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F·P·Ramsey(拉姆西)发现,应用二阶逻辑对一个有有限数目公理的科学理论T而言,T中的理论性词项可以被消除。将T的公理用Ramsey语句来代替可以保持T的所有的经验推论。狭义而言,Ramsey方法通过对理论性词项的意义存而不论,从而提供了一种处理该类词项的逻辑技巧;广义而论,Ramsey方法强调对对象之间的关系的描述,而对对象的本质的解释存而不论。本文通过比较Ramsey方法与逻辑经验主义对运算和解释的区分以及对近代科学方法论的若干思考而得到这一对Ramsey方法的广义理解。  相似文献   
给出了全微分求偏导法的证明,指出了比较系数法和全微分求偏导方法的同一性,并且给出了具体的例子.  相似文献   
Internet-mediated sharing is growing quickly. Millions of users around the world share personal services and possessions with others ? often complete strangers. Shared goods can amount to substantial financial and immaterial value. Despite this, little research has investigated privacy in the sharing economy. To fill this gap, we examine the sharing–privacy nexus by exploring the privacy threats associated with Internet-mediated sharing. Given the popularity of sharing services, users seem quite willing to share goods and services despite the compounded informational and physical privacy threats associated with such sharing. We develop and test a framework for analyzing the effect of privacy concerns on sharing that considers institutional and social privacy threats, trust and social-hedonic as well as monetary motives.  相似文献   
以不同于通常的根先证明搜索策略,从纯蕴涵演算的初始公理和初始规则出发,通过分析公理在定理证明中的作用和规律,可以得到两个实用的能行过程。这两个能行过程虽不是机械化的证明搜索程序,但有助于新程序的研发,并且可应用于数理逻辑的实际教学。  相似文献   
从实例出发,借助问题驱动,以微积分基本公式讲授为例进行教学设计,意在引导学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题,从而加深对定理的理解和应用。  相似文献   
A symbolic method for solving linear recurrences of combinatorial and statistical interest is introduced. This method essentially relies on a representation of polynomial sequences as moments of a symbol that looks as the framework of a random variable with no reference to any probability space. We give several examples of applications and state an explicit form for the class of linear recurrences involving Sheffer sequences satisfying a special initial condition. The results here presented can be easily implemented in a symbolic software.  相似文献   
本文总结了求极限的几种方法,比如用定义,公式,定理,性质求极限等。  相似文献   
本文利用函数积的 n阶导数的求导法则 ,引入适当的辅助函数 ,证明了两个组合恒等式及其几个推论  相似文献   
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