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中国共产党历来重视和善于处理与人民群众的关系问题。在革命战争年代,中国共产党处理党群关系的做法与经验,被中外学者誉为奇迹和奥秘。改革开放以来,鉴于世情、国情、党情的新变化,党群关系面临着诸多新的挑战。为了更好的巩固执政基础和实现执政使命,需要积极应对这些挑战,对如何构建改革开放以来的党群关系进行再思考,并力求探索处理党群关系的新途径与新方法,以实现党群关系的和谐化、民主化和法制化。  相似文献   
"天下观念"与"华夷之辨"是先秦以来以华夏为中心认识和看待华夷地域差异与文化区别的重要思想基础,其目的是为了保证当时"天下"秩序的稳定和中原华夏文化的优势地位。秦汉时期,随着王朝"大一统"的实现,"天下"真正变成了由"夏"和"夷"组成的二元结构。在这一背景下,汉代古文及今文学家在先秦天下观的基础上又分别对其做了新的补充和铨释,从而完成了认识上的重大的转变。  相似文献   
历史上的城乡关系经历了随着社会经济发展而发生分离与对立,又在社会经济发展的基础上相互依存联系密切,并将最终走向城乡一体共同协调发展的历史过程。在这一历史过程中,唐宋时期是一个重要转折点。在唐宋以前,城乡之间城乡一体的发展态势较为明显;唐宋以降,城乡关系逐渐分离并形成了"交相生养"的新型关系。  相似文献   
宋代的宋玉批评,是在文与道争鸣的文化背景中进行的。当时,人们为了阐述自己的文道观,常常以屈原及其后学宋玉为例论证各自的主张,于是他们有关宋玉的批评就在文与道的争鸣中展开了。考察宋代的宋玉批评,绝大多数批评家对于战国末年的辞赋家宋玉与其作品给予了充分的肯定,只有极少数理学家持否定态度。这有力地说明,肯定宋玉的文学史地位,肯定宋玉作品的讽谏内容和创作艺术,不仅是宋代宋玉批评的主流,而且有着超大比例的强势。  相似文献   

An increasingly older workforce and a growing emphasis on jobs involving interaction with computers have resulted in a need to more carefully examine the relationship between ageing and computer-based work. In this study, a sample of 394 subjects ranging in age from 20-75 years performed a computer task across a 3-day period. Three different types of computer-based jobs (data entry, information retrieval, and accounts balancing) performed at three large US companies were simulated. Age differences in the subjective experience of stress, workload, and bodily discomfort were evaluated. The results indicated that age effects for these measures varied according to task. The older subjects perceived greater workload for the more mentally challenging problem-solving oriented accounts balancing task (Which involved a graphical user interface) than the younger participants, even with increased exposure to the task. However, the older subjects generally experienced less stress than the younger subjects on an information retrieval task that involved a more socially interactive telephone component. A positive relationship between the frustration component of workload and the measure of stress was also found, suggesting an important link between the constructs of stress and workload. Overall, the outcomes of this study provide important insights into design interventions intended to accommodate older as well as younger persons in the workforce.  相似文献   

With significant segments of the working population involved in shiftwork, there is the possibility of serious health outcomes. There are two possible pathways to ill health. In the biological pathway the body's circadian rhythms are affected, leading to physiological disturbances and the inability to cope. By contrast, the aim of this study is to elucidate a social pathway by which shiftwork may lead to mental ill health. It examines the mediating influence of work-to-family conflict in the association between shiftwork and depression. Gender differences are also investigated. The sample included 2,931 Canadian respondents with a spouse and at least one child living at home. Close to 28% of respondents were involved in some form of shiftwork. Structural equation modelling supported partial mediation through work-to-family conflict. Further analyses found that mediation was supported in sub-samples of male and female respondents. The results, however, suggest that the experience of shiftwork is quite similar for men and women as no significant differences were found between mediating models. Overall, the findings support the social explanation of the effect of shiftwork on mental health, but they do not rule out other social or biological pathways.  相似文献   
This study investigated the roles of three types of conflict at work – task, relationship and non-task organizational – in predicting employee strain. These conflict types refer to disputes over issues that are, respectively, work-task specific, driven by emotionally charged interpersonal animosity or rooted in more broad organizationally relevant issues. Findings from a sample of 260 working adults from various organizations in the United States supported the notion that the three types of conflict function as social stressors and are related to a variety of psychological, behavioural and physical strains. They extend previous research based primarily on relationship conflict. Non-task organizational conflict emerged as a key predictor across strain criteria, thus highlighting the importance of including a more complete conceptualization of the conflict construct in social stress research. The results for task conflict are at variance with findings that it can be beneficial, and suggest that its negative relationship with well-being may be due to its co-occurrence with the other forms of conflict. These findings provide support for an expanded typology of conflict.  相似文献   
企业兼并后的文化整合模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业文化作为企业的核心竞争力之一,对企业的经营绩效有着至关重要的影响,而企业兼并是一种文化重组的过程,因此,兼并后的文化整合是保证兼并成功不可或缺的一个环节。在明确企业文化概念及其特征的基础上,分析企业兼并后文化冲突的表现形式及企业文化的整合模式,并提出企业在选择不同文化整合模式时的相应措施。  相似文献   
基于人与自然和谐发展的湿地保护研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
湿地是人类重要的环境资本,也是富集生物多样性和具有较高生产力的生态系统。湿地保护与合理利用已经成为全世界共同关心的热点问题。本文以人与自然关系发展的历史进程为理论基础,从作用机理和作用的核心两个方面,对人类与湿地的关系进行了理论分析,同时分析了湿地保护中的人与自然冲突的形式和根源,以及消除冲突的原则。文章最后从制度、宣教、科研3个层面提出相应的建议,以推动人与湿地和谐格局的形成。  相似文献   
建设有中国特色的可持续发展环境伦理观必须继承中国古代优秀的生态伦理思想。文章对中国传统文化中的环境伦理思想进行了逻辑的梳理,系统阐述、分析并挖掘了中国古代儒道两家早期萌芽的环境伦理思想的精髓,从体现“天入合一”思想的天入合一、钓而不纲、仁民爱物、道法自然四个维度出发,说明中国传统文化中环境伦理思想代表的价值取向及存在的不足和缺陷。  相似文献   
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