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Context: As the volume and complexity of research have increased, the amount of time spent on Institutional Review Board (IRB) review has decreased. The complexity of research has expanded, requiring increasingly specialized knowledge to review it. Dilemma: Under the current system, increasing numbers of research studies requiring expertise in ethics, new technologies or diverse study designs place a substantial burden upon local IRBs and often result in substantial variability among their reviews. This lack of uniformity in the review process creates uneven human subjects’ protection thus undermining the intent of the Common Rule. Objectives: To outline a scenario for expert centralized IRB review via implementation of a national virtual IRB review system overseen by the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). Conclusions: The complicated ethical issues and science involved in much of current research warrant an expert review panel. Centralized review would enable expert review specific to the research at hand, ensure consistency in human subjects protection, reduce the burden on local IRBs, and may reduce time spent obtaining approval. A centralized virtual system would allow IRB members to remain at their institutions while providing unprecedented expert review through currently available technology, and make information regarding monitoring and adverse event reporting available online in real-time.  相似文献   
邢会强 《南都学坛》2011,31(2):90-100
根据中国知网(CNKI)1980年至2010年上半年的数据,对经济法基础理论论文的被引频次进行统计和排序后,其中被引频次在50次以上的共30篇。通过对这些论文进行分析可见,2000年是中国经济法学基础理论研究的一个高峰。通过与其他法学学科的相关数据进行比较可见,经济法学界的研究水平和研究能力与我国法学界的整体研究水平和能力基本相当。作为法学园地上的一株新苗的中国经济法学,在为自己的"合法地位"而斗争的过程中,花费和耽误了太多的时间和学术资源,在一定程度上影响了对经济法制度规则的提炼。目前,中国经济法学正在由"前科学"加速向"常规科学"过渡,其目前面临的主要任务是,加强理论与制度的互动研究,提炼和整理出越来越多的具有可操作性和解释力的经济法规则范型。当然,经济法学界的引文分析和引文规范性建设也需要进一步加强,中国经济法学界内部的交流和对话也需要进一步加强,以最终形成一个强大的经济法学术共同体。  相似文献   
语料库*蓝本*双语词典   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
计算机语料库提供大量经过整理和标注的原始语言素材,是研究自然语言的有力手段,也是词典编纂的强大工具。词典编纂应基于第一手语料并采用描写主义原则,这已经成为中外词典学界的共识和主流。长期以来,双语词典大多依赖一个或几个蓝本进行编写,结果往往是“人云亦云”或“千人一面”。要编出有特色的双语词典必须采用语料库,这是大势所趋。但另一方面,语料库并非万能,双语词典的编纂也不必完全排斥高质量的蓝本词典,洗澡水不能和婴儿一起倒掉。  相似文献   
近年来,专利引文越来越多地被用于技术路径研究、技术会聚、技术扩散等技术领域间的知识活动研究,但并未有效区分申请人引用和审查员引用,现有技术领域层面对申请人和审查员引用差异的对比研究还停留在较为浅显的统计层面。将技术类别间的差异性引入到申请人引用和审查员引用的对比研究中,在技术类别分布基础上,探究专利技术类别多样性视角下申请人引用和审查员引用的知识来源差异,并对其开展相关性分析。研究结果表明:专利申请人引用涉及的技术类别范围更广,而审查员引用则更集中于本技术类别;对大部分技术类别,申请人引用的技术类别多样性要高于审查员引用,但两者呈现出显著的正相关性。  相似文献   
Citing history     

Although rarely considered within the existing scholarship on social movements, even a cursory analysis of protest activity suggests that movements regularly invoke historical citations (whether consciously or not) while working to clarify aims and mobilize constituencies. In order to make sense of this process, and to account for the variations that arise among the different citation modalities favored by movements on opposite ends of the political spectrum, I draw upon the theoretical contributions of Marxist cultural critic Walter Benjamin and, in