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基于西北5省15个国家级贫困县152位信贷经理人的问卷调查,分析了小额信贷经理人的扶贫意愿、行为以及影响因素。经验研究结果表明:在调研的国家级贫困县中,尽管近六成小额信贷经理人向贫困户发放过贷款,但业务量总体较少,具有信贷扶贫意愿的不到2成;性别、教育背景、收入满意度、信贷决策自主性、放贷任务以及是否完成任务对信贷扶贫业务有显著影响;性别和信贷自主权对扶贫意愿具有显著影响。由此,在信贷扶贫项目选择信贷经理人时,采取差异化策略,有序放松信贷自主权,加强扶贫效果考核,对提高金融扶贫绩效会起到积极的作用。  相似文献   
近期财政部出台的法治财政建设实施方案将宏观调控的创新方式借用于财政领域,提出财政面向上的区间调控、定向调控、相机调控、精准调控和适时预调微调等,体现出财政的工具主义价值。从形式上来看,这与当下公共财政时代所要求的规范主义价值,存在着阶段性目标追求的二律背反,但基于财政有效治理的国家任务,两者又统一于良法善治的终极价值属性之中。对于仍深受财政工具主义思维禁锢的当下中国而言,更应提倡的是财政的规范主义价值,防止偏重调控结果有效而轻视调控过程正义,从遵循调控法定、尊重市场规则和坚持民生导向的路径出发,以期实现在调控权力控制下的国家全面可持续性发展。  相似文献   
我国金融控股公司立法必要性探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金融控股公司作为我国金融“分业”体制下实现“混业经营”目的的一种组织创新模式,在我国的发展日益迅速,而我国立法空缺的现状却严重阻碍了其健康发展,也造成了极大的金融风险。文章利用历史分析、比较分析和法经济学的方法,通过对我国金融业历史发展演进的纵向考察,对世界金融控股公司普遍立法现状的横向比较以及金融控股公司作为一种经济组织形式与我国金融立法关系的分析,论证了我国金融控股公司立法的必要性。  相似文献   
This study investigates the impact of personal finance education delivered in high school and college. Outcomes of interest were investment knowledge and household savings rates measured years after the financial education was delivered. A web-based survey with questions about participation in financial education, financial experiences, income and inheritances, and demographic characteristics was administered to 1,039 alumni from a large midwestern university. Participation in a college level personal finance course was associated with higher levels of investment knowledge. Experience with financial instruments appeared to explain more of the variance in both investment knowledge and savings rates. No significant relationship between taking a high school course and investment knowledge was found. Financial experiences were found to be positively associated with savings rates.
Garrett CravenerEmail:
"三农"与农村资金融量问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者在阐述“三农”与我国农村资金融量相互关系的基础上,对我国农村资金融量问题进行了理论和实证研究,得出的结论是:在中国农村存在巨大的资金融量缺口,并有逐年扩大的趋势,这种缺口在中国农村形成有其深刻的历史、经济和体制根源。为此,提出了对我国农村经济和金融体制进行若干重大变革的政策建议。  相似文献   
崔勇 《河北学刊》2006,26(3):114-117
宋代,佛教与官府财政的关系是时人颇为关注的问题。许多有识之士纷纷提出自己的见解和主张,曾巩与苏轼即为其中的典型代表。曾巩的挤压见解与苏轼利用佛教生财的主张,表面看似对立,但二人的主旨却是一致的,即通过对佛教资源的再分配,解决政府的财政危机。当然这一紧一松,与二人的性格和仕途经历有密切关系。曾巩的处事严谨与苏轼的放达宽容,曾巩的任职京师、编修史籍与苏轼的任职地方州府首长的经历,形成鲜明对照。  相似文献   
由于金融业和科学技术的高度融合在较大程度上推动了中国经济社会的发展,科技与金融相结合发展已成为一种创新型发展趋势,文章借鉴现有的评价科技与金融结合效率的指标体系,运用数据包络分析模型对2005—2019年京津冀地区的金融投入与科技产出进行分析,研究其科技与金融相结合的效率,研究结果表明:在2019年京津冀三地科技与金融结合效率良好,均达到了有效状态,北京市科技与金融总体效率有9年未达到有效状态,天津市有13年未达到有效状态,河北省有12年未达到有效状态。根据研究结果,文章对京津冀地区科技与金融服务结合的未来发展提出建议。  相似文献   
互联网发展给银行信贷资产质量管理带来了全新机遇。将互联网发展、信息不对称和银行信贷质量纳入分析框架,从事前和事后两方面详细论证互联网发展减少银行与借款人之间信息不对称的机制和效果。结果发现,互联网发展能够提升银行资产质量,有助于控制信贷风险。互联网发展不仅提高了银行与借款人之间事前沟通的频次,还在事后增强了银行贷款的监督调整能力。除此之外,由互联网催生的数字普惠金融对银行信贷质量有正向溢出作用,这是互联网发展影响银行信贷质量的间接机制。  相似文献   
传统金融体制导致农村金融有效供给不足,制约了乡村振兴的步伐。从制度设计、机构发展、业务操作三方面对制约我国农村金融供给的因素进行考察发现:现有农村金融体系并未契合农业生产与农民收入的特点,形成借贷需求缺口;不同类型的农村金融机构发展差异较大,新型农村金融机构的成长受多种因素制约;农村抵押物与担保机制缺乏,导致涉农贷款受到信贷歧视。应当建立健全农村金融体系,增强对新型金融机构的法律保障、行政监管与财政扶持力度,拓宽抵押渠道,创新担保机制,促进供需平衡。  相似文献   
The individualization, privatization and marketization of risk management represent a fundamental dimension of the financialization of everyday life. As individuals are required to engage with financial products and services as the main way of protecting themselves from risks and uncertainties, their economic welfare and security are construed as depending largely on their own financial decisions. Within this setting, the concept of financial literacy and accompanying practices of financial education have emerged as a prominent institutional field handling the formulation and communication of the attributes and dispositions that arguably constitute the proper financial actor. This article analyzes financial education programmes currently conducted by state agencies in Israel, examining the notions and principles they articulate when defining and explaining proper financial conduct. The study indicates that moral themes and categories occupy a salient place in the formulation of the character traits that constitute the desired literate financial actor. Notions of individual responsibility, planning ahead and rational risk management are presented not merely as instrumental resources, but as moral imperatives. Through these notions, the programmes moralize a broad array of everyday practices of personal finance such as saving, investing, borrowing and budget management, thereby connecting the sphere of financial matters to the domain of moral virtues. Offering a representation of particular modes of financial conduct as constitutive components of morally virtuous personhood, these practices imbue the financial field as a whole, especially its current generalized logic of individualized and marketized risk management, with moral meanings, hence contributing to the normalization and depoliticization of the financialization of everyday life.  相似文献   
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