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关于民族地区人才引进问题的新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
引进和留住人才是民族地区经济和社会发展中一个急需解决的问题。我们应树立科学的人才观;建立良性互动的引进人才和留住人才的机制;处理好人才引进中的辨证关系。  相似文献   
美国教育部、人类与健康服务部于2016年10月联合发布的《早期教育和教育技术政策简报》中指出了学前儿童使用技术的四条指导原则:使用得当的技术可以成为儿童学习的工具;应利用技术增加所有儿童获得学习的机会;技术可用于加强家庭、学前教育机构与儿童之间的关系;有效的学习取决于成人与儿童的互动或共同使用技术。指导原则的发布启示我们:应关注数字时代儿童的权利保护;加强从业人员的技术素养;加大对儿童技术使用的相关研究。  相似文献   
在人们的语言经验中,自然物的世界在语言表现中得以展示,即世界就在语言中。当然,语言表现的世界并非自然物本身所是的存在,而是人们心灵之内的思想世界。思想构建于观念,语言构建于语词,自然现象的物与词及其联系唯有在观念的前提下才是可能的和现实的。观念成为了物与词联系的中心,语词的表现意义因为观念而具备了自然物的指称和联系,也因为观念而具备了理性存在的原因决定。自然现象的物与词在作为观念条件下的结果时,也必然地作为了理性主体存在条件下的结果。  相似文献   
勃朗特三姐妹的代表作品中刻画了三位灵魂伴侣,他们的情感生存空间受到了物质层面、道德层面和精神层面的约束。在物质层面,19世纪的英国阶级观念仍非常强烈,两性结成伴侣不仅要有一定的经济基础,而且更注重双方的门当户对,门第差距是贵族和中产阶级都无法接受的。由于这一时期缺少健全的婚姻法律,因此崇尚道德风尚的维多利亚人用道德来约束人们选择伴侣,缔结婚姻都必须符合道德要求,否则就会受到相应的惩罚。另外,虽然这一时期伴侣的权力地位关系不平等,但是每个阶层都存在像三对灵魂伴侣那样能够做到灵魂交流、心灵相通、感情深厚、婚姻生活幸福的夫妻。可以看出,勃朗特三姐妹在维多利亚早期对婚姻推崇门当户对,强调婚姻圣洁,同时重视伴侣之间的爱与尊重。  相似文献   
本文选择民国时期出版的五本《西藏问题》著作,从文本分析的角度,梳理五位作者对"西藏"这一概念的理解。研究发现:首先,这些著作均力图从名称上确立"西藏"与"卫藏"的对应关系,将"安多"和"康"排除在"西藏"概念之外;其次,从行政沿革上强调清雍正以后安多、东部康区归内地行省管辖的事实,借以证明"安多"与"康"已不属于西藏;再次,从传统人文地理角度将康藏分界处的丹达山,或从改土归流的角度把赵尔丰曾到达的江达作为西藏与西康的交界点。  相似文献   
近代巴蜀诗人李士棻曾被曾国藩誉为“太白醉魂”,为曾府门下“四川三李”之一,其诗作有浓郁的巴蜀文化特色。然李氏仕宦不显,长期以来学界对其关注不足,学界近年不多的相关研究,多围绕国内所存的文献,对其诗歌创作进行艺术分析,对诗人的生平介绍多简单略过,没有严谨的考证,目前仍然很有争议。通过搜罗国内外现存典籍,综合目前所见李士棻本人著述,辅以晚清近代重要报刊《申报》和与李氏有交往的朝鲜文人文献,考证其生卒年及别号,冀为今后的相关研究解决基础问题。  相似文献   

The severe mental health problems of many of the young people living in residential settings pose a great challenge and demand on child protection and mental care (MC) services. Drawing on comparative research and debates from six European countries, this study examines demands for integrated care and interprofessional collaboration practices between residential child care (RCC) and MC. In this article, research data will be brought together from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, the UK (Scotland) and Spain. In total, 61 practitioners from RCC and MC were interviewed. Given the complexity of the residential care service context and service system differences across national contexts, the original hypothesis was that this would differentiate the collaboration practices. However, the similarity between the countries is greater than anticipated. The concluding findings are organised by matrix technique into a content-analytic summary table. The main finding was that in spite of encouragement for integrated RCC, obstacles for collaboration and lack of coordination between systems remain, often related to understanding the professional role and tasks, lack of shared knowledge, attitudes and ways of communication. One significant finding in the cross-country comparison was the evident and unrealistic expectations for the ‘other’ provider to help and care.  相似文献   
The absence of violence against children is a fundamental children's right and a major milestone of civilized society. Similarly, reports on incidences of violence by children and youth, including severe cases with devastating consequences, speak to the need that the trauma of exposure to violence in childhood needs to be addressed. While violence and its risk factors are generally understood, what is less clear are the essential protective factors, how we can identify those as early as possible, and how we can use them to prevent and address the trauma of violence exposure in children and youth. In this report, I review pathways of child and youth violence through the lens of social-emotional development as a central protective factor. Negative emotions of frustration and anger can underlie violence and aggression. Kind emotions, such as caring and our ability to connect with others emotionally, can serve as social-emotional protective factors. A brief review of the central social-emotional processes and their development is provided, including the human capacity to feel with others and express empathy, be emotionally aware and care about the effects of one's own actions on others, and be able to regulate the self and their emotions. Given the negative widespread and long-term impact of exposure to violence, I describe research-informed attempts to prevent violence exposure across development. Taking a humanistic, strength-based perspective, the focus is on social-emotional protective factors to address violence and nurture mental health in every child. I conclude with recommendations for practice and policy.  相似文献   
This paper examines the relationship between professional work and standardization. There has been an increase in the use of standardized programmes in child welfare services (CWS) in Western society. Some researchers have criticized standardized programmes suggesting that they undermine professionals expertise and threaten their position, whereas others argue that such programmes strengthen professional practice. In this paper, we examine how standardized tools, in this case, a standardized parenting programme and a standardized Norwegian assessment tool, influence professional roles as experienced by child welfare workers (CWS professionals) in Norway. Semistructured individual and group interviews were conducted with 31 frontline workers in two CWS agencies. Our findings suggest that standardized tools increase the social workers experienced professional competence but challenge their professional knowledge base, reflective practice, and professional accountability. Professional and practical implications for CWS work are discussed in the light of these findings.  相似文献   
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