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Evaluation capacity building (ECB) is a context-dependent process. Contextual factors affecting ECB implementation have been explored theoretically and practically, but their influence within a changing environment has seldom been discussed. This study examined essential context-sensitive parameters, particularly those involved in implementing new governmental policies regarding higher education. Taiwan was used as a case study for exploring the effect of contextual change on ECB attributes from the perspectives of training receivers and providers. Surveys and interviews were used for data collection and importance–performance analysis was applied for data analysis. Four prominent features were identified. First, the ECB attributes perceived as important by receivers were performed adequately, whereas those perceived as less important were performed less well. Second, under new policies, training provider designed training covering a wide range of ECB, whereas receivers focused on those can be directly applied in evaluation process. Third, in a small education system such as Taiwan’s, the complexity of peer review is high and ethical issues become important. Fourth, because the evaluation structure has been changed from single- to dual-track, receivers expect more training for institution staff, whereas providers insist on hierarchical training. Aligning ECB supply and needs is paramount for adaptation to new policies.  相似文献   
Ni Wei 《Cultural Studies》2017,31(6):894-917

After 1949, with ‘serving the people’ established as the basic guideline of art, the reform of traditional landscape painting, which had been appropriated by the cultural elites for thousands of years, was put on the agenda as well. Beginning from the early of 1950s, there were continual debates on the reform of traditional Chinese painting within the art field, through which many artists gradually reached a consensus on the development direction of Chinese painting. At the same time, stimulated by the large-scale xiesheng movement sponsored by the government, Chinese landscape painting changed dramatically in subject, theme, and brushstroke technique, and developed a new style which has its own signifying system. Blending both Chinese and western drawing skills, the new landscape painting successfully created a unique scopic regime, which can establish an organic relationship between personal aesthetic experience and collective historical experience. As a prominent cultural achievement of Mao’s era, the new landscape painting embodies the cultural politics and the technologies of the self at that time.  相似文献   
以往的研究,多以为墨学之所以在晚清得以复兴,是因为中国社会已发展到了迫切需要知识理性与科学技术的时代,中国人迫切需要知识理性启蒙。但通过对辛亥革命前几年公开发表的崇墨学论著的具体分析,可以发现,在辛亥革命前几年间已兴起了一定程度的"崇墨学"之思潮,而此思潮的兴起,就目的讲,本不为学术计,即不是从知识理性启蒙的意义上倡言墨学如何有开心智之作用,而是为政治计,即从"救亡图存"的意义上倡言墨学如何具有保国保族保种的现实意义与作用。  相似文献   
吴宪贞 《齐鲁学刊》2012,(4):132-135
在英雄本位语境下,《水浒传》女性视点呈现出弱化、丑化、男化等非对称性、非常态化的建构。究其原因,除了宋明理学时代文化心理的深层影响外,更主要的是流传广布而极具世俗情味的江湖母题自然渗入《水浒传》的累积成型中,使得《水浒传》女性视点成为某些江湖母题的情节化、故事化和具象化,成为趋附于英雄本位而生的一类特定语境女性景观。《水浒传》的女性视点因对传统的文本模式、道德取向和审美习性的悬搁而呈现出一种全新的价值重构。  相似文献   
本文从社会形态理论的前提出发,以马克思社会形态理论的视域为主线,研究了马克思视域内的社会形态理论,即生产力视域内的社会形态理论、生产方式视域内的社会形态理论和人的发展视域内的社会形态理论以及三者之间的递进关系。生产方式视域以生产力视域为基础,但又不限于生产力视域,人的发展视域以生产方式视域为基础,但又不限于生产方式视域,从而得出马克思视域内的社会形态的概念。一方面,中国社会主义社会形态建立、建设和改革开放的实践,为我们准确全面地认识马克思视域内的社会形态理论创造了条件;另一方面,新世纪、新实践和新任务要求中国人重新准确地全面地把握马克思视域内的社会形态理论。  相似文献   
周春兰 《学术界》2012,(6):174-180,288
在古代道家哲学中,“无”在不同时期的哲学家中都备受关注,但他们说“无”的侧重点不同.《老子》从追问万物的源头入手,提出了“有生于无”生成论构想;庄子否认了普通的知识及认识方式,提出了“不知之知”的最高认知层次;黄老在改造老子无为的基础上,提出了以建立刑名为前提的无为而治;王弼站在本体论的高度将黄老无为和名教有为进行了整合,提出了“以无为本”的哲学思想.“无”经过老子、庄子、黄老学派和王弼的发展演变,已从一个普通的哲学语词上升为万物之本体;“无”主要涉及生成论、认识论、治国论、本体论等方面,这些哲学思想因为“无”而更为深刻、更有意义.  相似文献   
曲伟杰 《河北学刊》2012,32(2):228-231
西方民主社会的日益多元化导致了内部排斥,它打破了民主制是最能平等尊重并维护每个公民的基本权利的政治制度的理论承诺。内部排斥的产生原因主要包括经济发展所带来的不平等以及长期形成的习惯性偏见与多元文化的差异这两个方面。在解决这一问题时,沃尔泽强调公民参与和各种地方性社群自治的重要性,而政府在提供社会福利和保护多样性的少数文化群体等问题上则负有不可推卸的责任。  相似文献   
高校学生党支部是在高校党委领导下的基层党组织,担负着党在高校直接联系大学生,把党的路线、方针、政策落实到大学生群体中的重要职责,我校在开展学生党建工作时积极创新学生党支部工作模式,积累了一些经验,但也存在一些亟需解决的问题。对此应继续加强党支部组织建设,强化各支部委员职责意识;建立健全各项制度,加大党员的继续教育力度;强化大学生思想政治教育工作,端正学生入党动机;重视网络党建工作,拓展党建阵地,发挥网络服务党员的作用。  相似文献   
汉唐时期,史书数量和门类增多,史学范围逐步拓展,图书分类问题就凸显出来。史部成为独立的部类经过了一个很长的发展过程。从汉代的《别录》、《七略》到魏晋的《中经新簿》、《晋元帝四部书目》,从南朝的《七志》、《七录》到唐代的《隋书·经籍志》,史部逐步从其他图书门类中脱离出来,成为独立的部类。这反映了史部书目在目录学的发展过程中不断受到重视,体现出史学地位不断得到提高的趋势。文章试图从对汉唐目录学经典著作的阐述,分析这一时期史学地位的不断提高和最终确立。  相似文献   
“建筑构造”课程的教学与改革思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“建筑构造”课程教学应采取多样化的教学手段,把培养学生创新能力放在重要的教学地位,同时,加大建筑构造课程与实验室教学相结合的力度,整合建筑构造课程与建筑设计课,并把建筑构造课程与施工实习融合在一起,以达到培养建筑综合素质型人才的教育目的。  相似文献   
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