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Family support policies (FSP) refer to government policies that promote the well-being of families with children (e.g. job-protected paid leave, cash transfers, childcare). We developed an initial conceptual and theoretical framework of FSP and conducted a realist-scoping review to document the state of evidence regarding the influence of FSP on three child outcomes: poverty, development, and health. Based on the contexts and mechanisms through which FSP are hypothesized to affect child outcomes, we constructed a framework to guide a search of five electronic databases (OVID, ProQuest, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Knowledge). We analysed articles meeting our inclusion criteria (i.e. conceptualized FSP as a function of the welfare state; conceptualized child poverty, development, and health as outcomes; and conducted empirical analyses) in relation to our mechanisms and thematic concerns (context, developmental periods, and differential impacts). A total of 22 studies met our inclusion criteria, which tested 25 independent child outcomes. Our findings identified initial mechanisms that explain the relationship between FSP and child outcomes through (1) increasing parents’ basic capabilities, (2) shaping parents’ childcare options, and (3) influencing parental leave-taking and shifting beliefs about gender relationships in the home and workplace. Future work will be to test these mechanisms and framework through a realist synthesis.  相似文献   
肖伟胜 《唐都学刊》2004,20(4):73-78
从区域文化的角度看 ,张新泉的诗歌集中地体现了滋养他的巴蜀文化的精神特质 ,即在坚守边缘化的写作立场上创造出充满巴蜀传统感伤和温情的“新现实主义”诗篇 ,从而形成了文火般美丽而刚强的艺术风格和幽默隽永与新颖别致的诗风。这些特征一方面凸现出巴蜀文化“重实际 ,黜玄想”的价值取向 ,另一方面又与川人面对矛盾的一贯策略相对应。  相似文献   
Critical realism has been an important advance in social science methodology because it develops a qualitative theory of causality which avoids some of the pitfalls of empiricist theories of causality. But while there has been ample work exploring the relationship between critical realism and qualitative research methods there has been noticeably less work exploring the relationship between dialectical critical realism and qualitative research methods. This seems strange especially since the founder of the philosophy of critical realism, Roy Bhaskar, employs and develops a range of dialectical concepts in his later work in order to extend the main tenets of critical realism. The aim of this paper is to draw on Bhaskar's later work, as well as Marxism, to reorient a critical realist methodology towards a dialectical approach for qualitative research. In particular, the paper demonstrates how dialectical critical realism can begin to provide answers to three common criticisms made against original critical realist methodology: that the qualitative theory of causal powers and structures developed by critical realists is problematic; that critical realist methodology contains values which prove damaging to empirical research; and that critical realists often have difficulties in researching everyday qualitative dilemmas that people face in their daily lives.  相似文献   
Likelihood ratios (LRs) are used to characterize the efficiency of diagnostic tests. In this paper, we use the classical weighted least squares (CWLS) test procedure, which was originally used for testing the homogeneity of relative risks, for comparing the LRs of two or more binary diagnostic tests. We compare the performance of this method with the relative diagnostic likelihood ratio (rDLR) method and the diagnostic likelihood ratio regression (DLRReg) approach in terms of size and power, and we observe that the performances of CWLS and rDLR are the same when used to compare two diagnostic tests, while DLRReg method has higher type I error rates and powers. We also examine the performances of the CWLS and DLRReg methods for comparing three diagnostic tests in various sample size and prevalence combinations. On the basis of Monte Carlo simulations, we conclude that all of the tests are generally conservative and have low power, especially in settings of small sample size and low prevalence.  相似文献   
通过大量事例着重阐述典故的构词特点,研究典故词的立目原则和方法。指出典故词是“介于词与语之间的非词非语”的一类,结构样式有的像词,有的像语。有偏正、联合、主谓、述补、述宾、状谓等多种。所有典故词基本都离不开入、地、物、事四大要素,由这些要素中的某两个或几个组成,也有少数借助语境只取其中的一个。事典词语往往结构松散,在立目上可取用典故要素提取的方式。立目时要注意尽量彰显典故,显示其与普通词语的不同,立目原则要根据词典性质而有所区分,注意方便读者对典故的查找,可吸取类书的特点,为词典编制人、地、物、事要素索引。  相似文献   
略论长安绘画艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用系统研究的方法,探索长安绘画发展的历史脉络、风格传承、演变规律及其与地域环境之间的互动。分析认为,长安绘画在隋唐时期步入鼎盛阶段;明清时期虽然在全国失去了领军地位,但是依然有少数名家崭露头角,文人绘画气息浓厚;民国时期以爱国为主旋律,以文化重心西迁为契机,形成了跳跃式的发展态势,为现代长安画派的诞生奠定了基础。同时认为:长安绘画自始至终贯穿着鲜明的写实特征和强烈的现实主义思想。  相似文献   
臧克家的诗集《烙印》是中国现代诗歌史上一个具有开创意义的存在。在内容上,它立足于平民中间,以贴近生活的现实精神、坚忍抗争的生命态度真实地写出了那个年代底层人民的生活状况和精神状态;在艺术上,它以谨严和凝练的艺术特质,克服早期平民化诗歌的弊病,形成了一种坚实质朴的诗风。正是这些特质,使《烙印》为中国现代诗歌的发展作出了独到的贡献并最终成为诗歌史上的经典。  相似文献   
19和20世纪之交,中国戏剧开始了现代化转型,写实性的话剧被奉为现代戏剧的方向,其现实性与观念性被强化。但写实如一把双刃剑,它既促进了现代戏剧的建构,又阻碍了它的进程。  相似文献   
新中国建立后,十七年文学上接延安文艺的传统,致力于为意识形态服务,围绕新中国的发展组织叙事。现代性时间的引入成为文本叙事中的路标,标示着战斗和革命的进程。时间常常在革命胜利或主人公的牺牲与成长时戛然而止,产生的修辞效果是主人公成为不完全主体,其非自足性强化了创造历史的集体意义和意识形态的有机力量。在叙述者于统一价值规范下的自觉创作取向背后,真正隐藏着的叙述者是“阶级”话语。  相似文献   
仡佬族现实主义小说的先驱-申尚贤用生动丰富的民间语言为我们描述了一幅幅富有黔北特色的生活画面,以其独特的艺术呈现,积极地促进了仡佬族文学创作的发展,也为研究民国时期贵州的社会现实提供了宝贵的资料.  相似文献   
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