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民事诉讼法学教材方面存在内容陈旧、内容安排不合理、教材内容与现行法律规定不符等问题 ,因此提出教材应符合新颖性、准确性和科学性的要求 ;案例教学中对案例的选取要严格 ,案例教学要有目的、有计划地进行 ,案例的运用要讲究技巧 ,方能收到预期效果 ;教学中要善于将讲授内容与民事实体法和刑事诉讼法中的相关内容进行比较  相似文献   
使用探索性案例研究方法,对台风莫拉克在浙江的演化过程进行分析。研究发现,非常规灾害事件的情景演化过程与生物体的生长过程具有诸多相似之处,同时又具有明显的概率性。在案例研究基础上,进一步构建数学模型,给出了概率性生长模式的形式化表达,也为仿真模拟和计算实验提供了理论基础。  相似文献   
To inform local and regional decisions about protecting short-term and long-term quality of life, the Consortium for Atlantic Regional Assessment (CARA) provides data and tools (for the northeastern United States) that can help decision makers understand how outcomes of their decisions could be affected by potential changes in both climate and land use. On an interactive, user-friendly website, CARA has amassed data on climate (historical records and future projections for seven global climate models), land cover, and socioeconomic and environmental variables, along with tools to help decision makers tailor the data for their own decision types and locations. CARA Advisory Council stakeholders help identify what information and tools stakeholders would find most useful and how to present these; they also provide in-depth feedback for subregion case studies. General lessons include: (1) decision makers want detailed local projections for periods short enough to account for extreme events, in contrast to the broader spatial and temporal observations and projections that are available or consistent at a regional level; (2) stakeholders will not use such a website unless it is visually appealing and easy to find the information they want; (3) some stakeholders need background while others want to go immediately to data, and some want maps while others want text or tables. This article also compares what has been learned across case studies of Cape May County, New Jersey, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Hampton Roads, Virginia, relating specifically to sea-level rise. Lessons include: (1) groups can be affected differently by physical dangers compared with economic dangers; (2) decisions will differ according to decision makers' preferences about waiting and risk tolerance; (3) future scenarios and maps can help assess the impacts of dangers to emergency evacuation routes, homes, and infrastructure, and the natural environment; (4) residents' and decision makers' perceptions are affected by information about potential local impacts from global climate change.  相似文献   
大学跨越式发展中的战略管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
战略管理有别于策略管理和目标管理,也有别于传统意义上的战略规划.国内外一些大学运用战略管理模式,面对时代挑战实现了跨越式的发展.注重战略思维,建立大学理想观;遵循规律,准确定位大学发展目标,科学制定战略规划;运用“替代增长”理论,建立合理的大学组织结构;实施战略评估,是落实大学发展战略管理的要点.  相似文献   
提高老工业基地的经济增长水平,是一个意义深远的课题。黑龙江省老工业基地发展相对落后的原因在于工业实收资本结构的不合理,国家资本偏高,个人资本绝对性偏低,单位个人资本效率是单位国家资本的五倍。法人资本的多层代理也是造成黑龙江省工业发展相对落后的原因之一。对此,应妥善解决委托代理失灵问题,大力促进民营资本的发展,加快国有经济布局的战略性调整。  相似文献   
Comparative studies of welfare reforms encounter two problems. First, the counterfactual problem is that in the real world schemes and their reforms do not coexist simultaneously and are hard to compare. Second, the contextual problem derives from the absence of comparable measures for change. Microsimulation helps to overcome these problems. It compares policy options – actual reforms or reform plans – simultaneously and provides a comparable measure: the disposable income of model families. This article uses a type–case approach to investigate recent reforms of the German parental leave benefit. Simulation makes those reforms comparable over time and across countries. Results show that the profile of the German scheme is changing from 'general family' towards 'dual-earner' support. Furthermore, the recent reforms make the German scheme converge towards the Swedish leave scheme. The recent reforms introduce a new concept of fairness and a focus on gender equality to German family policies.  相似文献   
This article analyses the positive contribution that Slovenian voluntary, non–governmental organisations, users' organisations and community–based services in the field of mental health have made to the 'new culture of memory' of helpers and users. The conceptual differences between Slovenian psychiatric (institutional) treatment and voluntary community care are presented through the case study of Clare, a young woman who was diagnosed as a chronic schizophrenic. This example shows the importance of community care in voluntary organisations for the reduction of disability associated with mental disorders. The development of the new culture of memory in voluntary organisations and community–based services is not only the 'narrative turn' within social welfare, but also symbolises the 'implicit turn' in the relationship between the helper and the user. The real challenge of the new culture of memory in the process of help to disabled people (in respect of individuals working through traumatic memories) is that the helper can bear and support the user on a daily basis. During the process of their relationship, the deep implicit relational memories of both become activated and influence the change within the user as well as the helper.  相似文献   
It is assumed that a large random sample of fixed size n is drawn from a logarithmic series distribution with parameter $tH and that it is desired to estimate e by means of two-sided confidence interval. Using asymptotic results, charts of confidence intervals are prepared for n = 50, 100, 200, 500 and 1,000, and confidence coefficients 0.90 and 0.95.  相似文献   
Mark-resighting constitutes an advanced technology for estimating animal abundance. Joint hypergeometric maximum likelihood, Minta-Mangel and Bowden estimators are usually adopted with mark-resighting data. In presence of any tendency of animals to aggregate into groups, the Bowden estimator is the sole reliable method, providing that marks are quite evenly distributed among groups. In some cetacean surveys, marking disturbances are avoided through natural marking. Natural marking with Bowden criterion is used to estimate the abundance of street-dwelling populations. The marked individuals are persons identified and recorded in the initial part of the survey and recognizable in subsequent occasions. A simulation helps determine the performance of the Bowden estimator under a wide set of situations, taking into account key features of street-dwelling populations. When marked individuals are evenly distributed among groups, the strategy is efficient.  相似文献   
随着卫生法制建设的不断健全和发展,我国对医药卫生与法学相结合的新型学科专业人才的培养越来越重视。高等医学院校医事法律专业的法律教学内容在不断更新,法律课程的教学手段和方式也应与时俱进。我们把案例教学法运用于医事法律学生法学课程的教学中,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
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