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清末预备立宪公会在上海成立后,通过编辑出版宪政书籍、创办公会机关报、与当时上海较大的新闻媒体和出版机构相呼应、筹办法政讲习所和国会研究所等多种传播手段,积极传播宪政知识,努力进行宪政启蒙,使民众摆脱对专制社会的精神依赖,从而为开展政治运动进行了广泛的社会动员.  相似文献   
The widely disseminated court verdict on the former Scotland Yard commander, Ali Dizaei, as a violent bully and a liar at the end of his first trial in February 2010, brought about a noted denunciation of multiculturalism as ‘political correctness’. The jury's decision on the abuse of power by the Iranian-born officer was used by the denunciators to condemn the politics of rights that aligned multiple ethnic and racial identities as equal. The denunciation is looked at as a contingent mobilisation of the apolitical subject that is loitering on the boundary of politics calling for the ‘end of politics’ marked by the exclusion of the Other. At the same time the trial revealed that by advocating a policy designed to subsume particular ethnic and cultural belongings within a universal exercise of rights Dizaei had been able to resume his cultural differences as a source of privileges among his compatriots. Drawing on the incident as a result of which Dizaei had to stand trial and later a re-trial, using various sources, the paper examines the tension between the exercise of rights and privileges built into multiculturalism. The pertinence of the sources used to highlight the tension remains largely unaffected by the questioned reliability of the main witness of the prosecutor and the Appeal Court judges’ decision to order Dizaei's re-trial. The paper argues that multiculturalism sets in motion the incompatible agencies of the citizen, the member of a political community, and Man whose role is inscribed within civil society. Thus, the exercise of equal rights calls for dis-identification of the subject as a social and cultural agent. Such dis-identification, however, is displaced when the subject asserts his identity as Man, the bearer of unequal relations based on class, gender and race. In making provision both for the exercise of rights as well as the assertion of identity multiculturalism becomes instrumental in the subsumption of cultural differences within rights and the resumption of these differences in the articulation of privileges. The mediation of multiculturalism in the realization of rights and privileges accounts for the Iranian-born officer's oscillation between subsuming his cultural differences within British citizenship and resuming these differences in asserting his identity as an Iranian among the diasporic community. Using the notion of cultural diversity Dizaei was able to keep at arm's length the two spheres of rights and identity that allowed him to claim ‘not to be one of them’ thus oscillating between claiming the rights of a British citizen and the privileges of an Iranian magnate. The noted disruption in his power game that brought Dizaei to sit in the dock was the result of a failed attempt by the Iranian-born officer to contain the growing tension in his advocated multiculturalism arising from his simultaneous resort to rights and privilege.  相似文献   
作为破解中央与地方关系这一中国宪政建设轴心问题的关键入口,1994年开启的分税制改革基本建构了中央与地方制度分权的雏形,但也面临宪政时代的严峻挑战。鉴于整体社会转型的时代大背景,很有必要转换研究的路径,以一种“实用宪法”的视角来析解分税制改革,以一种“规范宪法”的思路来提炼分税制改革,通过引进对话和沟通、宽容、忍让的机制和程序,进一步发展和完善分税制改革,因势利导地推进中央与地方关系的规范化、法治化建设,达成中央与地方和衷共济、合作共赢的和谐局面,推进我国社会的发展和完善。  相似文献   
宪法关系和宪法性法律关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宪法关系主要包括公民与某些国家机关的关系以及各国家机关之间的关系,立法机关是其中最活跃的主体。宪法性法律关系不是宪法关系,也不是一般的法律关系,而是“宪法性”的法律关系,调整的是国家的政治权力。宪政是宪法关系的实现过程(转化为宪法性法律关系)以及宪法性法律关系的实现过程(在现实中实施这些法律关系)。我国宪政实践中的问题主要表现为宪法关系和宪法性法律关系在形成和实施中的一系列行为的不到位。  相似文献   
本文试对宪法委员会作一些简单的介绍,进而分析法国的宪法委员会在保障人权方面所起的作用,及其对中国可能产生的积极影响。  相似文献   
城市业主维权运动:特点及其影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
城市业主维权运动是伴随着住房市场化、商品化改革而出现的一种新的社会运动形式。维护房产权益、实行业主自治、策略性集体行动的广泛采用、维权精英的积极引导和专业人士的技术性支持是其重要特点。它对推动私有财产权的宪政建设、公民社会的培育、城市政治发展、社区治理结构及运行机制的重构具有重要意义,为如何构建社会主义和谐社会提出了新的课题。  相似文献   
我国《宪法》规定了由全国人大及其常委会实施宪法监督,《立法法》制定了违宪审查条款,目的是运用政治程序或是准法律程序进行宪法监督。但就目前来看,这种制度缺乏程序性保障,不能有效地制裁违宪行为,使得宪法监督往往流于形式。“无诉讼即无宪政”,要建设社会主义法治国家,宪法的司法化是必然选择。  相似文献   
在推行宪政主义的法治国家政制构架之中,宪政与司法的联系可概括为两种对待问题的方法和理念:“宪政司法”与“司法宪政”。“宪政司法”关注司法的宪政品性,着眼于司法运作和司法改革的宪政主义视角;“司法宪政”则极力倡导和探索宪政的司法进路,强调司法的宪政功能以及司法改革对宪政建设的意义。中国宪政建设与司法改革积极推进,当前应致力于塑造宪政型司法,建构司法审查制度,在宪政程序中导入司法理性,正确处理司法改革与宪政改革的关系。  相似文献   
During the past thirty years Catholics in Northern Ireland have experienced unprecedented upward social mobility. Some commentators have suggested that this has led Catholics not merely to adopt the lifestyles of the middle class but also to modify their constitutional preferences, leading to a decline in nationalism. In this paper I examine the relationship between social mobility, on the one hand, and, on the other, both constitutional preferences and political (left or right wing) preferences among Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland, using survey data collected in 1996. There is no evidence that Catholics' constitutional preferences are related to their mobility experiences.  相似文献   
现行中国宪法存在着审查,它表现为多种主体和多种形式,但并不令人满意。因此,一方面必须借鉴西方宪法审查模式的经验,另一方面必须洞悉中国现有宪法审查存在的问题。只有这样,中国宪法才会在宪法审查的角色、体制和实施等方面寻找到出路。但是,我们不可过分迷信宪法审查,它不过是要告诉人民:当宪法正确的时候,我们应该维护和尊重它;当宪法出错的时候,我们更应该崇拜和捍卫它。宪法必须成为共和国的“国王”。   相似文献   
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