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The work-welfare nexus is essential in all social policy regimes. The question is in what situations individuals should be entitled to social welfare benefits and in which situations they should be obliged to work. Social welfare law and administrative practices define mechanisms that separate the deserving poor from people able to work. This article analyses the functions and character of these "separation mechanisms" in Sweden during three periods in history: a) in rural society in the late 19th century; b) in industrial society during the successful years of the Swedish model from World War II until the late 1970s; and c) the present, including the period of welfare retrenchment and reconsideration since the early 1980s. The conclusion is that Swedish social policy has always been strongly work-oriented, but the specific form and content of the work ethic has varied under the influence of different ideologies and handled in different social policy institutions. Under specific conditions the work line has been either generous or restrictive and it has been based on structural attempts to improve the opportunities to work as well as on attempts to strongly pressure the individual to work. The work line of today is seen as an interesting attempt to combine an effort to create good work through improved work conditions and an effort to reinforce elements of work enforcement in the social insurance system.  相似文献   
本文分析了无标底招标的特点和利弊,在肯定无标底招标的同时,建议不可盲目实行,提出加强法律、法规建设,规范建筑市场和参与各方的行为是解决问题的关键。  相似文献   
In 2001, Swedish authorities imposed a new obligation upon all firms with ten or more employees to undertake annual wage surveys, ‘workplace equality audits’ in which it is possible to ascertain, remedy and prevent unwarranted wage differentials and other unfair employment terms between men and women. An important implication of the new system, called ‘workplace equality renewal’ (självsanering), is that, at the level of the firm all Swedish employers must explain what they mean by work of ‘equal value’ as opposed to ‘different value’. This article discusses the practical pros and cons of the new system, and considers how the surveys can be used in research into the present state of gendered work division. A main finding is that the introduction of this new legislation in the long run might change the Swedish industrial relations system as well as the preconditions for many companies’ human resource management policies. Yet, neither the governmental agencies involved nor the parties’ confederate organizations have been able to clarify what the issue is really about to the single, small business employer or to the local trade union branches. Many employers find any interference, whatever it may be, threatening and trade unions have not realized the potentialities of the system from an employee perspective, potentialities connected to the fact that companies are now more or less forced to make transparent their wage policies at large.  相似文献   
日本制造业中,制造商往往和其零部件供应商形成长期连续交易关系,彼此之间紧密协作,形成系列化的企业集团。在这种企业集团内部,零部件供应商有更大的激励进行专用资产的投资,进而降低生产成本,提高产品质量。甚至在适当的条件下,供应商直接参与零部件产品的设计。这种日本式的分包制采用一种隐含的承包合约形成长期连续交易关系,使企业之间能更好的合作,极大的提高了日本企业集团的竞争力。本文建立一个简单的模型,引入一种简单隐含合约的形式,即发包商给予承包商部分议价权利,在此基础上分析承包商专用资产投资行为,并对上述现象进行解释。  相似文献   
本文通过分析KTV业和唱片业在版权利益和经济利益方面的冲突,认为两个行业本应是互利关系,其利益冲突是可以调和的,解决之道应是双方在博弈中互利。同时提出了一些解决的建议,期能对冲突的解决有所裨益。  相似文献   
深化对劳动和劳动价值论问题的认识 ,是由马克思主义与时俱进的理论品质和劳动价值论的地位决定的 ,是迎接理论挑战和实践挑战的需要。通过深化对生产劳动、科技劳动和经济管理劳动的认识 ,有利于丰富劳动概念的内涵 ,拓展生产劳动的范围 ,明确科技和经营管理劳动不仅是生产性劳动 ,而且在价值和社会财富的创造中发挥着巨大的作用。  相似文献   
关于对社会主义市场经济的认识,一般人都从经济运行方式的角度去考察,揭示社会主义市场经济的运行规范和某些功能,而对于社会主义市场经济的本质问题缺乏哲学和理论思考,没有从根本上揭示社会主义市场经济的本质是什么。探讨社会主义市场经济不能只停留在社会主义市场经济的基本职能和功能,而不重视社会主义市场经济的本质问题;不能只停留在社会主义市场经济的基本表现,而忽视社会主义市场经济的本质特征。社会主义市场经济的本质在于“四个坚持”,即坚持社会主义道路、坚持无产阶级专政、坚持党的领导、坚持马列主义毛泽东思想。  相似文献   
道德与市场经济的关系及其新的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计划经济时期的道德境界,是自然经济的产物,是政治挂帅的结果。市场经济的行为准则是提倡买卖公平,实现利益最大化,道德与市场经济发生一定的冲突。只有以市场经济为基础,削弱与克服负面效应,才能把道德和利益之间的纠缠转变为和解。道德以市场经济为行为准则,使人人景仰的道德境界融入经济发展之中;市场经济也以法律为准绳,实现具有统领作用的道德建构,使只讲道德不讲经济和只讲经济不讲道德转变为同存互补。  相似文献   
市场发育状况是经济发展的最为重要的条件。文章通过对新疆五大区域的市场发育规模、市场容量与质量和市场主体成熟度三个方面的实证研究,认为:新疆的市场化程度极大的落后于全国平均水平,因此,缩小新疆与发达地区经济差距的当务之急是加速市场化进程,并且使区域市场主体尽快成熟起来又是急中之急。  相似文献   
在我国加快实施创新驱动发展战略中,如何提升企业组织创造力以促使企业创新变得至关重要。企业战略是影响组织创造力和创新的重要情境因素。市场导向和创业导向是新兴经济体国家的企业发展的战略核心。然而,现有研究对市场导向与企业创造性产出之间关系的观点却不一致。创业导向如何影响市场导向对组织创造力的作用也尚未得到关注和研究。本研究以145家企业的979份高层管理人员与核心员工的套问卷数据为样本,研究发现:市场导向对组织创造力产生倒U型影响,且倒U型影响通过二元结构文化(一致性文化与适应性文化)的不同传导机制而产生,即:一致性文化在市场导向与组织创造力之间正向中介效应随市场导向的增强而减弱,并在高度市场导向时转变为负向中介效应,而适应性文化在市场导向和组织创造力之间发挥部分中介效应。研究还发现:市场导向对组织创造力的倒U型影响受创业导向的调节作用,即:当创业导向较高时,市场导向对组织创造力的积极影响随市场导向的增强而逐渐增强,反之,则逐渐减弱。研究结论为提升企业组织创造力提供新的思路和理论参考。  相似文献   
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