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Sensitivity Analysis for Importance Assessment 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
Andrea Saltelli 《Risk analysis》2002,22(3):579-590
We review briefly some examples that would support an extended role for quantitative sensitivity analysis in the context of model-based analysis (Section 1). We then review what features a quantitative sensitivity analysis needs to have to play such a role (Section 2). The methods that meet these requirements are described in Section 3; an example is provided in Section 4. Some pointers to further research are set out in Section 5. 相似文献
Modern technology, together with an advanced economy, can provide a good or service in myriad ways, giving us choices on what to produce and how to produce it. To make those choices more intelligently, society needs to know not only the market price of each alternative, but the associated health and environmental consequences. A fair comparison requires evaluating the consequences across the whole "life cycle"--from the extraction of raw materials and processing to manufacture/construction, use, and end-of-life--of each alternative. Focusing on only one stage (e.g., manufacture) of the life cycle is often misleading. Unfortunately, analysts and researchers still have only rudimentary tools to quantify the materials and energy inputs and the resulting damage to health and the environment. Life cycle assessment (LCA) provides an overall framework for identifying and evaluating these implications. Since the 1960s, considerable progress has been made in developing methods for LCA, especially in characterizing, qualitatively and quantitatively, environmental discharges. However, few of these analyses have attempted to assess the quantitative impact on the environment and health of material inputs and environmental discharges Risk analysis and LCA are connected closely. While risk analysis has characterized and quantified the health risks of exposure to a toxicant, the policy implications have not been clear. Inferring that an occupational or public health exposure carries a nontrivial risk is only the first step in formulating a policy response. A broader framework, including LCA, is needed to see which response is likely to lower the risk without creating high risks elsewhere. Even more important, LCA has floundered at the stage of translating an inventory of environmental discharges into estimates of impact on health and the environment. Without the impact analysis, policymakers must revert to some simple rule, such as that all discharges, regardless of which chemical, which medium, and where they are discharged, are equally toxic. Thus, risk analysts should seek LCA guidance in translating a risk analysis into policy conclusions or even advice to those at risk. LCA needs the help of RA to go beyond simplistic assumptions about the implications of a discharge inventory. We demonstrate the need and rationale for LCA, present a brief history of LCA, present examples of the application of this tool, note the limitations of LCA models, and present several methods for incorporating risk assessment into LCA. However, we warn the reader not to expect too much. A comprehensive comparison of the health and environmental implications of alternatives is beyond the state of the art. LCA is currently not able to provide risk analysts with detailed information on the chemical form and location of the environmental discharges that would allow detailed estimation of the risks to individuals due to toxicants. For example, a challenge for risk analysts is to estimate health and other risks where the location and chemical speciation are not characterized precisely. Providing valuable information to decisionmakers requires advances in both LCA and risk analysis. These two disciplines should be closely linked, since each has much to contribute to the other. 相似文献
Health Risk Assessment of a Modern Municipal Waste Incinerator 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Boudet Céline Zmirou Denis Laffond Mauricette Balducci Franck Benoit-Guyod Jean-Louis 《Risk analysis》1999,19(6):1215-1222
During the modernization of the municipal waste incinerator (MWI, maximum capacity of 180,000 tons per year) of Metropolitan Grenoble (405,000 inhabitants), in France, a risk assessment was conducted, based on four tracer pollutants: two volatile organic compounds (benzene and 1, 1, 1 trichloroethane) and two heavy metals (nickel and cadmium, measured in particles). A Gaussian plume dispersion model, applied to maximum emissions measured at the MWI stacks, was used to estimate the distribution of these pollutants in the atmosphere throughout the metropolitan area. A random sample telephone survey (570 subjects) gathered data on time-activity patterns, according to demographic characteristics of the population. Life-long exposure was assessed as a time-weighted average of ambient air concentrations. Inhalation alone was considered because, in the Grenoble urban setting, other routes of exposure are not likely. A Monte Carlo simulation was used to describe probability distributions of exposures and risks. The median of the life-long personal exposures distribution