particular, on his exploration of ‘wish images’ and ‘dialectical images,’ their attributes, and their interrelationship. According to Benjamin, such images summoned the past either to project visions of future happiness (as with the wish image) or to deposit the witness before a moment of decisive, present-tense reckoning. After outlining the role of historical citation in social movements and in the broader cultural field through which these movements find expression, I analyze two recent protest events – the ‘Unite the Right’ rally in Charlottesville, VA, in which wish images were actively deployed, and the 2017 Women’s Strike in New York City, where a dialectical image arose from the constellated nodes of the march’s route – to consider the relationship between citation modality and protest outcome. Following from this analysis, and in keeping with the unapologetically partisan nature of my investigation, I conclude by advancing some strategic recommendations for movements seeking – as Benjamin once enjoined – to ‘improve our position in the struggle against Fascism.’  相似文献   
基于66种力学期刊论文的参考文献,利用引文分析法对力学期刊的引文进行统计和分析,得到力学期刊群的引文矩阵。通过余弦函数将引文矩阵转化为相似矩阵,并运用多维尺度分析法将力学期刊之间在引文上的相似性转化为平面距离,以平面图直观地展现出力学不同分支学科期刊子群在引文上的关系。在通过因子分析将66种力学期刊复杂的内部关系转换为少数几个不相关的因子的同时,考察了力学期刊群的构成和内部关系,从而探索了力学学科的结构。  相似文献   
<春秋纬>的研究,始自光武帝崇信谶纬,东汉之后,<春秋纬>被官方禁绝,但并未淡出学者们的视野,其内容屡为后人征引,说明研究并未中断;历代学者对<春秋纬>的整理和研究,主要集中在文本整理、星占研究、文献征引三个方面;历代研究的不足,在于缺乏对<春秋纬>的专门研究,这也正是今后研究的方向所在.  相似文献   
Abstract. The last decade methods for quantifying the research output of individual researchers have become quite popular in academic policy making. The h‐index (or Hirsch index) constitutes an interesting combined bibliometric volume/impact indicator that has attracted a lot of attention recently. It is now a common indicator, available for instance on the Web of Science. In this article, we establish the asymptotic normality of the empirical h‐index. The rate of convergence is non‐standard: , where f is the density of the citation distribution and n is the number of publications of a researcher. In case that the citations follow a Pareto‐type respectively a Weibull‐type distribution as defined in extreme value theory, our general result specializes well to results that are useful for practical purposes such as the construction of confidence intervals and pairwise comparisons for the h‐index. A simulation study for the Pareto‐type case shows that the asymptotic theory works well for moderate sample sizes already.  相似文献   
影响因子作为量化指标用于学术期刊质量的评价有较高的合理性.但它受到诸多非质量因素的影响,在实际应用中,更适用于同类高层次学术期刊的质量评价,对低层次期刊的适用性较差.在统计源筛选严格、具有权威性的引证报告中,影响因子位居学科前列的学术期刊,所刊发的论文整体质量高,但这不完全适用于具体的单篇论文的评价.  相似文献   
引文规范研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引文规范是引用者遵循学术共同体(行业协会、组织或学术研究管理机关)根据学术发展规律参与制定的有利于学术积累和创新的关于文献引用(引证)的各种准则和相关要求。引文规范应坚持统一性原则、强制性原则、分层(分类)指导原则。引文规范是一个复杂的系统工程。引文规范有狭义和广义之分。狭义的引文规范仅仅是指引用者对引文的标识与著录,即常说的"引文著录规范";广义的引文规范包括引文制度规范、引文标识代码规范、引文著录规范、引文编排规范。引文规范路径:以著者为代表的作者是引文规范的主体,是引文规范的关键;以编辑为代表的编辑出版方是引文规范的重要补充,是引文规范的审核者和监督者;高等院校、科研院所加强引文规范的教育与培训,是引文规范得以实现的助推剂。  相似文献   
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