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Ethnographic data have frequently been used to examine socialization, but rarely to ground theories of socialization. This paper is an exception. Interest in indigenous representations emerging in situations involving socialization has led to the building of a relational model of socialization, which contrasts with mainstream developmental models of this phenomenon. Socialization is generally defined in terms of cultural learning, the internalization of culture or culture acquisition, that is in terms of the individual's development. The present paper defines it in terms of becoming familiar with a new ‘world’, and a series of changes affecting the structure of the relationship between the human agent and this new world. These structural changes include immersion in a world that is at first strange; subjection to the authority of this world on the basis of acceptance of this authority; and involvement in the world's everyday life structures and activities through doing.  相似文献   
自当代文学研究者重新开始研究一些曾经被历史尘封、淡漠的历史事件、作家、作品以来,梅娘开始引起人们的注意。但是这些研究多偏重于她的小说,而于她的散文,很少有人关注。梅娘散文相较小说而言,确实算不上成就,但是也是颇有自己的特色的,比如她的绿色主题所渗透出的悲悯之怀,她干净清泠的笔致,两种心情的双重笔调。  相似文献   
意象是中国诗词的基本审美单元,意象的翻译是古诗词英译的灵魂所在。在生态翻译观照下对李白《送友人》一诗的意象以及它们之间的生态结构所营造的意境进行解读,对比赏鉴国人所给的六个英译本,可以发现,译本中原作意象的缺失或者篡改都不能传达原作者的创作意图,译者应在忠实于原作的生态意象和顺应译语的文化生态环境之间达到动态平衡。  相似文献   
言不尽意是我国古代文论中一个十分重要的命题,也是一个常谈常新的话题。虽然有言尽意与言不尽意之说,但实际上言不尽意在我国古代诸家学说中是一个普泛性的存在,亦即被大家公认的事实。造成言不尽意的原因复杂多样,但亦可从作者、作品、世界和读者之维中窥见一二。解决言不尽意的困窘除了作者自身的努力外,还有待干一个合格的读者、优秀的知音出现来将作者之意具体化。  相似文献   
陆淳以“祛彼有为之词,全其悬解之志”为准则,对王绩诗文进行删略。他将五卷本的《王无功文集》删节成三卷本的《东皋子集略》,是对王绩的有意误读。而这种有意误读,正与王绩的期望暗合,使陆淳成为王绩的“异代知音”。可见,任何一本文集都有其独特的存在价值。  相似文献   
诗文鉴赏为主观性极强的精神活动,研究者诠释杜甫暮年所作五律《南征》诗尾联“百年歌自苦,未见有知音”颇有不同。诗人远逝,古意难追,但争议探索利于走近诗人。基于此,文章通过对杜甫传世作品及其生平交游的考辨,提出诗人生前不但有知音,而且包括文学上的、政治上的、生活上的都存在,进而阐述“未见有知音”当指诗人在“特定环境”下,在追念故人的同时,对自身彼时彼地孤寂处境的哀叹。  相似文献   
赵喜儒 《阴山学刊》2011,(3):100-102
屈连璧先生是一位儒雅的学者,堪称学术楷模;屈连璧先生身正学高,是青年教师的良师益友;屈连璧先生亮节高风,堪为道德模范。  相似文献   
1921年,穆懿尓作为美国欧柏林学院的志愿者,来到铭贤学校任英语和体育教师。任教期间,与师生建立了深厚的友谊。课余时间他与师生经常到学校附近的农村郊游,对山西的农村、农业、农民有了一定的了解。1923年返回欧柏林学院后,他本着发扬欧柏林精神的宗旨,向学院提出申请,自愿再次返回山西,为山西农业服务。但他提出一个要求,请学院资助他完成农科研究生课程学习。经过反复磋商,学院同意了他的申请。1927年夏,他获得康乃尔大学农学硕士学位后,与新婚妻子来到中国。在北平经过一年的汉语学习,于1928年秋,再次来到铭贤学校。铭贤学校成立农科,并购置土地,招聘人员,开展农业科技研究与推广。穆懿尔先后引进了“金皇后”玉米、软布来绵羊、甜菜、苹果等动植物品种,进行驯化、杂交,然后推广,为山西农业做出了突出贡献。  相似文献   
"折柳"的历史演变、文化意蕴和宗教情感   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
"折柳"是我国古代的一种文化习俗,它起源于汉代民间,常见于隋唐及尔后的送别诗中.文章对"折柳"和<折扬柳>古曲的演化过程进行检讨.隋唐以前,折柳用于诗中,并未与离别发生关联,隋唐之际,折柳才成为赋别的专用述语.<折杨柳>与离别发生关联经历了一个前分后合的过程,其关联契机是在南朝萧梁时期.就折柳的功能来看,可用于赠别和寄远;就其文化意蕴来看,寓有旅途顺利,随处平安之意;就其行为本身来看,则是受一种宗教情感的支配.  相似文献   
Emotion socialization (ES) impacts a range of youth socioemotional outcomes. However, research often examines parent socialization of negative emotions more broadly. Research examining multiple socializers demonstrates that variety in ES messages may promote flexibility in youth socio-emotional adjustment. The current study examined how parents’ and friends’ supportive socialization of discrete negative emotions (anger, sadness, worry) related to adolescents’ emotional experiences. Eighty-seven adolescents (50 girls; 13–15 years old, M age = 14.23 years) reported on parent and friend supportive ES in 8th grade. Sixty-four of these adolescents reported their own emotional experiences in 9th and/or 10th grade. Parents’ supportive ES was higher than friends’ for sadness and worry. Divergence between parent and friend ES of sadness related to lower increases in anger over time. There were effects of convergence in ES of anger, as matches between parent and friend ES were related to less experience of all three negative emotions. There were unique effects of parent and friend ES of worry. Parent ES of worry related to adolescents’ balance of anger and sadness, whereas friend ES of worry related to decreased sadness over time. These findings suggest that ES and its relations with adolescent emotional experience varied by discrete emotions, as each carries a different meaning and function. Future research should examine processes connecting discrete emotional experiences within interactions and across time.  相似文献   
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