to MWI benzene was 3.2·10–5 g/m3 (20th and 80th percentiles = 1.5·10–5 and 6.5·10–5 g/m3), yielding a 2.6·10–10 carcinogenic risk (1.2·10–10–5.4·10–10). For nickel, the corresponding life-time exposure and cancer risk were 1.8·10–4 g/m3 (0.9.10–4 – 3.6·10–4 g/m3) and 8.6·10–8 (4.3·10–8–17.3·10–8); for cadmium they were respectively 8.3·10–6 g/m3 (4.0·10–6–17.6·10–6) and 1.5·10–8 (7.2·10–9–3.1·10–8). Inhalation exposure to cadmium emitted by the MWI represented less than 1% of the WHO Air Quality Guideline (5 ng/m3), while there was a margin of exposure of more than 109 between the NOAEL (150 ppm) and exposure estimates to trichloroethane. Neither dioxins nor mercury, a volatile metal, were measured. This could lessen the attributable life-long risks estimated. The minute (VOCs and cadmium) to moderate (nickel) exposure and risk estimates are in accord with other studies on modern MWIs meeting recent emission regulations, however. 相似文献
Mixed Levels of Uncertainty in Complex Policy Models 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
The characterization and treatment of uncertainty poses special challenges when modeling indeterminate or complex coupled systems such as those involved in the interactions between human activity, climate and the ecosystem. Uncertainty about model structure may become as, or more important than, uncertainty about parameter values. When uncertainty grows so large that prediction or optimization no longer makes sense, it may still be possible to use the model as a behavioral test bed to examine the relative robustness of alternative observational and behavioral strategies. When models must be run into portions of their phase space that are not well understood, different submodels may become unreliable at different rates. A common example involves running a time stepped model far into the future. Several strategies can be used to deal with such situations. The probability of model failure can be reported as a function of time. Possible alternative surprises can be assigned probabilities, modeled separately, and combined. Finally, through the use of subjective judgments, one may be able to combine, and over time shift between models, moving from more detailed to progressively simpler order-of-magnitude models, and perhaps ultimately, on to simple bounding analysis. 相似文献
This article describes an application of a method for assessing risks associated with the introduction of an organism into a new environment. The test organism was a binucleate Rhizoctonia fungal isolate that has potential for commercial development as a biological control agent for damping-off diseases in bedding plants. A test sample of host plant species was selected using the centrifugal phylogenetic host range principles, but with an emphasis on economic species. The effect of the fungus on the plant was measured for each species and expressed on a logarithmic scale. The effects on weights of shoots and roots per container were not normally distributed, nor were the effects on the number of plants standing (those which survived). Statements about the effect on the number standing and the shoot weight per container involved using the observed (empirical) distribution. This is illustrated with an example. Problems were encountered in defining the population of species at risk, and in deciding how this population should be formally sampled. The limitations of the method are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation》2012,82(1-4):175-196
The evaluation of hazards from complex, large scale, technologically advanced systems often requires the construction of computer implemented mathematical models. These models are used to evaluate the safety of the systems and to evaluate the consequences of modifications to the systems. These evaluations, however, are normally surrounded by significant uncertainties related to the uncertainty inherent in natural phenomena such as the weather and those related to uncertainties in the parameters and models used in the evaluation. Another use of these models is to evaluate strategies for improving information used in the modeling process itself. While sensitivity analysis is useful in defining variables in the model that are important, uncertainty analysis provides a tool for assessing the importance of uncertainty about these variables. A third complementary technique, is decision analysis. It provides a methodology for explicitly evaluating and ranking potential improvements to the model. Its use in the development of information gathering strategies for a nuclear waste repository are discussed in this paper. 相似文献
从战略环境影响评价角度,提出了社会经济发展对生物多样性影响评价指标体系建立的思路、原则、内容与层次结构,并应用层次分析法计算各层次对控制目标的权重。以"滇中调水"工程为例,选取了其影响区域内具有代表性的3个区域点,对社会经济发展变化对生物多样性的影响进行了实证研究。评价结果显示所建的生物多样性影响评价指标体系能反映规划项目区域的社会经济发展变动对区域内生物多样性的影响。 相似文献
随着现代科学仪器的发展和广泛应用,仪器分析教学的地位和作用愈加显现。为适应现代社会对复合型人才的需求和响应国家培养创新型人才的战略方针,根据仪器分析课程的特点,从课程建设、教学方法与手段以及考核体系等方面对该课程的改革进行了探讨。 相似文献
系统阐明了建立非物质文化遗产综合评价体系的目的与意义,认为应该在非物质文化遗产保护工作中科学决策,以提高管理工作效率,促进理论研究。在分析非物质文化遗产特点的基础上提出了综合评价体系的基本原则、步骤、方法,明确表述了建立非物质文化遗产综合评价体系的整体思路与框架。 相似文献
通过对某普通高校非英语专业新生进行的一项为期两年的以大学英语听力测试、调查问卷、课上观察、课下访谈为主要内容的听力形成性评价实验研究,提出了在大学英语课堂教学中实施听力形成性评价能使教、学、评有机结合,明显增强学生的听力形成性评价意识,并在某种程度上有助于提高学生的英语听力成绩,提高教学质量。 相似文献