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楚国的官制自成体系,与中原诸国官制迥然不同,甚至职官名称都异于中原诸国。只有“司马”例外,它是为数不多且与中原诸国职官名称相同的职官之一。因此,研究楚国“司马”的设置、职掌及其属官等情况,对于深入探讨楚国的官制以及春秋战国时期中原诸国官制都具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
中国古代以儒家为主流的政治家、思想家在对外关系中非常重视文化的战略地位与作用,崇尚贯注王道精神的大一统政治理念,主张以文德教化为主要战略手段构筑华夏文明主导的和谐的天下秩序。这种文化战略的理论基础是“华夷之辨”与“华夷共祖”的文化族群观念。“尊王攘夷”与“用夏变夷”是具体的战略手段。“亡天下”与“王天下”表现了文明的自我警示和最高理想。中国传统的大一统文化战略思想,扩大了先进的中原汉文化的影响,对中华文明的延续传播与中华民族多元一体的团结统一起了重要作用,也对维护世界和平稳定做出不可磨灭的贡献。  相似文献   
苗族是一个古老的民族,在中国上古部落联盟后期曾建立过“三苗国”,国家和法的萌芽都比当时的夏族早,并最先发明和创造了“五兵”和“五刑”,在中国早期国家的建立与法的产生中起着重要的作用。苗族的先民与夏族一起,在中国国家与法的产生和发展中作出过重要的贡献。  相似文献   
随着农村土地使用权流转的推进,农村社会经济关系发生了重大变化。农村集体经济组织享有土地所有权,承包农户凭借土地使用权获取农业地租,土地流转承租人作为农业投资人获取经营收入,从而形成土地所有权人、土地使用权人、农业投资人和农业工人的社会经济关系体系。  相似文献   
20世纪出版两部中国民间故事史:刘守华著《中国民间故事史》和谭达先著《中国二千年民间故事史》。两部史都是20世纪"中国民间故事大发现"时期的学术精品,都从古籍钩沉故事,以故事载于典籍的时期,对作品分期断代。两部史各有什么学术特色呢?谭达先以故事为纲,刘守华以古籍为纲。谭达先分13个时期,按时期列出每篇故事原文、注释,介绍搜集者,所引典籍及其作者,分析故事的思想性、艺术性,并对每一篇定一个故事"型",追求学术性与通俗性相统一。刘守华分6个时期,引每部古籍的故事原文,或梗概,或译为白话文,进行述评,并进行古今、国内和中外故事比较,对道教故事、佛教故事、20世纪采录的口传故事作专题研究。两位资深学者对于对方作精到的评论,显示学术胸怀与眼光,值得称道。  相似文献   
This paper draws a parallel between the biographical narrative life‐story interview technique and psychoanalytic therapy. It points out that this type of interview may, in some cases, assist with the re‐construction of a new narrative identity of the interviewee. Where there is practically no intervention by the interviewer it can do this just by providing the interviewee with a situation where there is someone who does not want anything other than to listen to her life narrative. Through this process there can be a therapeutic effect which is more than a joyful by‐product, which the interviewees not only unconsciously experience, but for which they overtly express their gratitude.

The paper features the case of such a woman, who was sterilised in Auschwitz. It also tells the story of a man where the interviewer experienced incredibly strong resistance and projective identification throughout the interview. This resulted in almost insoluble guilt in the interviewer. The paper tries to interpret the story of the interviewee, who is also a Shoah survivor, and is unable to make some things in his life story explicit. The interpretation suggests that he might have killed some Arrow Cross officers in order to take their uniforms to help others. He has lived for the last 60 years with feelings of insoluble guilt. The question is raised whether in this case the interview had a similar therapeutic effect to the first case or not.  相似文献   
钱穆先生是现代中国最为重要的国学大师之一。他晚年定居台湾,在记忆衰退,又无大量文献可供稽考的情况下,耄耋之年写作回忆录——《师友杂忆》,因此记述难免出现偏差。但瑕不掩瑜,此书仍旧是一部20世纪中国学术发展史的实录,有着它书所无法替代的研究价值。文章主要利用1921年7月印行的《松江朱怀天先生遗稿》与《师友杂忆》比较参证,逐次辨析朱怀天生平事迹,去伪存真,增补缺失,力图完整展现钱穆与朱怀天交往的全过程。[1]  相似文献   
政治整合是各国尤其是中国这样的发展中的多民族国家面临的非常重要的现实问题。如何正确认识和定位当前我国的政治整合成为决定我国政治整合能否成功的关键。从探讨政治整合概念入手,对处于转型期中国的政治整合进行分析,并提出相关对策和建议。  相似文献   
The practicalities and success of an audio-visual recording system developed to document night-time noise and activity in children's bedrooms in an inner-city area are described. The development and use of this method during the study, and potential applications and contexts for its future use are discussed.

We examined children's sleep disturbance due to cough. To date 143 recordings have been made on 41 children. Seven studies (five per cent) were unsuccessful. Three of 70 families declined to take part in the study because of intrusion of privacy. Analysis of the videos took approximately three hours per study.

Home recording at night was practical and successful in households where sleep disturbance due to cough was presented as a problem. Problems that were anticipated with this method of data collection are discussed, and were minimal.  相似文献   
在1930年代初日本出现了叫做壁小说(中文叫墙头小说)的微型小说。当时日本的无产阶级文艺运动提倡创作这形式的作品是接受前苏联的文艺理论家卢那查尔斯基的劝告而实践的结果。小林多喜二率先倡导与创作壁小说。壁小说能够被劳动群众广泛接受,它肩负着倡议者的热情与期待而登场,留下了相当数量的优秀作品,但作为一种体裁,它并没有得到充分发展便匆匆夭折。  相似文献   
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