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Does switching the composition of jobs between low‐paying and high‐paying industries have important effects on wages in other sectors? In this paper, we build on search and bargaining theory to clarify a key general equilibrium channel through which changes in industrial composition could have substantial effects on wages in all sectors. In this class of models, wage determination takes the form of a social interaction problem and we illustrate how the implied sectoral linkages can be empirically explored using U.S. Census data. We find that sector‐level wages interact as implied by the model and that the predicted general equilibrium effects are present and substantial. We interpret our results as highlighting the relevance of search and bargaining theory for understanding the determination of wages, and we argue that the results provide support for the view that industrial composition is important for understanding wage outcomes.  相似文献   
In dual vocational education and training (VET) systems, the state and employers collaborate in order to meet a country’s needs in terms of education for youth and professional skills for the labour market. These systems are considered as effective tools to lower youth unemployment. However, since firms in dual VET systems select the apprentices, not every candidate gets access to in‐firm training. Consequently, governments develop measures that try to make their dual VET systems more inclusive. We present a categorisation of the different measures used to enhance inclusiveness in three dual collective skill formation countries (Switzerland, Germany and Denmark). We show that inclusiveness measures exist in each of the three countries but are limited in the extent to which firms are expected to play an active role in them. We conclude that the types of measures adopted are related to political economy traditions and the country’s level of macro‐corporatism.  相似文献   
In a two-stage system with two divisions connected in series, fairly setting the target outputs for the first stage or equivalently the target inputs for the second stage is critical, in order to ensure that the two stages have incentives to collaborate with each other to achieve the best performance of the whole system. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) as a non-parametric approach for efficiency evaluation of multi-input, multi-output systems has drawn a lot of attention. Recently, many two-stage DEA models were developed for studying the internal structures of two-stage systems. However, there was no work studying fair setting of the target intermediate products (or intermediate measures) although unreasonable setting will result in unfairness to the two stages because setting higher (fewer) intermediate measures means that the first (second) stage must make more efforts to achieve the overall production plan. In this paper, a new DEA model taking account of fairness in the setting of the intermediate products is proposed, where the fairness is interpreted based on Nash bargaining game model, in which the two stages negotiate their target efficiencies in the two-stage system based on their individual efficiencies. This approach is illustrated by an empirical application to insurance companies.  相似文献   
