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当代生活与艺术之死:第二、第三和第一世界   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今所谓的艺术,主要是受20世纪七八十年代以来发展并在全球范围内扩散的美国式“艺术”观念所支配,而再也不受德语的“艺术”或法语的“美的艺术”体系所支配。自从现代主义诞生以来,艺术的历史使命的减弱或者消失已经成为事实,但从全球范围而言,“艺术的终结”这一论断仍有些夸大其词。因为在第一世界的艺术死亡之后(这里存在更多的是文化),第二和第三世界的艺术还生长着。艺术从根本上说还不是一个媒介事件和现象,而是一个同我们每个人相关的东西——不管它是不是商品。  相似文献   
作为非物质文化遗产,锦州皮影随着社会发展而不断出现新的变化:皮影道具的制作由牛皮、塑料等材料取代了驴皮,皮影戏表演由多人取代了单人,皮影戏表演内容由“熊出没”“小苹果”等现代题材取代了“仙鹤斗乌龟”等传统节目。分析锦州皮影的创新发展之路,对保护与传承非物质文化遗产、促进民间艺术发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   
魏晋名士艺术境界的形成路径清晰而富于哲理,他们通过心身外在表现的审美追求以获得艺术对象审美外观的人格化,通过“远”之本体追问与“远”之身体探寻来实现人生和艺术的玄远境界,使得“心”臻至“无”之境与“美”臻至“无我”之境在人生与艺术层面完美融通。如此,魏晋名士与肉身以及欲望存在的自我渐行渐远,而生命精神却始终作为不可或缺的逻辑线索,延续于人生、艺术之中,成为艺术精神和人格蕴含的内在逻辑线索。  相似文献   
The varieties and different form of contemporary films and television works have brought a great impact to the group of college students' ideas and behaviors. The works are the textbook of outlook on life, the guide of values, the leader of outlook on beauty, to contemporary college students. This paper points out that the contemporary film and television works play an important role in the ideological and political education of contemporary college students. For positive transmission and aesthetic reconstruction of Chinese film and television works from the perspective of ideological and political education, one needs to do the following things: to explore new ways of aesthetic education in the Internet era through film and television aesthetic education; Refusing to cultivate the one-dimensional personality in the media age by film and television aesthetic education; To build a new type of film and television aesthetic education system, for a new breakthrough in film and television art classroom, so as to promote the all-round development of contemporary college students in moral, intellectual, physical, beauty, labor.  相似文献   
“作为生活艺术的哲学”已成为当代欧洲思想界的一个热点,对哲学的这种理解和实践与20世纪的现象学运动密不可分。无论是胡塞尔的生活世界,还是海德格尔的此在分析,都是以关怀人类生存、合理安顿人与世界的关系为根本动机的。现象学对理论和实践关系的倒置、对在场和缺席关系的倒置、对确定性和可能性的倒置、对必然性和偶然性的倒置,为生活艺术哲学做了充分的理论奠基,由此出发,生活艺术哲学在哲学实践、审美泛化等向度上得到了发展。现象学的“小零钱”精神、“前科学”立场、关注意义构建、重回古典哲学的精神和实践,都成为生活艺术哲学的基本立场。  相似文献   
同人二次创作是一种新兴的作品创作方式,其产物即为同人二次创作作品。由于对同人二次创作作品的原创性界定不明,这种新的作品类型始终游走在违法与侵权的边缘,既不利于产业的发展,也无法体现著作权法立法的本意。对同人二次创作作品的的独创性界定标准进行研究,试图从界定标准适用的意义、应当遵循的基本原则、界定标准的内容对同人二次创作作品的独创性标准进行界定,并加以规范。  相似文献   
心理现实主义以客观的现实世界为基础,通过心理分析和心理描写来展示人物的内心世界,以表达社会秩序和人的行为的客观性、理性的思想。艾丽丝·门罗的作品,透过男性与女性在社会空间中的性别回归,男性和女性在生活中的行为理性回归,体现了心理现实主义的思想。  相似文献   
Never before have public sector jobs been so threatened. Fear and anxiety have shifted their focus, from performance to survival. With reference to immediately contemporary works on the NHS in particular, such as Mandelstam (2011) and Leys and Player (2011), the paper establishes the factual validity of the crisis.

The authors conducted a series of workshops for public sector staff to enable them to explore their reactions to the current situation.

It is possible to identify increasing levels of denial and other forms of resistance to change similar to those first identified by Menzies' (1959). Drawing on the work of Bion (cited Obholzer & Roberts, 1994) the paper considers the dangers of a retreat to the paranoid schizoid position, and identifies a theoretical clue in Halton (2004) for turning the trauma of change into a creative opportunity.

Art has access to emotional, spiritual and creative facets of the human mind that science cannot explore. Klein's (1975) consideration of the infantile and regressive aspect of art is acknowledged. The paper then considers what is revealed by a study of specific works of art which were presented in the workshops; including paintings by Bosch, Rousseau, Breughel and Goya. The work of Zagier-Roberts (1998) and Winnicott (1971) is called upon to endorse the usefulness of such a playful collage of responses.

Art can be used to help people move through Kubler Ross' stages of bereavement (1997); not to acceptance but out of the paranoid schizoid position into the depressive position (Klein 1975). Revisiting the work of Halton (2004) and the concept of evolutionary creativity, a move on from the depressive position can begin. Collective validation can be affirmed through a rebooting of the essential public sector values while a radical turning away from organisational priorities, to face the service user, provides a more far reaching optimism than any envisaged by an essentially limited demand for modernisation.

In conclusion the paper considers the recent contributions of Dienst (2011) and Dumenil and Levy (2011) to advocate tactical resistance to the denigration of the public sphere.  相似文献   
为了更好地实现在环境艺术设计中传承地域文化,了解两者的基本定义是基础。从地域文化与环境艺术的概念出发,就地域文化对环境艺术表现与缺失进行深入分析,同时通过探析地域文化对环境艺术设计的现实意义,对环境设计中地域文化的应用与传承进行研究。  相似文献   
儿童文学的"游戏精神"主要是指在儿童作品文本中体现出的、通过人物游戏所传递的一种符合儿童心理需求和审美旨趣,并实现儿童内心愿望的精神。周作人认为儿童文学的游戏精神是"幻想精神""愉悦精神"和"自由精神"。儿童文学游戏精神具有快乐性、幻想性和自由性的三性特征"。游戏精神"在儿童文学中作品的主要呈现形式为:通过"顽童""小大人""、反派"等人物形象的塑造凸显游戏精神;通过故事情节蕴涵的笨拙与聪明、嬉笑与吵闹、虚拟与真实凸显游戏精神;通过语言夸张凸显荒诞美、语言颠倒凸显逆向思维、语言突转凸显惊奇,从而凸显游戏精神。游戏精神对于儿童文学作品编创的意义在于:游戏精神是儿童文学的基本属性和内涵所在,新媒介时代儿童文学的发展需要延续游戏精神。因此游戏精神是儿童文学的作品编创的重要依据和准则。  相似文献   
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