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从介绍英国19世纪批判现实主义小说家萨克雷的生平入手,通过对其代表作《名利场》所完成“描写真实”、“宣扬仁爱”两大任务的深刻揭示,就这位“天才”所显示出来的一系列艺术创新手法进行了评析,并对其存在的历史局限性进行了披露,高度评价了其在英国现实主义小说发展史上坚持真实性原则、不落窠臼而独树一帜的艺术成就。  相似文献   
明清是石湾陶艺创作风格、艺术特色的奠基时期。明清石湾陶艺注重表现,富有生活气息,简约质朴,豪放自然,尤其在人物眼神与衣纹的刻划、"素胎烧制"等艺术表现技巧方面所作出的探索,终经后来历代艺人的发扬光大,已成为今天石湾陶艺所特有的"有意味的形式",并展示出强烈的艺术魅力。  相似文献   
儒、释、道三家哲学的共同特正是“无我相”;中国古典诗歌艺术的根本精神也是“无我相”,代表儒释道三家精神的诗人屈原、王维和陶渊明三派诗歌,以艺术手段显现至高无上之境──“物我皆忘”,“物我一体”、在此境界之中,诗歌作为艺术家心灵的外化,绝不是中纯的语言文字对情感的渲泄,而是生命中修炼境界的极致,通达这种“无我”的人格境界和艺术精神,正是中国诗歌艺术的根本精神,  相似文献   
以《龚自珍全集》收录的碑志文为研究对象,从中透视龚自珍碑志文的思想内容和艺术特色。龚自珍的碑志文主要是较为熟知的人所写,较少有"谀墓"的成分,其碑志文不仅在内容上表达了他对封建科举制度的深刻不满和壮志难酬的愤懑之情,而且反映了他对自己所处时代及社会的认真思考。他的碑志文具有很强的形象性、论辩性,在结构上比较注重开头的艺术,语言风格丰富多样。  相似文献   
语言全球化表现为语言濒危全球化和英语霸权全球化。语言是一种人力资本,外语教育是一种经济投资。适应英语全球化发展要求,改变中国"费时低效"的外语教育现状,加速中国的经济发展,就必须重视外语教育的经济投资与经济效益。以语言全球化和外语教育现状为现实出发点,以经济语言学理论为指导,采用定性分析的方法,探讨从语言经济学的角度发展外语教育的现实意义,提出改革中国外语教育的可行性对策。  相似文献   
South Korean early study abroad students and their parents in Singapore negotiate and redefine the values of Mandarin, English, and Singlish used in Singapore in an attempt to forge their own transnational identities. In this process, these Korean migrants tend to place more emphasis on metapragmatic discourses; that is, how to speak the languages appropriately. They then use such metapragmatic evaluations to justify their use of the local varieties and practices of language in Singapore. Their discourses are based on two language ideologies –pragmatism and sociolinguistic competence – which are examined here as alternative forms of language legitimacy that coexist with the dominant notion of legitimate language. These multiple language ideologies provide the basis for Korean migrants’ emerging notions of the ‘Asian global,’ a desirable transnational subject who is more practical and sociocentric than the conventional image of high‐ranking elites, with greater adaptability to various local situations. ????? ?? ????? ???? ??? ????, ???? ??? ???? ???? ????, ??, ???, ????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???. ??? ??? ?? ????, ??? ???? ????? ??? ?????? ??, ? ?? ??? ??? ? ??? ???, ??? ??? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ????, ??? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ????? ? ????? ????? ?? ??? ??. ??? ??? ????? ??? ????? ????? ??? ???? ? ?? ???????? ?? ????, ??? ??? ???????? ?? ???? ???????? ???? ??. ??, ??????? ??? ?? ?? ???????? ??? ??? ???? ‘???? ???’? ??, ? ??? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ????? ??, ?? ??????? ???????, ??? ??? ???? ???? ? ??? ? ?? ???? ???? ??? ??? ????. [Korean]  相似文献   
在过去的三十年里,交互假设已经发展成为交互模式。结合输入假设、交互假设和输出假设,讨论交互模式的理论根据,并通过示例详细阐述了交互在二语习得中的作用以及交互如何发生作用。此外,还讨论了交互作用所涉及的两个重要心理因素,归纳了交互研究的发展趋势和存在的误区。  相似文献   
对词汇作语义分析,可以把词义分解为最小的语义成分。运用语义层次分析法分析哈尼语亲属称谓的语义特征,可以看到哈尼语亲属称谓的义素、义位网络和语义组合等的特点。  相似文献   
Following the UK’s EU referendum in June 2016, there has been considerable interest from scholars in understanding the characteristics that differentiate Leave supporters from Remain supporters. Since Leave supporters score higher on conscientiousness but lower on neuroticism and openness, and given their general proclivity toward conservatism, we hypothesized that preference for realistic art would predict support for Brexit. Data on a large nationally representative sample of the British population were obtained, and preference for realistic art was measured using a four‐item binary choice test. Controlling for a range of personal characteristics, we found that respondents who preferred all four realistic paintings were 15–20 percentage points more likely to support Leave than those who preferred zero or one realistic paintings. This effect was comparable to the difference in support between those with a degree and those with no education, and was robust to controlling for the respondent’s party identity.  相似文献   
社会资本在聋儿成长中具有非常重要的作用。重构聋儿社会资本成为社会康复的核心内容。在聋儿听力康复过程中,由于聋儿游戏群体的缺失、家长的认识偏误以及家长社会资本的不足等原因,导致聋儿社会资本不足的问题非常突出。文章从小组工作视角出发,提出通过组建聋儿游戏群体,增进聋儿家长社会资本,重构聋儿社会资本的建议。  相似文献   
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