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《The Senses and Society》2013,8(3):309-328

Government mandated blackouts precipitated a crisis in the optical consciousness of the American public in the first years of the Second World War. In an effort to foil potential aerial bombardment, citizens were asked to turn off their lights and so break an otherwise unqualified promise of modernization: ubiquitous illumination. After decades of constantly increasing levels of artificial light, blackouts challenged not only nighttime visibility, but spatial perception more generally. Americans discussed ways to adjust to dimmer surroundings, to infer spatial information from non-visual senses and familiarize themselves with nightscapes based on specular rather than geometric properties of surfaces. Although the blackouts lasted only a few years in the USA, they reveal the profile, albeit in negative terms, of how the nation's visual environment was imagined around 1940.  相似文献   
This study used an adaptation of the caregivers' stress model to examine the positive aspects of caregiving with 113 Chinese American family caregivers who provided care to their elderly relatives. The hierarchical multiple regression analysis indicated that combination of caregiver background characteristics, stressors, and cultural values had direct effects on positive aspects of caregiving. Unlike previous studies in which cultural values were not measured, this study found that cultural values helped explain positive aspects of caregiving. Specifically, cultural values, caregiver's health, and caregiver's age predicted positive aspects of caregiving. Service implications are discussed based upon the findings.  相似文献   
中国即将设立创业板市场,在此背景下,讨论创业板市场的做市商制度具有特殊意义。文章在对国内探讨创业板引入做市商制度问题进行阶段划分并分析总结的基础上,提出从诺斯第二悖论和适应性效率微观方面的角度来进一步发展这一问题。结合中国的国情和国内外的成功经验,对中国创业板引入做市商制度问题提出理论和实践两方面的建议。  相似文献   
关注研究生思想政治教育的五大层面   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究生的综合素质,尤其是带方向性的思想政治素质,事关国家的未来。牵一发而动全身的研究生思想政治教育必须特别关注如下层面:自由散慢、管理松懈的问题层面必须正视;党团建设、理论学习、活动组织、民主评议等制度层面必须规范完善;工作计划的制订与落实的参与层面必须提高;着眼于思想政治教育与学术性相融的特色层面必须发挥;恋爱婚姻、生活交往、学费生活费压力等基础性困难层面必须予以妥善解决。  相似文献   
Median Estimation Using Double Sampling   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper proposes a general class of estimators for estimating the median in double sampling. The position estimator, stratification estimator and regression type estimator attain the minimum variance of the general class of estimators. The optimum values of the first-phase and second-phase sample sizes are also obtained for the fixed cost and the fixed variance cases. An empirical study examines the performance of the double sampling strategies for median estimation. Finally, an extension of the methods of Chen & Qin (1993) and Kuk & Mak (1994) is considered for the double sampling strategy.  相似文献   
独立人格:中国现代化的一个基本向度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人类社会发展史就是一部个人解放的历史。从现实看,中国现代化进程必然与人的个性的独立和发展相一致。现代化的核心标志是人的现代化,个人的解放和人格独立是其出发点和最终归宿。所以,独立人格的最终确立是中国社会现代化的一个基本向度。  相似文献   
准确适用假冒专利罪的法律规定,有赖于正确理解假冒专利罪的客观要件。界定假冒专利罪的客体时,不应忽视该罪对消费者合法权利的保护。假冒专利罪只有一种客观表现形式,即他人有效的专利进行假冒且情节严重的行为。未经专利权人同意,实施其专利的行为以及以非专利产品或者方法冒充专利产品或者方法的行为,应排除在犯罪之外。  相似文献   
中国传统养生观主要包括"三观",即天人合一的宇宙观、阴阳平衡的健康观、内外兼修的修养观,具体体现为"三养",即养身、养心与养气的和谐统一。只要具备"三观",坚持"三养",理论联系实践,知行合一,人类健康长寿的美好愿望便自然可以实现。  相似文献   
从上世纪发生的"世界八大公害事件",到近几年来中国多地遭遇的雾霾天气等都在向人类不断提醒环境保护的重要性。随着人类理性认识的逐渐觉醒,刑法作为"最后法",开始承担起对惩治和预防环境犯罪的责任。我国2011年通过的《刑法修正案(八)》将"重大环境污染事故罪"修改为"污染环境罪"。不管是重大环境污染事故罪还是现今的污染环境罪,对于该罪主观方面的争论一直没有淡出过学界视野。  相似文献   
国家创新体系建设已经进入了一个新的历史时期,与此相适应的科技体制改革取得突破性进展,创新的制度和环境逐步完善.世界经济、科技全球化进程日益加快,竞争日趋激烈,原始性创新的地位日渐突出.在这样的历史背景下,从国家战略目标和国家利益出发,充分发挥社会主义制度的优越性,在国家层次上集中资源与力量,建设一批世界一流的研究型大学、一批世界一流的科研院所、一批世界一流的企业研发机构、一批世界一流的科技园区和一批世界一流的科技人才队伍已经成为当前建设国家创新体系的一项十分重要的战略任务.  相似文献   
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