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在现代民事诉讼制度中,一直存在职权主义诉讼与当事人主义诉讼两种模式之争,而我国的民事诉讼制度可以说基本上属于职权主义模式。在四川井盐生产历史过程中,保留了丰富的盐业契约档案,这些契约规范着各类的盐业生产经营活动,调解着复杂的盐业诉讼纠纷盐业契约以其突出的自由性、合意性以及遵从习惯等特点,在过去有效地调节着复杂的经济关系,我们探析其中有价值的成分,对于思考我国的民事诉讼制度应更多地引入当事人主义模式一定会有所启示。  相似文献   
“司法附属行政”是中国古代司法的一个重要特征。在这一背景下,中国古代法官地位就呈现出鲜明的附属性特征,这种特征同样体现在法院的地位和司法权的地位上,这也导致中国古代法官没有专门的职业保障制度,而这一切都深深地镶嵌在当时的人治大背景之中。通过与现代法官地位的比较,可以更加深切地感受到古今法官地位以至整个司法状况的巨大差异。中国现代法官地位在独立性方面相对于古代法官有了巨大改善,但仍然不尽如人意,还需要在今后的司法改革中进行反思和重点关注。  相似文献   
死者无人格权,但死者具有人格利益。为了维护社会利益和善良风俗,我国法学界和司法实务界对死者人格利益保护也达成了共识。完善死者人格利益应在保护范围、行使主体、法律责任、免责事由及保护期限等方面给予立法规制。  相似文献   
Recent sociological research has shown that the ideology of multiculturalism, after having been adopted as official policy in many countries, has generated more negative than positive effects (fragmentation of society, separation of minorities, cultural relativism). This article discusses the possible alternatives to multiculturalism, asking whether the path of interculturality can be a solution or not. The idea of interculturality has the advantage of stressing the inter, namely what lies in between different cultures. But it does not yet possess a conceptual and effective means to understand and handle the problems of the public sphere. To go over the failures of multiculturalism and the fragilities of interculturality, a lay approach to the coexistence of cultures is required, which is able to give strength back to Reason, through a new semantics of inter-human diversity. The author suggests the development of ‘relational reason’, beyond the forms of rationality already known. To make human reason relational might be the best way to imagine a social order which is able to humanize the globalizing processes and the increasing migrations.  相似文献   
判例和判例法是两种不同的概念,却又紧密联系。在民法法系国家,判例并没有约束力,但在实践中,它具有说服力。我国应当在考察基本国情的基础上,通过对民法法系国家日益重视判例制度的借鉴,加强判例的作用。当然适用判例法制度的种种条件尚不完备,还需要进一步研究和探索。  相似文献   
Since the first free elections were held in April 1994, South Africans are popularly known as the 'rainbow people'. The paper inquires whether South Africans who experienced pride in their nation in the first years of democracy also perceived a greater sense of subjective well-being. It is proposed that national pride in post-apartheid South Africa might be fused with or work through self-esteem to lift levels of happiness. The paper traces the history of the new integrating civil religion of the rainbow people and the acceptance of the rainbow as a political symbol of unity among the diverse people of South Africa immediately after the 1994 elections and two years later. The proposed link between national pride and happiness was explored with data from two independent national surveys, the 1995 South African World Values Survey conducted by Markinor and a June 1996 MarkData syndicated omnibus survey. The study found that the appeal of the rainbow as political symbol was inclusive of all groups in society and that feelings of national pride and support for the rainbow ideal were positively associated with subjective well-being. As indicated by intensity and frequency measures, the majority of South Africans were proud of their country and could name a national achievement that inspired pride. Better-off South Africans tended to be happier and more satisfied with life but less proud, while the poor were less happy but fiercely proud of their country. Results suggest that belief in South Africa's 'rainbow nation' ideal may have assisted in boosting happiness during the transition to a stable democracy, thereby preventing alienation among the losers under the new political dispensation. Supporters of the ideal of the rainbow nation were more optimistic than others about the future of their country.  相似文献   
陶文昭 《文史哲》2005,(5):15-19
全球化引发的全球治理真空,需要全球公民社会发挥作用。而全球化密切交往中全球意识的扩展和社会资本的兴起,也为全球公民社会的产生提供了条件。全球公民社会在参与全球治理、扶持弱势群体、抑制全球强权、弥补“民主赤字”等方面扮演着积极的角色。由于力量的相对弱小和参与机制的不健全,全球公民社会的作用还受到局限。全球公民社会需要解决好自身的独立性、合法性、平衡性等一些重大问题,以谋求更大的发展。  相似文献   
关于网络虚拟财产的民法思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,有关网络虚拟财产的民事纠纷不断发生,但是我国的相关立法尚不健全。分析了网络虚拟财产的法律属性,认为网络虚拟财产同时具备物权和债权的属性,并呼吁我国网络虚拟财产急需立法保护。  相似文献   
我国的市民社会话语一开始就是一种规范性话语,具有明显的意识形态化倾向.事实上,正如黑格尔、马克思早就分析指出的那样,市民社会既有解放性,又有它的欠缺性、压迫性,就如同国家既有压迫性又有保护性一样.从维护保障公民权利的角度出关键是如何防止市民社会的压迫性和国家的压迫性的重叠,进而以市民社会和国家的解放性、保护性来克服、遏止它们的压迫性.  相似文献   
文章将CDIO国际化教学理念的基本理论应用到土木工程施工课程的教学过程中。在CDIO理论的基础上,确定了土木工程施工课程的教学目标,并提出了QTIA教学方法;针对典型案例,阐述了这种教学方法的操作步骤及教学过程中应注意的问题;对比分析了QTIA教学方法与CDIO模式的高度契合性;通过问卷方式对在校生和毕业生进行了调查,结果表明这种教学方法较好地达到了预期的教学目标要求。  相似文献   
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