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Against a background of mass unemployment and the increasing precariousness of employment, the current changes in the labour market demand that we examine the previously central role of paid employment in social integration. If the individual now deprived of employment or having a temporary contract is by dint of this fact less included in society or is less secure by not having a permanent salary, is it to say that he embodies the face of the de-affiliated, of those who miss out on social benefits? Taking the example of the Reunion Island which has the highest level of unemployment and population covered by the minimum income (RMI: Revenu Minimum d'Insertion) in the country, this article endeavours to explain and understand how, in the context of a protective society and increasingly flexible employment market, new methods of social integration without and resulting from paid employment are being formed.  相似文献   
Technology continues to challenge the public relations practitioner to find ways to inform key constituents. The new technology has given rise to the “new journalism” that includes a declining traditional media and exploding internet media filled with websites and bloggers. The question posed by this research asks: Does the public relations practitioner inherit the same protection offered by “qualified privilege” that is most often associated with the traditional “press” or “reporter?” The research lays a foundation with an examination of defamation and the defense of qualified privilege. The research concludes that if information gathered by the public relations practitioner meets the “intent” and “content” tests, the information qualifies as news. Passing the “news” test, the defense of “qualified privilege” also attaches to the public relations practitioner.  相似文献   
白爱平 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):11-13
贾岛出家及还俗的时间地点问题是贾岛生平仕历研究的一个重要问题。通过对现有史料记载以及贾岛等人诗文的考证分析,可知贾岛贞元九年(793)在北岳恒山出家为僧,时年15岁。后曾住洛阳石楼及嵩山一带。贞元十七年(801)在石楼与韩愈初次相识。元和六年(811)春在洛阳又遇到时任河南县令的韩愈,同年秋跟随韩愈赴长安准备应进士举,但并未马上还俗。冬十一月返回家乡范阳,处理僧俗事务。至迟于次年即元和七年(812)春还俗并参加进士考试,时年34岁。  相似文献   
In many developing regions, women and young girls spend several hours daily in the collection of natural resources. Still the link between these household resource strategies and stakeholder perceptions of development priorities remains unexplored. This project examines this association with survey data representative of the adult population from Ghana’s Coastal Region. Although natural resource scarcity and the sustainability of resource use represent key development challenges, there are others (e.g., energy, sanitation, employment, and educational opportunities). As such, even in the face of natural resource scarcity, individuals may place greater importance on other dimensions of development, especially if household resource strategies are perceived as relatively efficient. The analytical focus here is on water and the results suggest that gender roles shape household water collection strategies, while also shaping these strategies’ perceived opportunity costs. Specifically, Ghanian adults more often see drinking water provision as their primary development need when water sources are distant and/or when male household members collect water (particularly male heads). In the end, I argue that social science inquiry benefits by contextualizing social dynamics within environmental context, particularly within cultural settings in which human subsistence is intimately tied to the state of the natural environment.  相似文献   
完善我国公司治理结构的路径探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公司治理结构在当代的发展趋势之一是利益相关者共同参与公司治理。我国公司股权集中、内部人控制严重、外部监督机制失灵的治理现状,决定了完善我国公司治理结构的有效路径应是构建利益相关者共同参与的公司治理结构,即将非股东的其他利益相关者引入公司治理,直接参与公司的经营、控制与监督。  相似文献   
当代印度社会正发生着极大的变动,社会各阶层都在极力维护固有地位和宗教传统的稳定,并极力在这种变动中争取着自身社会利益的最大化。其中,南印度婆罗门种姓在逐步丧失传统的各项特权和优势地位的同时,也在努力适应、应对当代社会的新变化和新挑战。英国作家V.S.奈保尔的《印度:百万叛变的今天》一书提供了较为翔实、客观的口述史资料。以书中生活在孟买、班加罗尔、马德拉斯、加尔各达等南印度城市中的当代婆罗门阶层作为个案,可探究出其面对传统社会生活中的各个层面发生变动时的态度与应对及个体内在的深层原因,并在一定程度上考察社会变动与文化传统之间的互动关系。  相似文献   
Summary.  A stochastic discrete time version of the susceptible–infected–recovered model for infectious diseases is developed. Disease is transmitted within and between communities when infected and susceptible individuals interact. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to make inference about these unobserved populations and the unknown parameters of interest. The algorithm is designed specifically for modelling time series of reported measles cases although it can be adapted for other infectious diseases with permanent immunity. The application to observed measles incidence series motivates extensions to incorporate age structure as well as spatial epidemic coupling between communities.  相似文献   
皮锡瑞《经学家法讲义》稿本的内容及其价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保存在《师伏堂经学杂记》中的一组经学文稿,是近代经学大师皮锡瑞晚年讲授"经学家法"课程时所编讲义原稿。这部《经学家法讲义》手稿对先秦至魏晋的经学变迁与得失作了简明扼要的疏理和评述,描绘出魏晋以前经学历史的基本轮廓,其中的新见卓识,更显示出这部隐秘至今的经学遗稿的学术价值。皮锡瑞还在稿中自道其"郑学"研究,有助于今人全面体认他融通今、古文经学的学术品性,确证他决非专治今文家言的经师。  相似文献   
随着手机短信业务的发展,利用手机短信进行诈骗的现象也频繁发生。短信诈骗行为的泛滥,不仅严重侵犯了人们的财产权益,而且破坏了正常的社会经济秩序。为有效预防和遏制手机短信诈骗,应强化监管和打击,建立和完善手机号码实名制和储蓄实名制,加强宣传教育,多管齐下,进行综合治理。  相似文献   
“九·一八”事变后,东北军民组成抗日义勇军与日军进行了殊死搏斗,最后被迫退出东北,取道苏联,来到新疆。他们为稳定新疆政局、新疆军事的近代化、新疆经济文化的发展等作出了贡献,对新疆社会产生广泛影响。  相似文献   
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