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中国共产党百年奋斗征程中将马克思主义与中国实际相结合,开创了中国式现代化道路。这是中华民族自主探索现代化道路的开始,也是民族自立自信的基石;中国式现代化道路是科学社会主义基本原则与中国具体实际相结合的产物,是对科学社会主义创新发展的成功样本;中国式现代化道路实现了从资本逻辑主导的西方现代化模式向以人民为中心的现代化模式的转变;促使世界历史进程从西方垄断现代化叙事向世界各民族自主选择现代化道路转变;中国式现代化道路集人类文明之精华,开创了人类文明的新形态,为世界发展和人类共同进步作出重要贡献。  相似文献   
学科文化是学科的灵魂,是学科不断发展创新的精神源泉和内在动力。学科文化自信是文化自信的重要组成部分,培育大学生文化自信应着眼全局,整体推进。学科文化自信与文化自信具有统一性,与核心价值观培育具有同构性,与担当民族复兴大任具有生成性。培育大学生学科文化自信,要深入挖掘和整合学科文化内涵,不断创新和发展培育手段,最终达到浸润和形塑博学自信的新时代大学生的目标。学科文化自信的培育可以达到激发学生学术热情,促进学生和学科全面发展,弘扬社会主义核心价值观,坚定理想信念以及践行使命担当的效用。  相似文献   
上海外来白领生存压力与社会信心调查显示,外来白领对上海整体较为满意,对上海的社会信心较高,同时在工作生活中也面临住房、健康、经济收支、身份认同等四大突出压力。上海应积极出台有效政策措施,努力疏解当前上海外来白领工作生活中的突出压力。  相似文献   
对二项分布比例参数p的似然比置信区间,提出一种简便求解方法。在平均覆盖率、平均区间长度及区间长度的95%置信区间准则下与WScore、Plus4、Jeffreys置信区间进行模拟比较。试验表明,在二项分布b(n,p)的参数n≥20且p∈(0.1,0.9)时,该方法获取的似然比置信区间性能优良。当点估计p值不是接近于0或1且n≥20时,推荐使用本方法获取p的置信区间。  相似文献   
"中国信心":当代中华民族凝聚力的现实解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"中国信心"不仅仅是一个新闻词汇或政治口号,而是引领当代中国社会发展的民族精神和时代精神的精华.在内涵上,"中国信心"是民族性与时代性的辩证统一,是中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要内容;在本质上,"中国信心"是成就感与使命感的高度结合,是社会主义精神文明建设的时代展示;在功能定位上,"中国信心"是当代中华民族凝聚力增强的鲜明亮点,对提升国家文化软实力具有重要意义.  相似文献   
Previous research has largely ignored the relationship between sexual orientation judgement accuracy, confidence, and attitudes toward homosexuality. In an online study, participants (N = 269) judged the sexual orientation of homosexual and heterosexual targets presented via a series of facial photographs. Participants also indicated their confidence in each judgment and completed the Modern Homonegativity Scale (Morrison & Morrison, 2002). We found that (1) homosexual men and heterosexual women were more accurate when judging photographs of women as opposed to photographs of men, and (2) in heterosexual men, negative attitudes toward homosexual men predicted confidence and bias when rating men’s photographs. Findings indicate that homosexual men and heterosexual women are similar in terms of accuracy in judging women’s sexuality. Further, especially in men, homophobia is associated with cognitive biases in labeling other men but does not have a relationship with increased accuracy.  相似文献   
There is a well-established literature dedicated to why couples divorce, transitions associated with divorce, and the impact of divorce on families. However, little is known about the divorce decision-making process. We conducted in-depth interviews with individuals who have recently considered divorce (n = 30) and asked specifically about the roles of 2 concepts in their decision-making process: clarity and confidence. Three major themes emerged from the data: (a) Clarity about a decision to divorce or stay married is desired, it fluctuates, and takes time to find; (b) pivotal moments can bring clarity; and (c) confidence (in the final decision) is desired. Clinical implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   
Point and interval estimators for the scale parameter of the component lifetime distribution of a k-component parallel system are obtained when the component lifetimes are assumed to be independently and identically exponentially distributed. We prove that the maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter based on progressively Type-II censored system lifetimes is unique and can be obtained by a fixed-point iteration procedure. In particular, we illustrate that the Newton–Raphson method does not converge for any initial value. Furthermore, exact confidence intervals are constructed by a transformation using normalized spacings and other component lifetime distributions including Weibull distribution are discussed.  相似文献   
This study constructs a simultaneous confidence region for two combinations of coefficients of linear models and their ratios based on the concept of generalized pivotal quantities. Many biological studies, such as those on genetics, assessment of drug effectiveness, and health economics, are interested in a comparison of several dose groups with a placebo group and the group ratios. The Bonferroni correction and the plug-in method based on the multivariate-t distribution have been proposed for the simultaneous region estimation. However, the two methods are asymptotic procedures, and their performance in finite sample sizes has not been thoroughly investigated. Based on the concept of generalized pivotal quantity, we propose a Bonferroni correction procedure and a generalized variable (GV) procedure to construct the simultaneous confidence regions. To address a genetic concern of the dominance ratio, we conduct a simulation study to empirically investigate the probability coverage and expected length of the methods for various combinations of sample sizes and values of the dominance ratio. The simulation results demonstrate that the simultaneous confidence region based on the GV procedure provides sufficient coverage probability and reasonable expected length. Thus, it can be recommended in practice. Numerical examples using published data sets illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   
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