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该文着眼世界四大文化圈唯一交汇处、九大语系中五大语系交融处的西域的时间和空间 ,重点历述和阐释了西域古代民族的发生、发展过程 ,从东西南北向西域迁徙的民族互市 ,“打交”、杂居、通婚、相互同化的视角 ,进一步论证了西域诸民族“你中有我 ,我中有你”的结合特性 ,特别从地域上的结合性、生产方式上的结合性 ,人种上的结合性、血缘上的结合性、文化心理上的结合性 5个方面具体印证了今天的“三个离不开”(汉族离不开少数民族 ,少数民族离不开汉族 ,各少数民族之间互相离不开 ) ,是具有中国特色的历史民族关系的必然结果 ,西域民族的结合特性也为我们增强整个中华民族的凝聚力提供了极强的可信性  相似文献   
建设文化生态保护区,是我国“十一五”时期开始实施的文化发展战略。八年来,我国已批复设立了18个国家级文化生态保护实验区。其中武陵山片区批复设立了三个国家级文化生态保护实验区,但都各自独立于省级行政区内,使相同或相近的非物质文化遗产被行政区域切割,破坏了非物质文化遗产的完整性和流动性。因此,对区域内批复设立的文化生态保护区进行整合,构建更加开放、一体化的“武陵民族走廊文化生态保护区”,更符合非物质文化遗产保护、传承和发展的内在规定性。这一构想首先基于该区域非物质文化遗产基础条件良好,但由于行政区划的割裂,要实现这一构想又存在诸多现实困难,其出路就是打破行政疆界,整合资源,以非物质文化遗产区域性整体保护传承为核心,把整个区域建成“中国武陵文化公园”。  相似文献   
《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》是毛泽东在社会主义建设时期最重要的理论著作之一.中共十一届三中全会以来对《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》的研究一直是学术界关注的热点问题,取得了丰硕成果.在其发表50周年之际,文章着重从近年来学术界对该文献研究的成果、研究的新视野、研究中带有争议的热点问题及研究中的不足等方面作一述评,以为纪念.  相似文献   
相对不起诉制度是我国1996年修改后的<刑事诉讼法>对检察机关免予起诉制度废除后的产物.从10余年的司法实践过程来看,相对不起诉在检察机关应用较少,主要是体现了检察权对审判权的谦抑.从该制度最初的功能设计分析,相对不起诉是为处理刑事案件作适当分流而设计的,它应该是解决刑事案件中利益冲突的途径之一.长期的实践表明,该制度面临着许多矛盾,这些矛盾导致相对不起诉制度处于一个进退两难的境地.因此,从保护被害人权利来说,完善相对不起诉制度,使之成为刑事案件中利益冲突解决的正式途径,应该是新的刑事诉讼修改的一个重要内容.  相似文献   
通过问卷调查,阐述了全球化背景下西北民族大学研究生公共英语的教学现状,并分析了其存在的问题,指出民族院校研究生外语教学水平相对滞后的原因,并提出明确民族院校研究生教育定位和培养目标,充分发挥民族院校的优势等改革措施。  相似文献   
把我国古代的“亲属容隐”制度置于当时的政治、经济、文化、人性、心理及相关法律制度的语境中进行考察,探究其产生的必然性和在当时的合理性,进而考察导致该制度产生、存续的要素在当代的存在状况,及其在当代被赋予的人权和正义价值,最终得出结论:该制度在当代仍然具有旺盛的生命力,理应被吸纳入我国现行法律制度体系。  相似文献   
该文通过文献资料、问卷调查、访谈和数理统计等研究方法,从新疆各个民族参与民族式摔跤的情况、不同民族参与不同形式摔跤的情况、运动员及教练员的基本状况等方面对新疆维吾尔族、哈萨克族、蒙古族及回族四个民族的民族式摔跤的发展状况进行研究,旨在为促进新疆民族式摔跤的全面协调发展提供理论参考。  相似文献   
Espvall M, Dellgran P. Can we count on each other? Reciprocity and conflicts in financial support in Sweden
Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 84–94 © 2008 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2008 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. This article explores the experiences of reciprocity and conflicts in social relationships, and how these experiences are related to financial support (loans and gifts) in the wider social network. The balance of exchange within the social network as a whole is considered in relation to socio‐demographic features, financial conditions and the availability of social relationships. The data are drawn from a study of financial support exchange in Sweden based on a representative survey among Swedish citizens (n= 500). The results reveal that people living in economic hardship and who have more problematic life circumstances appear to be at risk of receiving more limited informal financial support and experience more feelings of conflict and nonreciprocal social relations.  相似文献   
差异性社会理论体现了马克思主义哲学认识及改造社会方法的创新特质。差异性社会理论是解读包容性增长的基本分析语境,差异性社会应当是良性发展的和谐社会,其发展伦理在价值观念、效率伦理、公民伦理这些方面为包容性增长界定规范性维度。差异性社会的道德冲突化解是实现包容性增长的重要精神保障。  相似文献   
The identification of factors that predict cooperation and agreement between ex-spouses is important to understanding and promoting healthy post-divorce among parents and their children. This study of 64 separated and divorced parents was intended as an initial investigation of ex-couples who are able to negotiate and maintain mutually agreeable shared parenting arrangements, without legal or mental health intervention. As expected, these cooperating ex-couples selected from a wider range of custody and access arrangements than demographically similar ex-couples in disagreement about parenting arrangements. Also consistent with expectation, interparental cooperation and disagreements influenced the proportions of time children spent with their parents, whereas type of custody and access arrangement did not. Although all children tended to spend more time with their mothers than with their fathers, this discrepancy was greater for disagreeing than cooperating ex-couples. As hypothesized, histories of domestic violence were less likely among cooperating ex-couples than disagreeing ex-couples. Finally, the hypothesis that cooperating ex-couples are generally more satistied with their lives than disputing ex-couples was supported by the results of a MANOVA. However, subsequent univariate analyses revealed that cooperating and disagreeing ex-couples did not differ in their levels of satisfaction with their social lives and their financial situations. These findings and additional exploratory comparisons between the two groups were interpreted as potential avenues for subsequent investigations of cooperating ex-couples.  相似文献   
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