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The present study examined if frequency and quality of 3 types of leisure activities (i.e., relaxation, achievement, and social) can function as protective factors for subjective well‐being (SWB) and career adaptability (CA) among 184 unemployed emerging adults (84 women, 100 men). Participants responded to measures of leisure frequency and quality, SWB, and CA. The results of a multivariate analysis of variance indicated that the frequency of relaxation, achievement, and social leisure activities had no effect on SWB and CA. However, regression analyses indicated that the quality of social leisure activities significantly predicted SWB and the quality of achievement and social leisure activities significantly predicted CA. The quality of relaxation leisure activities was not associated with SWB and CA. Findings indicate that counselors who work with unemployed emerging adults can use leisure activities to promote SWB and CA. Future research to better understand the role of leisure in well‐being and career development among emerging adults is encouraged.  相似文献   
Researchers have documented that widows have lower levels of subjective well‐being than married individuals, but we still know little about how the regional and national contexts affect the impact of widowhood on well‐being. Building on social capital theory and using data from 5 rounds of the European Social Survey (N= 119,292 people, 206 regions, 23 countries), the authors tested how marital status composition at the national and regional levels affects the well‐being of widows. Widows fare worse in countries with high proportions of married people and in regions and countries with high proportions of widowed persons. The proportion of married individuals at the regional level does not affect their well‐being. These results are in line with the greedy marriage hypothesis, but varying effects at regional and national levels suggest that the standard explanation for this phenomenon, lack of individual social support, is not valid. This study demonstrates the importance of multiple contextual embeddedness.  相似文献   
The question of how educational assortative mating may transform couples' lives and within‐family gender inequality has gained increasing attention. Using 25 waves (1979–2012) of data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 and longitudinal multilevel dyad models, this study investigated how educational assortative mating shapes income dynamics in couples during the marital life course. Couples were grouped into three categories—educational hypergamy (wives less educated than their husbands), homogamy, and hypogamy (wives more educated than their husbands). Results show that change in husbands' income with marital duration is similar across couples, whereas change in wives' income varies by educational assortative mating, with wives in educational hypogamy exhibiting more positive change in income during the marital life course. The finding that husbands' long‐term economic advancement is less affected than that of wives by educational assortative mating underscores the gender‐asymmetric nature of spousal influence in heterosexual marriages.  相似文献   
Using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development (N = 1,198), this study examines the associations between education and parental strains and rewards among mothers of young children. Findings indicate that a college degree or more is related to less parenting anxiety, but more role captivity, and less new life meaning from parenting than lower levels of education. Differences by education are partly explained by variation in levels of progressive parenting values and work commitment, but remain significant. These patterns indicate that education provides greater resources that ease parental anxiety, but also leads to greater perceived demands of having a successful career, which contribute to more role captivity and less new life meaning from parenting.  相似文献   
Using panel data from 9,252 adolescents in the National Education Longitudinal Study, this study finds that among children who experience parents’ marital disruption during late adolescence, European, Asian, and African American adolescents exhibit wider and greater maladjustment both before and after the disruption than their Hispanic American counterparts. This finding lends general support to the hypothesis of prevalence of disadvantages, although it is less consistent with the hypothesis of prevalence of divorce. Moreover, whereas Asian American adolescents in predisrupted families are more vulnerable to a shortage of family social resources, their African American peers are affected more by a shortage of financial/human resources. Finally, postdisruption effects on non‐Hispanic American adolescents are either completely or partially attributable to predisruption factors.  相似文献   
通过对马克思的“实践”与海德格尔的“操心”这两个重要概念及其所依附的“存在与时间”观进行的比较性研究 ,可以得出结论 :“实践”的时间性阐释是对“操心”的时间性阐释的原则包含与超越。马克思的时间理论倚重“将来” ,并不是《圣经》的翻版。共产主义的理想境界的开启 ,是一个实际的生存问题 ,不是可以当做逻辑的可能或目的论意义上的可能予以“证明”和“证伪”的。“过去”的意义在海德格尔那里 ,在于说明“天命” ,对于马克思则在于说明人是在“活的传统”中创造历史的。这一切总起来说明 ,从传统的时间、空间观中解脱出来 ,是马克思主义哲学的迫切任务  相似文献   
论文对以往学界以训诂方法考察《论语》中“仁”的意义提出了质疑。仁字应该是人与人关系,后来才有价值倾向。在此基础上,作者按逻辑层次,从《论语》文本出发,逐一解析“仁”的意义。论文认为孔子对“仁”的意义更强调外在对他者的影响,为达到“仁”的目的,孔子设计了很多规范。与时人观念不同,孔子认为“仁”不等同于才干,与职守不一致,它是一种大爱,事功成就施诸外界社会。孔子仁学体系可以概括为:孝—忠—仁—圣发展模式。  相似文献   
诚实守信,就是讲信义,重信誉,守信用。随着社会主义市场经济的高度发展,人们之间的利益与生存关系越来越密切,这种密切关系需要诚信来维护。根据目前社会上存在的种种不诚实现象,应着重从伦理道德、社会环境、法制建设的角度分析入手,探讨诚信做人之本。  相似文献   
人类原本和普通动物一样,都只是自然的一部分;但是,当人类产生了"自我",把世界说成是"人的世界"的时候,一方面人类在通过精神参与的劳动从自然中获取自然物和创造新的物品,另一方面也是人类从精神方面在占领自然,使整个自然成为自己的精神属地。人类的精神产品,可以划分为物质形态的精神产品和以自身的活动显示的精神产品。物质形态的精神产品如:作为工具和机器系统的精神产品,绘画、雕刻等艺术产品,书籍、杂志、传媒等各种文化视听物,此外,人把自己的生物体本身也变成了一种特殊形态的精神产品。以人自身的活动形态显示的精神产品有两种:一种是物化了的客观形式,如语言符号等;另一种是人的纯粹的精神生活行为,如各种行为艺术。  相似文献   
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