人类命运共同体是对“建设一个什么样的世界、如何建设这个世界”这一重大时代命题的回答,需要全世界不同主体积极参与和响应。但是,共同利益与特殊利益共时性矛盾、部分国家基于镜像思维导致的价值理念冲突、全球治理能力与现实诉求之间不平衡等因素,深刻影响着部分国家、政党、国际组织等主体对构建人类命运共同体的响应能力。构建人类命运共同体是全人类的行为实践,国际社会必须明确不同主体在构建人类命运共同体中的地位与作用,通过强化核心主体的集体认同、增强中坚主体行为的定向凝聚性、推动国际组织体制机制变革、增强传播主体的正向驱动性等路径,最终发挥现实的人的能动性,有效改善并提升构建人类命运共同体的主体响应效果。  相似文献   
A spouse who invests in relationship specific human capital enlarges the size of a couples total surplus. Such investments typically also weaken the outside opportunities of the specializing spouse and thereby her bargaining position. Realizing this, underinvestment in relationship specific human capital may result. This reduces the couples potential surplus. Private or public marriage contracts can stipulate conditions to solve this holdup underinvestment problem. This paper reports about an experiment that addresses the practical relevance of this problem. We find that although underinvestment in home production occurs, it is less frequent than game theory predicts. That is: players are prepared to specialize in home production when backwards induction predicts them not to do so. Furthermore, we find that the non-investing spouses are less opportunistic towards their partners when the large surplus has been created by the spouse than when the size of the surplus is determined exogenously.We gratefully acknowledge valuable comments from Theo Offerman, Randolph Sloof, from seminar participants in Amesterdam and Mannheim and from an anonymous referee. An earlier version of this paper circulated under the title Bargaining with endogenous pie sizes and disagreement points. Oosterbeek and Sonnemans are from the University of Amsterdam and the Tinbergen Institute. Van Velzen works for the Dutch Ministery of Finance. Oosterbeek is also affiliated with NWO program Scholar, and Sonnemans with CREED. Responsible editors: Alessandro Cigno.  相似文献   
本文从法律、政策及实践的角度对新中国成立以来农村土地产权的法律主体及实践载体进行了考察。指出新中国成立以来农村土地产权制度经历了"私有私用""私有公用""公有公用"和"公有私用"4个时期,不同时期土地产权的所有权、占有权、经营权、受益权及处置权的归属和配置不尽相同,产权的法律主体和实践载体也屡有变化。改革前的人民公社时期,基本核算单位及集体产权主体从公社所有到生产大队所有再到生产队所有不断下沉;在废除人民公社过程中,不同省市和地区在乡镇、村委会及村民小组的建置及各级集体经济组织的设置方式上不尽相同,对原有集体土地的产权归属做出不尽相同的制度安排。但从法律、历史及实践来看,村民委员会作为村民自治组织本身并不是集体经济及集体土地产权的主体,绝大多数地区村民小组(原生产队)及其集体单位是集体土地产权的真正主体和载体。为此,当前必须正本清源,进一步清理、明晰和固化集体产权主体,推进村级"经社分开""村社分离",在确认和保障农民及农民集体完整的土地产权的同时,让农村土地等集体资产和资源真正流动起来,促进农村及整个国家经济和社会的发展。  相似文献   
集体在农村社会养老保险供给中具有的重要角色是其自身在农村以及农村社会养老保险中的不可或缺性所决定的,集体既是农村社会养老保险供给主体多样化的重要补充,也是其自身的应然责任,但现实的角色担当上却存在主体长期缺位或错位、集体间财力差异大、国家立法滞后、管理体制混乱、服务严重不到位等诸多问题,这就需要集体从保障集体成员生存发展权的职责出发,着力重点解决好集体角色定位、集体补助资金筹集、弱势群体的优先保护、制度间有机协调等几方面问题。  相似文献   
群体性事件的发生大多是人民内部矛盾,其出现有多种原因,更多反映了地方政府应对风险能力及地方政府权力运用是否得当的问题。研究群体性事件中群体失范行为,增强各级政府对群体失范行为的敏感性,发挥地方政府的心理疏导和行为纠正功能,可以为妥善解决现阶段人民内部矛盾提供一种新的治理思路。因此,地方政府应当将“以人为中心”的柔性治理和“以制度为中心”的刚性治理相结合,建构起一套刚柔并济、行之有效的治理群体失范行为的机制。  相似文献   
为探讨集体林权制度改革对农户营林积极性的影响,该文对新疆玛纳斯县210户参与林改的农户进行问卷调查,并利用二元logistic模型,研究出具体影响农户营林积极性的相关因素。其结果表明:受访者文化程度、家庭收入主要来源、林地面积、造林补助、预期改革政策的稳定性、林地灌溉条件是显著影响农户营林积极性的重要因素。该文得出结论:发展农村教育,完善落实造林补助、税费减免、抚育基金等相关政策,同时发展特色林果产业,强化林业科技支撑,完善节水灌溉系统,是提高农户营林积极性的有效对策。  相似文献   
从林业管制放松视角,基于扩展的C-D生产函数,利用广东省林业经济相关数据,实证分析经济环境变迁下集体林权制度改革促进林业经济增长的作用机理。研究结果表明,随着中国市场化改革的推进,木材市场环境的改善对林业经济增长具有显著的积极影响,尽管制度因素的促进作用并不显著,但集体林权制度改革却显著地激发了农民的林业生产积极性,突显出对林业经济增长的积极作用。  相似文献   
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