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目前,我国法学界对检察机关职权配置问题存在着激烈的争论。争论的主要问题有三个。其中,检察机关是否有侦查权是个伪问题,其本质是检察机关行使侦查权时由谁来监督;检察官不是“中立及超然”的司法人员,不应当有对强制措施的批准权;检察官不应当以居高临下的“法律监督者”的身份监督审判程序,而是应当通过程序动议权和上诉权监督审判程序。目前主张维持检察机关职权现状的学者,有严重的部门本位主义,检察权改革应当摒弃部门本位主义。  相似文献   
对审委会制度的改革,有人主张废除审委会制度为其核心内容;也有人主张目前应在保留的基础上予以改革和完善。废改之争,焦点是研究方法之争。主废和主改各有其弊,应通过立法程序按照“不审不判”的思路重塑审委会制度,明确审委会审判组织的地位,赋予其合议、陪审、咨询、调研四大职能及案件实体决定权和指导权,并建立和完善相应的程序。  相似文献   
图式理论、学习策略与大学英语口语教学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用定量分析的方法,对84名天水师范学院非英语专业的学生的口语水平进行测试。根据图式理论,口语任务分为有关键词及句型提示类和无提示类,并对被试的学习策略使用情况做了调查,结果发现,口语任务有提示与无提示对学生的口语成绩有显著影响,这说明图式理论完全适用于大学英语口语教学。  相似文献   
The International Conference on Harmonisation guideline ‘Statistical Principles for Clinical Trials’ was adopted by the Committee for Proprietary Medicinal Products (CPMP) in March 1998, and consequently is operational in Europe. Since then more detailed guidance on selected topics has been issued by the CPMP in the form of ‘Points to Consider’ documents. The intent of these was to give guidance particularly to non‐statistical reviewers within regulatory authorities, although of course they also provide a good source of information for pharmaceutical industry statisticians. In addition, the Food and Drug Administration has recently issued a draft guideline on data monitoring committees. In November 2002 a one‐day discussion forum was held in London by Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (PSI). The aim of the meeting was to discuss how statisticians were responding to some of the issues covered in these new guidelines, and to document consensus views where they existed. The forum was attended by industry, academic and regulatory statisticians. This paper outlines the questions raised, resulting discussions and consensus views reached. It is clear from the guidelines and discussions at the workshop that the statistical analysis strategy must be planned during the design phase of a clinical trial and carefully documented. Once the study is complete the analysis strategy should be thoughtfully executed and the findings reported. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
浅议美国证券仲裁制度的特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国证券仲裁现已成为解决证券争议的一种重要机制。它与一般商事仲裁相比,具有仲裁事项的限定性、法律基础的强行性、仲裁庭的组成专业性、仲裁运行机制的公益性、仲裁程序变迁的类诉性等特征。  相似文献   
建立和谐社会的价值目标,既解读继承历史,又立足创新社会,和谐的内在要求导向着仲裁制度的完善,和谐的价值目标奠定了仲裁的发展方向,是仲裁制度为之实现的终极目标;仲裁制度的固有属性也暗合了和谐的建构目的,并成为和谐社会目标下处理纷争的重要制度。  相似文献   
Summary.  To help to design vaccines for acquired immune deficiency syndrome that protect broadly against many genetic variants of the human immunodeficiency virus, the mutation rates at 118 positions in HIV amino-acid sequences of subtype C versus those of subtype B were compared. The false discovery rate (FDR) multiple-comparisons procedure can be used to determine statistical significance. When the test statistics have discrete distributions, the FDR procedure can be made more powerful by a simple modification. The paper develops a modified FDR procedure for discrete data and applies it to the human immunodeficiency virus data. The new procedure detects 15 positions with significantly different mutation rates compared with 11 that are detected by the original FDR method. Simulations delineate conditions under which the modified FDR procedure confers large gains in power over the original technique. In general FDR adjustment methods can be improved for discrete data by incorporating the modification proposed.  相似文献   
陈廷焯学习填词,经历了一个由喜写艳词到崇尚醇雅的过程,接受了朱彝尊以雅为尚的审美观念,还仿照《词综》的体例编选了一部历代词选———《云韶集》,但在宗南宗北及师法对象等方面修正了浙派词学过于偏激的提法,这正是他后期词学立场转变的一个重要的内在契机。  相似文献   
孙犁把"真"当做文学的生命.他的"真"的艺术手段,分为虚与实两端.孙犁创作的"实"包含有事、人、景、思想感情4个方面.虚笔的表现则有两类,一是情景交融,以景传情;二是点到为止,不做深入剖析.  相似文献   
中亚的东干人不仅为该地区的社会经济发展作出了巨大的贡献,而且创造了海外华人历史上的奇迹.他们将带到中亚地区的汉语西北方言拼音化,使用38个斯拉夫字母拼写东干语,采用了词式书写,制订了正字法规则,出版了书报杂志,编写了东干文教科书,并在此基础上还培养了一大批诗人和作家,发展了东干族文学、教育和民族文化.东干文是汉语拼音文字的成功尝试,它为我国现代汉语音素文字的创制和词式书写的语言规化理论和实践提供了有益的经验和启发.  相似文献   
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