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Over the past few years, some articles in this journal began to propose avenues of inquiry that would go beyond the long lasting subculture/post-subculture debate. This article aims to contribute to this emerging literature through examining the semi-independent role of ‘schooling’ in shaping specific patterns of youth (sub)cultural participation with specific reference to the role of high school rock music in Taiwan. I analyse how certain schooling structures and institutions – such as academic ranking and exams – frame the way students engage in their rock activities, and how this facilitates the popularity of heavy metal rock and the replication of exam culture in students’ rock subculture. Extending Shildrick and Macdonald’s use of the term ‘leisure career’, I suggest that an in-depth analysis of the interplay between young people’s ‘educational career’ and their focused leisure activities can be useful in understanding how specific patterns of decision making shape young students’ everyday culture and contribute to the distinctiveness of their subcultural participation.  相似文献   
休闲教育是人的素质和现代教育的重要组成部分,而成功地开发闲暇时间是西方发达国家社会进步和提高人的素质的一个很重要的经验。以武汉地区高校为例,在中美休闲教育理论对比基础上,就中美高等学校休闲教育现状作了初步的探讨,并提出了高等学校实施休闲教育的几个方面的策略。  相似文献   
Only recently has research begun to investigate the interplay between work characteristics, leisure time physical activity (LTPA), health, and well-being. So far, however, this research lacks a theoretical foundation. In this article, we introduce the physical activity-mediated Demand–Control (pamDC) model as a new theoretical framework. The two key ideas of the pamDC model are (1) that job demands and job control affect LTPA and (2) that LTPA partially mediates the effects of job demands and job control on health and well-being. We present eight propositions explaining how work characteristics affect LTPA, health, and well-being. For each of these propositions, we discuss empirical evidence and theoretical foundations. We then sketch a research agenda on how to adopt the pamDC model as a new theoretical framework for future research linking work characteristics, LTPA, and health. Finally, we discuss the practical implications of our new model.  相似文献   
As interest grows in the subject of sport, play and games as social practice, it becomes more important to elaborate on the contribution serious leisure makes in the formation of hegemonic power and the margins of everyday life. There are alternative models of what constitutes serious leisure and in particular the experience of leisure transgression. Case study based qualitative data are presented which illuminate several important influences within two settings featuring the adventure activity of rock climbing. I suggest that organisation and organising is one of a range of factors impinging on the theme of serious leisure. An implication is that climbers in the present may have more difficulty than did their predecessors in resisting both the encroachment of rationalised society and capture by market driven forces.  相似文献   
四川休闲旅游资源丰富多彩,分布广泛。但长期以来,四川休闲旅游目的地建设与发展高度集中于川西强震带,形成著名的九黄环线。这样的布局不仅使资源得不到充分、合理的利用,也不利于面对象四川5·12大地震这样的危机,急待重构。本文从灾后四川休闲旅游目的地重构的必要性分析入手,探讨其重构的可行性,进而提出重构的具体设想。  相似文献   
明清徽商不仅在经济舞台上卓有建树,其日常的休闲文化生活亦丰富多彩。依据丰富的历史文献资料,文章将徽商的休闲文化生活归纳为畅游书海、著述诗文、钟情收藏、游历山水、热衷戏曲及流连风月等六个方面。认为徽商的休闲文化生活整体上体现出尚文、儒雅的特色。  相似文献   
休闲农场的城郊积聚趋势加速了整个产业的竞争,提升农场的竞争力关键在于提高游客的满意度。以福州市为例,通过《海峡消费报》的支持,对福州市城郊主要休闲农场进行问卷调查,运用单因素方差分析法分析游客满意度的影响因素。结果表明:福州城郊休闲农场游客满意度的影响因素主要包括旅游基础要素和旅游提升要素2个方面,在此基础上提出提升城郊休闲农场游客满意度的相应建议。  相似文献   
潘卫红 《云梦学刊》2012,33(5):138-140
休闲是人的发展和社会发展中不可缺少的活动,也是人们身心健康的保证。对岳阳市部分高校学生休闲行为和休闲价值取向的研究结果表明,岳阳大学生业余生活中,静态休闲活动多于动态休闲活动;单独休闲多于社交性休闲。其休闲价值取向有重休息、轻修养的趋势,反映了大学生休闲观念的偏颇和大学生休闲教育的缺失。  相似文献   
浅谈三亚草莓园的种植管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王刚  过建春 《琼州学院学报》2012,19(2):74-75,78
通过田间实践调查和部分资料收集,浅要叙述了在三亚种植草莓的技术经验,并预测新型的休闲农业发展趋势,以期为今后三亚的旅游生态农业的发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
陈霞 《学术界》2012,(7):96-106,287
休闲需要进行深刻的伦理道德观照,现代中国人休闲观整体水平比较低,闲暇生活呈现出本能化、消费化、放纵化和奢侈化的倾向,将格调低下的闲暇生活当做休闲,进一步推进了"休闲"的异化。这些倾向性问题会通过各种渠道、各种方式酿成社会隐患或引发社会问题。异化的休闲是不能让人幸福的,从一定意义上说,"休闲"即是使人"成为人",这个概念本身就包含伦理维度。休闲伦理正是通过共同的价值理想、道德原则、行为规范、评价原则等等,为人们享有本真的休闲生活提供根据和担保。  相似文献   
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