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学界对云冈石窟在佛学、考古、雕塑等领域探究颇深,本文则从较少涉及的文学和美学层面进行探讨,纵向对自古至今有关云冈的诗文进行美学分析;再从"空间艺术"与"时间艺术"对话的角度来探讨雕刻与文学的碰撞、交融。  相似文献   
近年来开发出的聚胺水基钻井液,被认为是最接近逆乳化钻井液性能的高性能水基钻井液。新型聚胺强页岩抑制剂也因其分子结构独特、抑制性能突出越来越受到人们重视。通过抑制膨润土造浆实验、屈曲硬度实验、页岩滚动分散实验、耐崩散实验、页岩膨胀实验以及X 射线衍射粘土层间距分析等实验手段,对比评价了聚胺强页岩抑制剂与传统常用抑制剂氯化钾的抑制性。结果表明,与氯化钾相比,聚胺抑制性能优异,能有效抑制粘土水化分散,在加量较少时即能发挥长期抑制作用,且具有较好的抗温性能。配伍性实验表明,聚胺与膨润土及常用处理剂具有较好的配伍性。以SDA 为主要水化抑制剂构建了聚胺水基钻井液,实验评价表明,该体系具有优良的抗盐、抗钙和抗劣土污染性能。此外,对聚胺的抑制机理进行了探讨分析。  相似文献   
This essay argues that Leonid Andreev’s (1871–1919) short story “The Abyss” (Bezdna) is an important and often misunderstood response to Lev Tolstoi’s (1828–1910) novella Kreutzer Sonata (Kreitserova Sonata), representing a fundamental shift in the way that pessimistic philosophy and degeneration theory would be incorporated into the cultural, intellectual and literary discourse of the Russian fin de siècle. For Andreev, intellectual currents were suggesting that civilized society was under attack by forces beyond its control. Tolstoi, however, asserted that celibacy and mortification of the flesh could conquer humanity’s primitive urges. In response, Andreev animated popular theories on sexual degeneracy to reject moral restraint as an option against sexual aggression. This rejoinder is significant for many reasons, not the least of which as an important intellectual segue between Tolstoi and subsequent decadent literary discourse on sexuality. After all, morality was no longer solely resident within religious thought in fin de siècle Russia, especially in light of mounting evidence that moral insanity was the result of hereditary taints and biological regression. Consequently, “The Abyss” should be reinterpreted as an important intellectual bridge between what would be deemed high- and lowbrow literature on human sexuality at the turn of the century.  相似文献   
城市雕塑项目推行招投标制度可以破解城市雕塑项目诸多经济矛盾、保障城市雕塑的艺术美学性。我国城市雕塑项目招投标存在市场结构较为混乱、项目频受长官意志干预等问题,需要进一步规范城市雕塑项目招投标制度。通过引进专业策划人制度、规范招投标流程、加强城市雕塑竞标制度立法、完善专家评审制度等措施,可以解决城市雕塑项目招投标存在的问题,促进我国城市雕塑业健康有序发展。  相似文献   
日本电影《导盲犬小Q》通过对导盲犬小Q12年生命历程的平实描述,用隐喻的方式,透过对导盲犬和人类之间密切关系、导盲犬情感和生命意义的叙述和挖掘,展示了日本民族对生命的尊重和敬畏,对情感的依恋和忠诚,进而诠释了日本民族的生命观。  相似文献   
凤翔民间艺术丰富多彩,以彩绘泥塑最具风格。它具有丰厚的民间文化内涵和独特的民间艺术样式,彩绘泥塑的造型、绘制、用色都独具特色,体现出汉唐艺术的丰满和图腾文化的神秘,有很高的审美价值。凤翔彩绘泥塑与民俗活动有着密切的联系,呈现出强烈的民俗文化特征,虎的形象在彩绘泥塑上表现突出它与远古的图腾文化有着的文化渊源关系。  相似文献   
雕塑作为人类思维和劳动的产物,除了自身所具备的三维空间以外,还承载着雕塑家的艺术理想。观众在解读雕塑作品的时候,还赋予其不同的涵义,实现了雕塑的艺术意义。本文以中西方雕塑空间为研究课题,对不同文化创造的雕塑空间的差异进行了深入的剖析。  相似文献   
Relationships with pet dogs are thought to provide substantial benefits for children, but the study of these relationships has been hindered by a lack of validated measures. Approaches to assessing the quality of children's pet dog relationships have tended to focus on positive relationship qualities and to rely on self-report questionnaires. The aim of this study was to develop and test multiple measures that could be used to assess both positive and negative features of children's relationships with pet dogs. In a sample of 115 children ages 9–14 years who were pet dog owners, we assessed six qualities of pet dog relationships: Affection, Nurturance of Pet, Emotional Support from Pet, Companionship, Friction with Pet, and Pets as Substitutes for People. All qualities were assessed with child questionnaires, parent questionnaires, and child daily reports of interactions with pets. We found substantial convergence in reports from different observers and across different measurement approaches. Principal components analyses and correlations suggested overlap for many of the positive qualities, which tended to be distinct from negative relationship qualities. The study provides new tools which could be used to test further how relationships with pets contribute to children's development.  相似文献   
This article reviews the social scientific literature published between the late 1990s and 2021 on the illegal ‘sport’ of dog fighting in the UK and USA. Adopting a green criminological perspective, it argues that studying dog fighting is important for understanding the ways in which this form of animal cruelty contributes to a range of social and animal harms. The review is structured in five sections. The first situates the review theoretically by introducing key ideas within green criminology that will inform the discussion. The next section presents a typology of the different levels of dog fighting in both countries. The third section then explores both the motivations of contemporary dog fighters, as well as the justifications they deploy to defend their ‘sport’ to outsiders. The fourth section then adopts a green criminological perspective to explore the various social and animal harms associated with dog fighting. The final section then brings the threads of the discussion together and highlights some directions for future research.  相似文献   
文章从建筑与雕塑的发展历史出发 ,结合人类哲学与艺术思想的变迁过程 ,探讨了不同时期 ,尤其是近代雕塑艺术的发展对建筑艺术产生的影响。通过对现代建筑空间和形式的演变和发展进行分析和探讨 ,指出雕塑艺术的发展和介入已经引起了现代建筑空间与形式风格的重大变革 ,提出在建筑设计过程中应努力借鉴相关艺术作为设计的灵感源泉 ,从而不断丰富和发展建筑的内涵  相似文献   
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