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我国宗教学界存在的对宗教学概念的理解太过泛化的倾向模糊了宗教学的学科性质。宗教学是一门新兴的相对独立的人文科学,它具有区别于传统宗教研究和神学研究的特殊的学科性质。因此,应当深入地研究宗教学概念的基本内涵及其对宗教学研究对象和方法的规范功能,以明确宗教学学科性质,树立宗教学意识。  相似文献   
设计素描作为学习设计的一门基础课程,通过观察方法、思维方式、表现形式、立体观念和细节刻画四个方面的介绍说明设计素描对于学习产品设计的重要性.  相似文献   
The Merton thesis identifies two movements — English Puritanism and German Pietism — as causally significant in the development of the scientific revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries. It attributes this connection to a strong compatibility between the values of ascetic Protestantism and those associated with modern science. This article questions Merton's conclusion regarding one of these movements, German Pietism, by arguing that the Pietist ethos stood in sharp conflict with what Merton has called the normative structure of science. One manifestation of this conflict involves Friedrich Oetinger's articulation of a contending religious-mystical conception of science, which assigned a central place to feeling, intuition, the role of the divine, and a qualitative approach to nature. This conception of science, it is argued, provides the clearest indication of the conceptual and valuative distance that tended to separate Pietists from the new science of the 17th and 18th centuries.An earlier version of this article was presented at the 1990 meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, in Virginia Beach.  相似文献   
在电商平台购物中发生危害消费者的公平交易权、自主选择权的经营者“砍单”行为日益增多,当事双方冲突不断。造成“砍单”行为与日俱增的根本原因是要约邀请、要约、承诺判断标准的不统一以及经营者滥用格式条款。因此,有必要对“砍单”行为进行法律规制。首先,应当注重事前规范,即统一要约邀请、要约、承诺的判断标准。其次,要规范电商经营者使用格式条款,即认定违反法律强制性规定的格式条款无效及有争议的格式条款不能单独由电商平台制定。最后,在“砍单”行为发生后,既要规范经营者对消费者的合同责任承担也要规范电商平台与经营者的责任承担,从而维护消费者的合法权益。  相似文献   
“聚贤能而治天下”是中国传统治国理念的显著特征,是具有中国特色的政治形态。这类“贤能”人物的世间生活状态,是由俊杰成为贤能的修炼之路,其生活态度也是“贤能”影响他人的重要途径。贤能政治的生活哲学理论可以分为四个方面:一是人性论方面强调以德为上,总体向善;二是世界观方面讲究天人合一,和谐共生;三是社会观方面提倡德位相配,差等有序;四是人生观方面强调达人济世,积极有为。这些哲学在世间的表达方式,共同诠释了中国传统贤能政治世俗存在的哲学形态。  相似文献   
生态损害赔偿作为我国环境保护领域最重要的救济性制度之一,其规范的目的、动机、价值、架构等诸构件决定着生境主体及其权利何以成立的基础性承载和充足性解释。生态损害赔偿制度从人域契约的“人域法”层面确立了“生境”的独特价值、独立的存在权和独立的法律人格;从自然契约的“人际法”层面打破了“人域法”理论的封闭体系,将伦理价值植入环境法律规则之中,摆脱了传统“人域法”对非政治化和非伦理化的唯理主义形式的追求和表达,复兴了中华法系“法律应当伦理化而非工具化”的灵魂与传统,确立了法益保护从“人域优先”向“人际优先”法律价值的转换,丰富了环境法理学的秩序观念和学理原则,拓展了传统人域法“主体中心主义”规则体系的界限与边界,为开启我国环境法从“主体模式保护”向“关系模式保护”生态法律观的变革与价值功能的转换提供了超越性的实践尝试与理论探索。  相似文献   
近代以来,科技翻译有力推动了我国的科技发展和社会进化,在民族复兴的新征程中,科技翻译事业仍有重要意义。在当今科技进步与社会变迁对科技翻译职业带来诸多挑战的背景下,探讨了当代科技译者面临的职业难题与对策,以及科技译者应具备的专业素养。青年译者宜利用好新技术,产出更优质的成果,并调整职业规划,将翻译与专业方向相结合,成长为复合型人才,以翻译为核心竞争力胜任多种专业工作。为应对科技文献的新特点,优秀译者需具备坚实的翻译能力基础、充分的专业知识储备和基本的翻译理论素养。同时,译者还可培养编辑、写作等能力和专业敏感度、跨学科视野等综合素质,从而满足职业融合的需要。  相似文献   
“顾客第一”有其特定的内涵,它充分体现社会主义企业的根本目的,因而是企业所有经营观念中的一个根本性观念,也是企业生产经营的一个根本指导思想。企业要实现其双重目的,促进物质文明和精神文明建设的发展,并树立各种现代经营观念,就必须坚持顾客第一。  相似文献   
Women in many countries of southern Africa do not have majority status or have only recently gained this right. Majority status grants individuals adult legal status and the right to bring matters to court, own and administer property, have legal custody of children, and contract for marriage. This article summarizes the legal status of women in Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Lack of majority status contributes to the ongoing risk of poverty for women and makes them overly dependent on men. Compounding the situation in these countries is the presence of a dual legal system. Improving the situation of women and their families involves targeting changes in the legal system, influencing implementation of laws, educating women about their rights, and giving women needed support to seek their legal rights. The legal status of women must be viewed in the context of historical changes in the economic, educational, political, and cultural developments of society.The research for this paper was conducted during her previous faculty affiliation with the University of Michigan, School of Social Work. Her research interests include the impact of social change on women and families, rural mental health services, and health and mental health linkages. She received her Ph.D. from Rutgers University and her M.S.W. from the Columbia University School of Social Work.Her research interests are gender, work and family, culture and power, social transformations in rural and peri-urban communities, critical education, women and community politics, history of women, family and kinship issues, and community-based program development and evaluation. She received her M.S.W. from Dalhousie University, Halifax.  相似文献   
范柏乃 《管理学报》2006,3(6):637-642
简要回顾了国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目“发展我国风险投资业的法律保障问题研究”的立项背景,系统地介绍了该项目的研究框架与主要内容、取得的主要成果和提出的主要观点,扼要地阐述了研究的理论与实践意义,以及项目研究成果被引用的情况。  相似文献   
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