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通过对广西首例旅客索赔案件的分析认为,该案做出错误判决的原因有二一是在概念上混淆了旅客意外伤害责任保险和旅客意外伤害强制保险这两种性质截然不同的保险;二是适用法律的错误,把一个与该案无任何关系的关于运输企业成本核算有关规定方面的文件作为判决依据.该案给我们的启示是没有全民保险知识素养的提高和保险意识的增强,就不可能有强健的中国民族保险业.面对加入WTO的挑战,中国保险业目前最需要的是扎扎实实地开展一场全社会范围内的保险学启蒙教育运动.  相似文献   
抗日战争胜利后,中国共产党发动和领导了影响深远的内蒙古自治运动。随着民主革命形势的发展,内蒙古自治运动联合会派出东蒙工作团,不断加强与东蒙古自治运动方面的联系。经过多方努力和充分准备,内蒙古自治运动统一会议于1946年4月3日在承德成功召开。这次会议通过了《内蒙古自治运动统一会议的主要决议》。“四三”会议为内蒙古自治运动的全面、深入发展以及内蒙古自治政府的建立奠定了重要基础,是内蒙古民族解放运动取得重大进展的一个历史性标志。  相似文献   
本文以一篇演讲词为范例,对其进行人际功能的意义分析,研究演讲者是如何成功地运用语言的人际功能来达到演讲目标的,旨在为竞选演讲词的撰写提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   
This report describes a partnership and campaign to build awareness and support for energy conservation in a Mid-South community. The partners included a state university, the local power company, and two neighborhoods in the local community. This partnership led to a field experiment that built community esprit along with increased knowledge of and attitudes toward energy conservation. It did not result in lower electricity and gas consumption. This attempt to influence citizen behavior featured extremely powerful pre-and post-test measures of unit electric and gas consumption.  相似文献   
1953年1月,针对中国共产党内存在的官僚主义、命令主义、违法乱纪行为,中共中央决定开展一场“三反’运动。由于在1951年底到1952年上半年,中共中央曾经开展过反对贪污、反对浪费、反对官僚主义的“三反”运动,故称1953年的“三反”运动为“新三反”运动。这场运动取得了不少成绩,表现在:处理了一批官僚主义、命令主义、违反乱纪者,严明了党纪国法,整顿了党的队伍,获得了群众的信任;上下级领导之间的关系比此前和谐了;人民信访制度相对完善了。  相似文献   
Analyzing the HPV awareness and Gardasil® vaccine campaigns for the United States (US), we argue that the campaigns reflect “the new public health” model that positions individuals as neoliberal citizens responsible for managing their health and maximizing public health opportunities. The campaigns, directed primarily at girls and young women and their mothers, also mobilized neoliberal discourses of risk, choice, and self-management alongside postfeminist political rhetoric that values empowerment, freedom, choice, and rights. Postfeminist tropes were co-opted by Merck's marketing imperatives in order to produce girls and young women as an agentic, niche market of health consumers. We then foreground a low-budget counter-narrative alternative media campaign produced by young women and disseminated through YouTube. This campaign demonstrates the role of new media in producing alternative perspectives on agentic female citizenship and disrupts Merck's campaign imperatives.  相似文献   
武汉会战是日本对华战略进攻时期的最后一战。日本发动的武汉会战包括政略攻势和军事作战两方面。由于中国政府坚决抗日,日本的政略攻势并未奏效。在军事方面,日本虽然取得了武汉会战的胜利,但却未能歼灭中国军队主力,也未获得结束战争的机会。相反,以武汉会战为起点,日本终于深陷中日长期战争的泥沼而难以自拔。武汉会战则成为日本侵华战争从战略进攻到战略相持的重大转折点,也是中国抗日战争从战略防御到战略相持的转折点。  相似文献   
Schools throughout the United States provide instruction on democracy, voting, and major institutions of government, but often excluded from the curriculum is a central reality of our political system: the role of money in elections. This article provides background information and pedagogical strategies to help teachers foster productive discussions on this issue. First, we summarize recent increases in U.S. election spending and five schools of thought on how to address this trend. Then we present various classroom discussion and assessment strategies for supporting students’ learning about our current campaign finance system and its potential alternatives. These processes can facilitate students’ development of important civic knowledge and skills and also fulfill a variety of state and national standards.  相似文献   
To explore the impacts of health advertising campaigns on media consumers' perceptions of their health and bodies, I applied the concept of medicalization to a current health media campaign about a cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil. Literature about medicalization, women's reception of body images, and girl-centered communication studies framed the study. Thirty-nine teens from various backgrounds, aged between fourteen and seventeen years old, were interviewed in six states. Individual and dyad interviews and focus groups helped obtain thick, rich details. A grounded theory approach allowed previously unexplored themes to emerge. Findings suggest that girls believe that media messages about their sexual health—such as the Gardasil TV commercial—instruct them as to health topics they should be concerned about, the social rules that girls should follow—particularly in how, when, and with whom they can discuss sexual health—and how the practice of sex intersects with morality in personal and peer identity formation. Among other implications, this study suggests how campaign designers can re-situate health communication with teen girls. The study also suggests the importance of seeing medicalization effects within an intersectional framework of race, class, and parenthood status.  相似文献   
毛泽东的学习观是毛泽东思想的重要组成部分,其主要和基本的内容包括:学习之意义、学习之内涵和学风建设。其中,学风问题是毛泽东学习观的核心部分,他关于学风建设的突出贡献,就是确立了党的实事求是的思想路线,也是毛泽东思想活的灵魂,在中国共产党的学习和思想建设史上具有里程碑意义。重温毛泽东的学习观,不仅是学习型政党建设的逻辑起点和现实关切,也是价值思考。  相似文献   
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