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吴开泽 《社会》2016,36(1):213-240
本文从生命历程理论视角研究住房市场化背景下宏观和微观因素对城市居民二套房获得的影响,提出了“世代机遇论”“购房时机说”“精英优势论”“家庭禀赋说”和“理性选择说”等命题,并依据2010年广州市千户问卷调查数据,运用离散时间事件史模型进行验证。研究发现,在二套房获得上,世代和单位因素影响减弱,职业地位和家庭因素影响增强,经济管理精英、专业精英,以及家庭经济能力强、家庭资助或在房改结束前获得首套房的居民具有优势,房价上涨在一定程度上促进了二套房的购买。本文认为,早期市场化改革为不同阶层提供了住房机遇,但再分配和市场导致的住房不平等在住房市场化过程中相互强化,未来住房改革的重点在于避免住房贫富分化加剧。  相似文献   
限购令不具有溯及力,限购令会因合同对外缺乏公示性被轻易规避,导致限购令形同虚设,不仅房价继续非理性上涨,而且使限购令保护公共利益的目的落空。反之,限购具有溯及力,购房合同当事人基于当时授益性的法律规定,依法享有的合同信赖利益无法实现。为了兼顾公共利益和个人利益合理保护,限购令对其生效前不具有公示性的合同具有溯及力,但限购令溯及既往并非导致合同无效,而是构成合同履行障碍。购房合同履行障碍的破解途径:合同或协议解除,或部分履行,或以后继续履行。  相似文献   
中国的决策体制是中国政治体制的中枢系统, 也是决定中国发展的关键因素。以 中国共产党为领导核心的决策体制是在中国共产党领导革命、创建新中国的长期历史 中形成的, 具有其历史合理性。决策体制从建立到改革开放前呈现集中化的趋势。决 策权力日趋集中的体制, 存在着决策结构专业化分工程度不高、制度化程度低、偏重 经验决策、决策过程封闭和缺乏自我修正与调节机制等弊端。改革开放后, 决策体制 改革的重点, 是在决策结构、决策方式和决策机制三个主要方面推进决策的民主化、 科学化和法治化建设。决策体制改革的实践证明, 以决策民主化、科学化和法治化为 导向的决策体制改革, 成功应对了中国由经济和社会迅速变迁所带来的各种挑战。从 政治发展的角度看, 决策体制改革呈现出的基本趋势是: 从个人决策向民主决策、从 经验决策向科学决策、从决策组织高度集中向决策组织结构分化、从封闭式决策向开 放式决策、从被动参与决策向自主参与决策、从决策非制度化向决策制度化转变。一 个中国共产党主导、多方参与、科学论证、过程开放、依法运行的决策模式在决策体 制改革的实践中初步形成。

关键词: 决策体制 集中决策 民主决策 科学决策 依法决策

The decision-making system is the backbone of China’s political system and a crucial factor determining its development. The decision-making system with the CPC lying at the core results from the CPC’s long history of leading China’s revolution and establishing the People’s Republic of China; therefore it has historical rationality. Decision-making was centralized over the period from the foundation of the PRC to reform and opening up. This centralized decision-making system had faults such as a low level of specialized division of labor, low institutionalization, an undue emphasis on experience, a closed decision-making process and the absence of any self-correcting and adjustment mechanisms. The reform of China’s decision-making system in the post-reform period has attached much importance to promoting democratic, scientific and law-based decision-making with regard to decision- making structures, modes and mechanisms. Practice proves that this reform has successfully met the challenges arising from rapid social and economic transition. Viewed from the perspective of political development, it involves an evolution from personal to democratic, from experience-based to scientific, from centralized to decentralized, from closed to open, from passive to active participation and from non-institutionalized to institutionalized decision-making. A decision-making model has gradually taken shape that is characterized by CPC domination, participation by multiple entities, scientific proof, open process, and law-based operation.  相似文献   
