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常识推理基础逻辑系统M的完全性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对通常的典范模型方法加以改造,在典范结构的基础上,可建立相对于任意给定有穷公式集Γ的Γ-典范框架和Γ-典范模型,以证明M的框架类完全性.Γ-典范模型方法是有穷方法.如果Γ有穷,得到的典范模型有穷.这不仅可以证明M的完全性,还可证明M的有穷模型性,因此M是可判定的. 相似文献
桑大鹏 《三峡大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2002,24(5):34-40
诗性智慧是人类与生俱来的、把自我不断的导向完美与卓越的创造性的精神能力。这种精神能力最早在原始野蛮人身上发露出来 ,原始人用这种诗性智慧创造了他们适以自存的形形色色的文明形态 :神话 ,宗教 ,艺术 ,政治体制等 ,并接受这些文明的洗礼 ,形成文化与人类自我交错互生、变动不居的大历史格局。此文以维柯《新科学》的阐述为根据 ,梳理了诗性智慧如何由最初纯粹的激情冲动进行文明与自身的同步创化 ,逐步生发出理性观照意识并进而达到理性与感性并运互生的过程 ,向读者清晰地呈现出一条诗性智慧的历史演进轨迹。 相似文献
This paper presents an overview of some recent results concerning statistical models and inference. specifically: grounds for statistical models. types of models that simplify by standard probability analysis, the use of categorical information in the reduction of the model with data, and the role of additives in the inference process. The relevant technical material has been developed elsewhere. 相似文献
Exposure-response analysis of acute noncancer risks should consider both concentration (C) and duration (T) of exposure, as well as severity of response. Stratified categorical regression is a form of meta-analysis that addresses these needs by combining studies and analyzing response data expressed as ordinal severity categories. A generalized linear model for ordinal data was used to estimate the probability of response associated with exposure and severity category. Stratification of the regression model addresses systematic differences among studies by allowing one or more model parameters to vary across strata denned, for example, by species and sex. The ability to treat partial information addresses the difficulties in assigning consistent severity scores. Studies containing information on acute effects of tetrachloroethylene in rats, mice, and humans were analyzed. The mouse data were highly uncertain due to lack of data on effects of low concentrations and were excluded from the analysis. A model with species-specific concentration intercept terms for rat and human central nervous system data improved fit to the data compared with the base model (combined species). More complex models with strata denned by sex and species did not improve the fit. The stratified regression model allows human effect levels to be identified more confidently by basing the intercept on human data and the slope parameters on the combined data (on a C × T plot). This analysis provides an exposure–response function for acute exposures to tetrachloroethylene using categorical regression analysis. 相似文献
彭玉平 《北京科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2002,18(2):38-42
把古典形态的历史上的文学批评整理为现代形态的文学批评的历史,是2 0世纪批评史研究界的主要贡献所在,文章追溯了2 0世纪批评史研究范式从侧重历史研究向侧重理论研究转变的进程,并以三卷本《中国古代文学理论体系》为例证,揭示了理论研究的特点和未来可能的研究方向。 相似文献
We take a novel approach to analyzing hazardous materials transportation risk in this research. Previous studies analyzed this risk from an operations research (OR) or quantitative risk assessment (QRA) perspective by minimizing or calculating risk along a transport route. Further, even though the majority of incidents occur when containers are unloaded, the research has not focused on transportation-related activities, including container loading and unloading. In this work, we developed a decision model of a hazardous materials release during unloading using actual data and an exploratory data modeling approach. Previous studies have had a theoretical perspective in terms of identifying and advancing the key variables related to this risk, and there has not been a focus on probability and statistics-based approaches for doing this. Our decision model empirically identifies the critical variables using an exploratory methodology for a large, highly categorical database involving latent class analysis (LCA), loglinear modeling, and Bayesian networking. Our model identified the most influential variables and countermeasures for two consequences of a hazmat incident, dollar loss and release quantity , and is one of the first models to do this. The most influential variables were found to be related to the failure of the container. In addition to analyzing hazmat risk, our methodology can be used to develop data-driven models for strategic decision making in other domains involving risk. 相似文献
重思实践检验与逻辑证明的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
实践检验标准和逻辑证明的关系一直是马克思主义基本原理中的一个重要问题,也是逻辑和认知中的一个难解课题,尤其是在中国的特殊背景下,两者的关系更是引起人们的普遍关注。“实践是检验真理的唯一标准”有自己特定的语义,应该准确把握。对其进行认真分析,发现这一真理有着自己坚实的理论根据。为了更好地坚持这一标准,必须排除常见的其他非马克思主义的真理标准的干扰,然而唯有逻辑证明标准例外。在马克思主义基本原理看来,逻辑证明和实践标准是辩证统一的关系,逻辑证明是实践标准的重要补充,甚至是其重要组成部分。 相似文献
人类理性的有限性,决定了科学技术的发展是一种逐渐贴近现实的试错过程。尽管海洋科学技术有了非常大的进步,但人类对于广袤的海洋依然有着太多的不知。社会实践的需要是推动海洋科学技术发展的根本力量。那么,如何在日益庞大的海洋科学技术群中选择与应用就成为非常现实的问题。本文力图从受益范围的角度,按照经济学的方法把海洋科学技术分为三大类:公益性、准公益性和私益性,并针对不同类别的海洋科学技术的特点提出相应的选择、验证与资助的标准。人类理性与社会实践的互动,是推动海洋科学技术的发展、促进海洋经济的繁荣的根本途径。 相似文献
对研究生逻辑推理能力现状的调查研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
目前,多数国家各种能力倾向测试和人才测评都把逻辑推理能力列为重要的考察内容,而我国研究生选拔在这方面尚缺乏深入、系统的研究。为了解研究生逻辑推理能力现状,不同学科和性别间逻辑推理能力是否有显著性差异,以及开展研究生科研能力倾向测试研究的必要性,本研究对北京五所高校文、理、工三科的80名在校研究生进行了限时测试,结果表明,我国研究生逻辑推理能力普遍较差;逻辑推理能力基本不受学科和性别影响。 相似文献