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Rajhvajn Bulat L. A longitudinal study of depressiveness in children in public care Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 412–423 © 2009 The Author, Journal compilation © 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the International Journal of Social Welfare. The aim of this article is to analyse the challenges involved when making longitudinal observations of depressiveness in children raised in public care. The first measurement comprised 375 children from children's homes and foster families; however, most of the results are based on an analysis of the 139 children who participated in both parts of the research. We used the Child Depression Inventory and the anxiety/depression subscales of Youth Self Report and Child Behaviour Checklist as measures of depressiveness. The comparison of results from the first and second measurements showed that depressiveness in children in public care decreased over time. Children who grew up in children homes were, in the first measurement, more depressed than those living in foster families, but after five years that difference had disappeared. Furthermore, decrease in depressiveness is predominantly associated with less frequent delinquent, aggressive or hyperactive behaviour, less withdrawal and better control over uncomfortable emotions.  相似文献   
Saario S, Raitakari S. Contractual audit and mental health rehabilitation: a study of formulating effectiveness in a Finnish supported housing unit Int J Soc Welfare 2010: 19: 321–329 © 2010 The Author(s), Journal compilation © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and International Journal of Social Welfare. Mental health NGOs in Western Europe are increasingly managed by contractual audit procedures. This article concerns how contractual audit and its emphasis on effectiveness of care impact on the practices of long‐term mental health rehabilitation. To demonstrate this, a case study of a Finnish NGO that provides supported housing is presented. The study looks at how service purchasing practices, as stated in the contract between the municipality and the NGO, are reflected in the meetings among practitioners. Documentary and meeting data were utilised together with Mitchell Dean's notion of technologies of agency. It was found that practitioners actively sought to show the effectiveness of their everyday work in terms of contractual audit by demonstrating both the economic and progressive aspects of care. Thus, professional competency in mental health rehabilitation appears to entail both the skills of care interventions and the ability to perform these interventions as efficient and financially accountable activities.  相似文献   
我国农村基本公共卫生服务的均等化发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以制度化设计为重点的均等化公共卫生服务可以减少居民消费不确定性,促进社会公平和稳定,是国外经济社会发展政策的普遍趋势。我国农村公共卫生服务从均等化发展的目标来衡量,仍面临城乡环境差距较大、卫生资源布局不合理等诸多障碍,因此,必须加大改革力度,从推进农村公共服务设施与城市衔接、加强农村基础设施投入和完善农村医疗卫生体系等重点领域进行突破,全面推进农村公共服务与城市的融合。  相似文献   
为了解社会工作目前的职业声望,本文通过问卷调查了作为社会先进群体的大学生对社工的职业声望评价。调查结果显示,大学生自身所持有的价值观、择业要求会影响对职业的评价,对社工本身的了解程度也是影响因素之一。笔者因此建议通过大力加强社工价值教育,扩大舆论宣传和提高社工福利等措施来提高社工的职业声望。  相似文献   
社区管理与服务在我国城乡和谐社会建设中具有重要的地位,但由于属于新兴专业,其课程设置目前仍有待完善之处。这些问题包括总体社区工作课程过多且存在一定重复,忽略社区服务的具体环节和技巧教育,以及各课程之间相互区隔缺乏沟通联动等。笔者以为社区管理与服务专业的主干课程,当以社区工作服务群众时所需的技能体系为基础进行设计。具体包括强化社区服务各环节技能的训练,并打破现有课程之间的藩篱,在不同的课程之间,尤其是社区工作专业技巧课程之间建立起前后的承接关系。  相似文献   
当前中国社会工作的发展之重点不在于盲目的扩大专业社会工作者人才队伍的规模,而更在于立足于现在已经存在的社会工作者岗位如何发挥出应有的作用,并随之提高社会工作者的职业声望。从而,基层社会工作委员会的工作内容和工作方式的明确化问题的解决已经迫在眉睫。本文提出县级社会工作委员会应采用专业社会工作者的工作模式,走出一条符合中国实际的社会工作专业化、职业化的道路。  相似文献   
戴武堂 《创新》2010,4(1):87-91
为深入贯彻落实科学发展观,坚持改革开放,推动科学发展,促进和谐发展,夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利,必须提高和增强政府执行力和公信力。因此,有必要研究政府执行力和公信力的关系,衡量政府执行力和公信力的指标体系,分析提升政府执行力和公信力的障碍因素,探寻增强政府执行力和公信力的路径。  相似文献   
张军 《阅江学刊》2010,(5):56-64,97
两晋时期军府制度逐渐发展定型,并对以尚书制度为核心的国家政治体制产生重大影响,其表现为:在中央层面,加兵公常领录尚书事,或兼领尚书令;地方镇将常兼领尚书省长官。这样,在国家政治生活中就出现了军府制断尚书事,甚至在非常时期成为替代尚书省的“国务总汇”机构,以及军府掾属权过尚书干涉政务等等不正常的现象。这些现象的产生,在一定程度上表明了两晋时期国家政治体制的孱弱。  相似文献   
任增强 《阅江学刊》2010,(6):136-140
西人早在18、19世纪便接触到中国道家经典《老子》与《庄子》,但对其中美学思想之阐发则是20世纪之事。美国学者对先秦道家美学思想进行了一系列研究,主要围绕以下问题展开:道家美学与浪漫主义、道家美学中的"与道合一"说、"神"的观念、道家言意观、美学思想及其在全球化进程中之意义。其跨学科的研究方法与中西比较的视野有别于国内相关研究。  相似文献   
王三毛 《阅江学刊》2010,(1):143-148
竹子是中国古代文学最重要的植物题材之一,竹林又是竹子题材文学的重要表现对象。我国古代竹林资源丰富,相关文学创作源远流长,作品繁多,展现了古代文人丰富的观赏经验和审美情趣。竹林较为亲近人居,丛生竹林结丛而生,散生竹林上合下疏。不同季节、气候、环境条件下的竹林景象具有不同的美感。竹坞、竹坡、竹溪、竹径等意境幽雅,成了文人最乐于吟赏的风景。  相似文献   
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