We study a centralized inventory sharing system of two retailers that are replenished periodically. Between two replenishments, a unit can be transshipped to a stocked‐out retailer from the other. It arrives a transshipment time later, during which the stocked‐out retailer incurs backorder cost. Without transshipment, backorder cost is incurred until the next replenishment. Since the transshipment time is shorter than the time between two replenishments, transshipments can reduce the backorder cost at the stocked‐out retailer and the holding costs at the other retailer. The system is directed by a centralized inventory manager, who minimizes the long‐run average cost consisting of replenishment, holding, backorder, and transshipment costs. The transshipment policy is characterized by hold‐back inventory levels, which are nonincreasing in the remaining time until the next replenishment. The transshipment policy differs from those in the literature because we allow for multiple transshipments between replenishments, positive transshipment times, and backorder costs. We also discuss the challenges associated with positive replenishment time and develop upper and lower bounds of average cost in this case. Bounds are numerically shown to have an average gap of 1.1%. A heuristic solution is based on the upper bound and differs from the optimal cost by at most this gap.  相似文献   
通过分析C2C 商家的交易记录, 发现单个商家的顾客重复购买次数呈幂律分布, 这与重复购买理论以往得到的购买次数为负二项分布的结论不同. 基于C2C 交易的实际情况, 建立了具有购买强化效应的购买概率模型, 模型很好的解释了顾客重复购买率呈幂律分布的现象.实证和模型表明, C2C 环境中, 顾客购买次数的分布具有很长的尾部, 大量顾客有低的购买次数, 而少数顾客有很高的重复购买次数;模型还揭示了巨大的潜在顾客数量和顾客多次购买的强化效应是造成重复购买分布呈幂律形式的重要原因.  相似文献   
国务院及其办公厅发布的限购令虽然旨在化解房市风险、保障民生,但是违反了《宪法》、《物权法》、《行政许可法》等多部法律以及行政法的基本原则。为了化解限购令遭遇的合宪性与合法性困局,调控部门应当做到以下几点:从依政策调控走向依法调控;按照宪法和监督法的要求纠正某些违反宪法和法律的调控措施;对重要的限购措施应通过听证等形式吸收公众意见。  相似文献   
行政诉讼集中管辖是将原来分散由不同法院管辖的行政诉讼案件交由若干特定的法院集中管辖和审理,以解决目前司法环境不佳、案件数量不足、法官队伍不稳定等困扰行政审判工作的现实问题。行政诉讼相对集中管辖制度的试行实践表明,该制度具有合理配置司法资源、提高司法效率、改善司法环境、促进司法公正、培育行政审判队伍、提高行政审判水平的积极意义。行政诉讼集中管辖既是一种改革探索方法,也是一种新的司法管辖模式,应该通过立法将其确立为新的管辖制度。  相似文献   
社会代理机构为我国政府采购的发展作出了贡献,但也存在不少问题,且这些问题很难根治。为完善我国的政府采购制度,打造真正的"阳光采购",必须大力发展集中采购机构,取消社会代理机构,促进社会代理机构向咨询性中介机构转变。  相似文献   
本文以品牌亲和力-品牌效用-重复购买意愿的品牌信息经验机制为指南,通过对常见牙膏品牌亲和力的比较研究,探寻牙膏品牌亲和力与消费者重复购买意愿的关系,具有为商家提供品牌经营决策信息的现实意义。  相似文献   
2010年我国粮食总产量实现了"七连增",然而粮食依然处于供求紧平衡的状态,水稻作为我国首要的粮食作物,是老百姓最重要口粮之一,研究如何通过价格的手段保证水稻增产、稻农增收意义重大。在全面回顾和总结我国水稻价格保护制度演变历程的基础上,认为:现行价格保护存在收购价格水平偏低、收购价格范围偏小、收购价格时间偏短、收购主体偏少等问题;建议提高水稻保护价格,扩大稻谷最低收购价格政策区域,延长稻谷最低收购价格政策实施的时间,构建多元稻谷储备主体,将稻谷价格保护制度法制化以及构建稻谷目标价格制度等。  相似文献   
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