激赏晚明甚嚣尘上的净土念佛、禅净双修和戒杀放生风气。  相似文献   
摘要:二十一世纪初期,生态批评领域掀起了一阵新浪潮,后殖民生态批评为文学的生态研究注入了新生力量,其中的动物研 究和动物批评维度也随之发展。库切的小说注重人与动物的伦理关系,关注动物在人类霸权下的生存困境,揭露人类理性文 明的丑陋本质。以后殖民生态批评的视角解读库切的小说,能够呼吁人类重新建立人与动物和谐的伦理关系,倡导人类敬畏 生命并给予万物人文关怀,维护动物权益  相似文献   

Due to important practical applications and considerations in biomedical clinical trials, fixed block-sum designs are of interest. We show that in general, the constant block-sum balanced incomplete block designs do not exist.  相似文献   
词汇可以折射出民族文化的色彩 ,本文浅析俄汉语中动物词和植物词的文化内涵 ,探讨在翻译中对动植物词的不同文化内涵的理解和表达。  相似文献   
"反人类中心主义"理论认为,应当赋予动物法律人格,将其视为法律主体。但是无论从国外的立法现状,还是从环境伦理学、生物学和法哲学的维度上看,动物都应被视为法律客体。物格制度的确立,进一步明确了动物法律客体的地位,将动物视为法律客体中法律地位最高的物——生命伦理物,给予最高的法律保护。  相似文献   
绘本对幼儿的人格发展起着重要的教育作用。根据绘本角色类型,可以将绘本分为人物绘本和拟人化动物绘本。这两种绘本在幼儿人格教育方面是否存在效果差异是当前国际幼儿教育领域正在探讨的一个热点问题。本研究选取176名332-631岁幼儿为研究对象,以助人主题绘本(角色类型为人物/拟人化动物)为实验材料,通过利他性助人行为情境,考察绘本的角色类型对幼儿利他性助人行为的影响。结果发现:人物绘本在提高幼儿利他性助人行为方面显著优于拟人化动物绘本。  相似文献   
Heinsch M. Getting down to earth: Finding a place for nature in social work practice According to Wilson's biophilia hypothesis, people have an innate need to associate with the natural world, and this connection can enhance their physical and psychological well‐being. This hypothesis has sparked an interest in the health benefits of human connection with non‐human nature across a wide range of disciplines backed by evidence of the role of the natural environment in enhancing human well‐being. This article summarises the literature on the health benefits of nature, arguing for the application and positive impact of a nature‐based approach in social work. It challenges practitioners to recognise and articulate the role of the physical environment in their day‐to‐day practice. Implications for social work are identified in recommendations for enhancing opportunities to include non‐human nature in future social work practice.  相似文献   
幽默的本质与幽默的行为   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方的幽默理论研究始于柏拉图时代,在两千多年的发展中得到了逐步的充实和完善.近年来,对"笑"的生物学起源的研究也取得了一定的成果,基于生理学和人类学的观察和实验,人们推断出"笑"的社会行为的本质,并且在语言习得研究中观察到动物可能具有幽默行为的现象.在人类社会中,由于社会结构和文化的差异,人际关系的不同对幽默效果的影响也是不同的,随着社会等级关系的淡化,"友善的幽默"的产生和发展成为社会进步的必然.  相似文献   
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