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高含水期陆相复杂断块层状油藏剩余油分布复杂,油藏模拟难度大。马11复杂断块油藏在油藏精细描述基础上,利用动静态综合分析研究与密网格大规模数值模拟研究相结合,提高了剩余油研究精度和可信度;在此基础上,针对油藏剩余油分布特点并结合当前经济技术条件,部署实施了以调整井、调剖、堵水、油水井大修为主的剩余油挖潜方案,油藏含水上升率大幅度下降、采油速度上升、采收率提高了。  相似文献   
非负矩阵谱半径的新估计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对于非负矩阵的谱半径进行研究,分析了文[1,2]中的结果,给出了非负矩阵谱半径的新估计,该结果改进了文[1,2]中的相关结果.  相似文献   
通过对2004~2005和2005~2006两个赛季的女子“步步高杯”全国联赛中的拦网状况分析和研究,指出了栏网存在的主要问题,并提出了合理化的建议。  相似文献   
速率为2的空时分组码(R2-STBC)能达到全速率全分集,然而其译码复杂度与调制阶数的平方成正比。为了降低译码复杂度,提出了一种基于相位旋转的、速率为2的空时分组码(PR-R2-STBC),发送端根据反馈信息将部分发送信号旋转一定的角度,实现了信号在传输过程中两两正交,从而使得其译码复杂度与调制阶数成正比。仿真结果显示,与R2-STBC相比,该编码仅需反馈7 bit就极大地降低了译码复杂度。  相似文献   
给出广义对角占优矩阵的判定条件,改进和包含了文献[1~3]的主要结果,从而也推广了Shivakumar的结果。作为应用,得到了判定非奇M矩阵和几种迭代法新的收敛准则。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT.  Most proposed subsampling and resampling methods in the literature assume stationary data. In many empirical applications, however, the hypothesis of stationarity can easily be rejected. In this paper, we demonstrate that moment and variance estimators based on the subsampling methodology can also be employed for different types of non-stationarity data. Consistency of estimators are demonstrated under mild moment and mixing conditions. Rates of convergence are provided, giving guidance for the appropriate choice of subshape size. Results from a small simulation study on finite-sample properties are also reported.  相似文献   
Remove unwanted variation (RUV) is an estimation and normalization system in which the underlying correlation structure of a multivariate dataset is estimated from negative control measurements, typically gene expression values, which are assumed to stay constant across experimental conditions. In this paper we derive the weight matrix which is estimated and incorporated into the generalized least squares estimates of RUV-inverse, and show that this weight matrix estimates the average covariance matrix across negative control measurements. RUV-inverse can thus be viewed as an estimation method adjusting for an unknown experimental design. We show that for a balanced incomplete block design (BIBD), RUV-inverse recovers intra- and interblock estimates of the relevant parameters and combines them as a weighted sum just like the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE), except that the weights are globally estimated from the negative control measurements instead of being individually optimized to each measurement as in the classical, single measurement BIBD BLUE.  相似文献   
印刷术是我国历史上著名的“四大发明”之一,它对人类文明的发展作出了杰出的贡献。本文从商船的往来与汉籍的输入,两国间的文化往来,中国刻工到日本亲传身授,讨论了中国雕版印刷术向日本传播的途径  相似文献   
讨论了块复合矩阵的块特征值的性质和块特征向量的正交性问题 ,得到了Hermite块复合矩阵的块特征值和块特征向量的一系列结论  相似文献   
In 1958, a paper by John Hajnal, a demographer and mathematical statistician, was fundamental in the revival of the theory of inhomogeneous Markov chains. Hajnal made his contribution by the development of tools for the analysis of weak ergodicity, and proofs of fundamental theorems. This article reviews Hajnal's career, and then focuses on the four topics: 1. ergodicity coefficients and the weak ergodicity theorem; 2. scrambling matrices; 3. the coupling theorem; and 4. non-negative matrix products. Related work by other authors, especially Wolfgang Doeblin, is mentioned in context. Attention is given to some recent surveys and applications of ergodicity coefficients, including the Google matrix.  相似文献   
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