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This article seeks to demonstrate and analyze the cultural and emotional work surrogate mothers collectively engage in on the largest surrogacy support website, http://www.surromomsonline.com . Surrogate mothers’ online stories and discussions frame contract surrogacy as a “labor of love.” Women often describe their surrogacy as a “journey” of shared love; they hope for a lasting relationship with the couple they carry for. This article explores how the language of love, learned and internalized through online communication with other surrogates, creates both a cultural conceptualization of surrogacy and a ground for action. Love and altruistic giving are consistent with close interpersonal rather than market relationships; surrogates hope for a long‐term friendship with their couple. Surrogacy journeys, however, not infrequently end in disappointment; surrogates feel betrayed when couples cut ties. As a result of collective learning, surrogates’ discussions increasingly articulate the position that love, even when unreciprocated, can lead to repeated giving; love is noble and ennobling. Surrogates find appreciation and support in their online surrogacy community where they agree that giving life is a moral good. This stance has contributed to a renewed enthusiasm to bear children for others.  相似文献   
Children's participation in legal proceedings affecting them personally has been gaining importance. So far, a primary research concern has been how children experience their participation in court proceedings. However, little is known about the child's voice itself: Are children able to clearly express their wishes, and if so, what do they say in child protection cases? In this study, we extracted information about children's statements from court file data of 220 child protection cases in Germany. We found 182 children were asked about their wishes. The majority of the statements found came either from reports of the guardians ad litem or from judicial records of the child hearings. Using content analysis, three main aspects of the statements were extracted: wishes concerning main place of residence, wishes about whom to have or not contact with, and children granting decision‐making authority to someone else. Children's main focus was on their parents, but others (e.g., relatives and foster care providers) were also mentioned. Intercoder agreement was substantial. Making sure that child hearings are as informative as possible is in the child's best interest. Therefore, the categories developed herein might help professionals to ask questions more precisely relevant to the child.  相似文献   
国务院颁布《社会信用体系建设规划纲要(2014—2020年)》后,各省、市分别结合本地的特点制定了信用体系建设规划纲要,将全社会的诚信建设纳入规划。针对社会诚信建设的需要,在分析我国当前社会诚信缺失的基础上,提出了加强政务诚信建设,通过政务诚信建设示范引领全社会诚信建设的对策建议。  相似文献   
证人出庭作证问题,涉及证明标准与法律假设、法律规则与法律标准、诉讼效率与诉讼成本、自利偏见与社会效应等诸多方面。证人不出庭作证的规范依据仍然存在、证人出庭作证的权利和义务不对等、配套措施不完善等原因,导致证人不愿意出庭。美国辩诉交易制度在很大程度上减少了开庭刑事案件的数量,其关于书面陈述的规定也减少了证人出庭作证的需求,在一定程度上实现了被告人人权保护和公共利益的平衡,值得借鉴。完善证人出庭作证制度,应以案件"客观需要"为标准,以追求事实真相为出发点,以人权保护和人性回归为落脚点,遵循限制性处罚原则和禁止利益冲突原则,提高相关规定的可操作性。因此,不宜盲目追求证人高出庭作证率。  相似文献   
In this article, the author performs a re‐membering practice that incorporates a relational materialist theory. It traces the disturbances that follow in the wake of three deaths in her family. Written in an autoethnographic voice, the article is a polyphonic composition of the narrative therapy approach of re‐membering entangled with the spacetimematter of silence, speaking, sitting, staying, presence, absence, loss of momentum, dreams, trees, books, cardiac pace‐makers, writing, breath, ashes, murmuring, suffering. Thus, the dispersed agencies of bodies, human and non‐human, reinvigorate a linguistic practice and the author's personal and professional life.  相似文献   
情感与欲望之间——论"花儿"情歌的基本文化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“花儿”情歌的内容,始终游走于情感与欲望之间。本文以此为出发点,简要分析和阐述“花儿”情歌的基本特征。  相似文献   
青海回族"花儿"的爱情观赏析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为口承语言民俗文化重要组成部分的“花儿”是青海各个地区的回族人民共同创造、共同享用的一种精神、生活文化 ,也是他们喜怒哀乐、爱情观、审美价值观等的真情表白。它具有深厚的艺术性 ,广泛的群众基础。本文试图通过对青海回族“花儿”的描述 ,对他们的爱情观作一粗浅的表述 ,以期为今后的“花儿”研究奉献微薄的力量  相似文献   
廷辩是元朝特殊的政治运作方式和决策形式。廷辩的举行、结果的认定和最后的处理,都由皇帝决定。故谓之廷辩。它采用当事人双方当面对质、对辩的形式,论争某一具体事件或人物的是非功罪。廷辩多发生在忽必烈朝。由此追溯至蒙元之际佛道(全真教)三次大辩论,可以认为,廷辩是蒙古民族性在统治理念和方式上的体现。此后,成宗、武宗朝间或有之,后即未见,可知蒙古贵族的统治方法也显出逐渐汉化的轨迹。  相似文献   
从《诗经》到现在的《中国民歌集成》都真实地反映了许多历史故事、人物及人民的生活。每一个历史时期都有其不同的表现形式、不同的风格及丰富的内容,了解和学习民歌的意义不仅在于它的形式和风格,更重要的是深含在其中的民族文化的精华,体现出一种不屈、乐观和奋发自信的民族精神,了解和学习民歌是陶冶情操,加深修养,提高文化素质的重要内容。也是加强爱国主义教育,促进精神文明建设的有效途径。  相似文献   
作为回族民间文学重要组成部分的爱情叙事诗,由于具有鲜明的民族特色和独特的艺术风格,在长期的传播中赢得了回族及周边各族人民的喜爱。同时,它又以粗犷、直率、沉郁的语言抒发了一种悲壮的感情,令人回味无穷。文章欲以在西北农村广泛传唱的“花儿”体叙事长诗《马五哥与尕豆妹》为例,试图利用社会人类学的功能理论来尝试性的分析回族爱情叙事诗的悲剧美。  相似文献   
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