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In addition to the many factors leading to parental alienation syndrome (PAS), including the narcissistic injury felt by the abandoned parent, or the custodial parent's personal difficulty, there are further factors unique to Arab society—including strong influence by the extended family on the child. Although all the components of PAS exist and are well known to the shari'a courts, no parallel concept is found in the Arab legal lexicon. This article presents 1 case of a shari'a court hearing that illustrates this phenomenon. The conclusions indicate that the shari'a court considers this a serious phenomenon and sees coping with the situation as an essential and preliminary condition to the custody hearing.  相似文献   
In this article I note limits of cultural activism in third-wave feminism, demonstrating that this activism often relies on a music scene that neglects intersections of race and gender. I offer the space of the online fansite as an alternative site for analysis, describing it as a site for everyday activism and consumer activism. Specifically, I explore the online fansite of the HBO show Six Feet Under, describing how fans treat subjects of gender and race in the show and in their everyday lives. Although fans discuss race and gender in limited ways in their explorations of the show and their daily lives, when they discuss the subject of death, they more productively address intersections of both race and gender, considering differences in burial and funereal practices among diverse cultures. Fans also construct the fansite as a place for consumer activism, sharing information about how to be active consumers in the funeral industry and to direct the course of their own burials.  相似文献   
国家利益视角下的中国北极身份   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在全球气候变化和北极暖化的影响下,北极问题日益成为国际政治与经济关注的焦点。在逻辑上,中国北极身份决定其北极利益,而经济利益是北极利益的阶段性特征。"非北极国家"和"近北极国家"身份并不能满足北极经济利益特征要求,相比之下,"利益攸关方"则具有一定的实用性和可塑性。但是,中国"强双边外交+弱多边外交"北极外交实践模式与北极问题之间存在应对缺口。鉴于此,从不同层面优化北极身份是实现北极经济利益与"和谐北极"目标的有益途径。  相似文献   

The revised Law on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Consumers (Consumer Protection Law), which sums up nearly twenty years of the evolution of Chinese punitive damages regulations, sets out a model system of punitive damages. These are in essence a special kind of penalty under a dual public-private legal system in which the punitive and deterrent functions of public law are realized through the mechanism of private law. Their application should be guided by the public law principle that the penalty should be proportionate to the offence. The question of whether the penalty is appropriate arises in the application of the two forms of punitive damages prescribed in the Consumer Protection Law—whether used separately or together, or in conjunction with or independently of fines or financial awards. The application of the new punitive damages regulations may overlap with the application of China’s Food Safety Law and Tort Liability Law.  相似文献   
崔聪聪 《创新》2013,(2):75-79
云计算、大数据等网络新技术挑战了以有限资源为基础的物权和知识产权制度。CtoB模式的出现,对产品责任制度提出了挑战。网络新技术与新应用提出的挑战使电子商务进入到生态化治理时代。政府治理是电子商务生态化治理的重要一环,为适应电子商务生态化治理的需要,政府应改变现行的监管思路和方式,重新定位自己的角色,积极开展消费者教育。  相似文献   
Methods for facilitating students' standards-based consumer literacy are addressed via the use of problem solving with food and product labels. Fifth graders will be able to: (1) provide detailed analysis of food and product labels; (2) understand large themes, including production, distribution, and consumption; and (3) explore consumer decision-making skills.  相似文献   
Analyses of the costs and benefits of immigration have not considered the dependence of an ethny's reproductive fitness on its monopoly of a demarcated territory. Global assays of human genetic variation allow estimation of the genetic losses incurred by a member of a population when random fellow ethnics are replaced by immigrants from different ethnies. This potential loss defines an individual's ethnic genetic interest as a quantity that varies with the genetic distance of potential immigrants. W. D. Hamilton showed that self-sacrificial altruism is adaptive when it preserves the genetic interests of a population of genetically similar individuals. Ethnic genetic interest can be so large that altruism on behalf of one's ethny—'ethnic nepotism'—can be adaptive when it prevents replacement. It follows that ethnies usually have an interest in securing and maintaining a monopoly over a demarcated territory, an idea consonant with the universal nationalism of Bismarck and Woodrow Wilson.  相似文献   
农民权益得失与城市化进程的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘秀英  田光 《学术交流》2007,(4):111-114
城市化是人类社会发展的必然趋势,也是一个国家走向发达的必由之路。在我国城市化高速发展进程中,如何扬长避短,对城市化涉及的核心群体——农民权益的“得”与“失”是不容不认真考虑的问题。在城市化中,农民总体上属于弱势群体,如果政府及相关部门不能及时采取有效措施,其“失”甚至可能更重于“得”。城市化的社会经济特点、强势群体的掠夺以及政府利益介入、农民自身的缺失等都有可能成为农民权益“失”的原因。政府高度重视城市化与农民受益的一致性,并通过立法规范土地利益的分配制度,进而提高农村的聚集效应、提高农民的自身素质等是城市化建设健康发展的必要保障。  相似文献   
3·15是"国际消费者权益日",CCTV-1的3·15晚会不仅是对消费者权益日的热烈庆祝,更是承载对中国经济市场、消费热点的年度盘点。透视CCTV-1的3·15,了解并分析了中国商品质量的现状,认为诸多方面有不尽人意之处。为此提出了不断改善和提高商品质量,从根本上维护消费者的权益的若干对策。  相似文献   
黄金桥 《创新》2007,1(3):82-86
中国建设和谐社会正处于中国社会全面转型的历史时期。转型时期的中国社会既有新旧体制与机制的强力对垒,也有新旧观念和思维方式的激烈碰撞,更有各种复杂矛盾与疑难问题的集中爆发。由于人们法律意识及法治观念的逐渐增强,转型时期频繁发生的影响性诉讼成为人们观察和关注社会发展脉动的重要兴奋点。影响性诉讼对构建和谐社会具有重要意义和深刻影响:使人们对社会发展现实有无比清醒而理智的认识;对正在建设中的和谐社会法治提供助力并树立信心。  相似文献   
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