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虎座立鸟架鼓是楚国工匠依据当时的工艺技巧、审美意识而创作的一种击打乐器,是礼乐制度从规范化到世俗化演化过程中的产物。以虎座立鸟架鼓为观照对象,可窥探先秦时期礼乐制度的规范化、多元化、世俗化的演变历程。虎座立鸟架鼓从庄重到新奇的器型演变,从“夏黑殷白”到“尚朱尚赤”的色彩演变,从“娱神”到“娱人”的功能演变,证明了先秦时期礼乐制度的世俗化转向。东周时期音乐文化由“朝”向“野”、由“神”向“人”演变的进程,促进了不同阶层乐享方式的交融,也促进了乐器类型的多元发展与创新。  相似文献   
梁永佳 《社会》2020,40(1):164-186
本文从迈克尔·曼“抑制演化”这一人类学命题入手,借用《老子》的某些思想与概念来解读人类学经典案例库拉。作者认为,曼由于材料不足而未能直接使用权力的四个来源解释新石器时代的“抑制演化”问题,而库拉民族志为探讨这一人类学命题提供了机会。《老子》的思想有助于我们较好地解释为何库拉宝物和名望都是“不积”的,为何库拉社会可以保持在“小邦寡民”的非文明状态。“不积”与“小邦寡民”使整个社会限制了四种社会权力的积累,有意保持在“抑制演化”的状态。以《老子》解读库拉,有可能为“抑制演化”这样的人类学经典理论提供一个独特的视角。  相似文献   
由于交际环境变小、与其它人口多的民族杂居等原因,越南的尔都、布依、仡佬、阿连和马良等少数民族的语言正在出现逐渐消亡的危机。要保留和发展这些濒危语言,笔者认为这些民族必须得到良好的普通话(即国家通用语言)教育,以便创造与各民族进行平等交际的环境。同时,要多种形式地组织这些民族的传统文化活动,为他们使用母语进行交际创造环境。  相似文献   
中国共产党百年奋斗征程中将马克思主义与中国实际相结合,开创了中国式现代化道路。这是中华民族自主探索现代化道路的开始,也是民族自立自信的基石;中国式现代化道路是科学社会主义基本原则与中国具体实际相结合的产物,是对科学社会主义创新发展的成功样本;中国式现代化道路实现了从资本逻辑主导的西方现代化模式向以人民为中心的现代化模式的转变;促使世界历史进程从西方垄断现代化叙事向世界各民族自主选择现代化道路转变;中国式现代化道路集人类文明之精华,开创了人类文明的新形态,为世界发展和人类共同进步作出重要贡献。  相似文献   
社会主义和谐社会既是一个社会理想,又是一个动态的历史发展过程。构建社会主义和谐社会,基本主题就是要正确处理人民内部矛盾。和谐社会构建需要我们从政治、经济、文化和道德等全方位着手,但制度建设是最根本的途径。我们应充分运用法律的权力制约机制、利益平衡机制、纠纷解决机制和生态调控机制等四大法律机制,来构建社会主义和谐社会。  相似文献   
虽有学者认为巴人有自己的文字,但学界总体却认为巴人及后来的土家族并没有独立的文字,起码是没有成体系的文字。实际上长期以来,土家族都习用汉字,故而其民俗中汉字文化底蕴深厚,是中华民俗文化中一朵永开不败的奇葩。  相似文献   
格斯尔是藏族和蒙古族史诗<格(萨)斯尔>中所塑造的英雄人物.随着<格斯尔>在蒙古族地区的广泛流传,格斯尔形象在蒙古人心中也深深地扎下了根,成为他们崇拜的人物.蒙古人对格斯尔英雄的信仰崇拜,集中体现在风物传说、寺庙、敖包、祭祀、那达慕、家教等诸方面.这些崇拜既熔铸了蒙古人的审美情趣,又蕴藏着蒙古人极为丰富的文化内涵.  相似文献   
A generalization of the Granger and the Johansen Representation Theorems valid for any (possibly fractional) order of integration is presented. This Representation Theorem is based on inversion results that characterize the order of the pole and the coefficients of the Laurent series representation of the inverse of a matrix function around a singular point. Explicit expressions of the matrix coefficients of the (polynomial) cointegrating relations, of the Common Trends and of the Triangular representations are provided, either starting from the Moving Average or the Auto Regressive form. This contribution unifies different approaches in the literature and extends them to an arbitrary order of integration. The role of deterministic terms is discussed in detail.  相似文献   
A debate on masculinity and immigration rose across Europe in 2015 after an incident with sexual harassments taking place in Cologne, Germany. The incident refuelled a debate positioning unaccompanied young men as a possible threat. This article is based on a research project where we during this time ethnographically followed 20 young men, having arrived in Sweden as ‘unaccompanied’ minors. The aim is to examine how the young men themselves talk about, reflect on and negotiate masculinity and gender during this period. The article concludes that masculinity cannot be approached as something stable easily being inherited or transferred from one’s origins. One difference for ‘unaccompanied’ young men is how conflicts or tensions emerging in relation to issues of gender and masculinity tend to be interpreted differently, and publicly, putting the young men in a ‘gendered situation of questioning’.  相似文献   
Although research on the experiences of unaccompanied asylum‐seeking young people in the UK has grown steadily in recent years, their experience of fostering and of the role played by foster carers in helping their adjustment have been neglected. This paper reports findings from the first UK study into these experiences, describing issues arising from initial assessment and preparation for fostering and the ways in which young people and foster carers adjusted to their lives together. It assesses the progress made by young people during placement, the strategies that appeared helpful to relationship building, and the extent to which young people had become integrated within the wider network of family relationships. Given that most young people first arrive as teenagers, it also considers the ways in which foster carers and social workers helped young people prepare for adult life in the context of uncertainties arising from the asylum process.  相似文献   
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