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The multiple non symmetric correspondence analysis (MNSCA) is a useful technique for analyzing a two-way contingency table. In more complex cases, the predictor variables are more than one. In this paper, the MNSCA, along with the decomposition of the Gray–Williams Tau index, in main effects and interaction term, is used to analyze a contingency table with two predictor categorical variables and an ordinal response variable. The Multiple-Tau index is a measure of association that contains both main effects and interaction term. The main effects represent the change in the response variables due to the change in the level/categories of the predictor variables, considering the effects of their addition, while the interaction effect represents the combined effect of predictor categorical variables on the ordinal response variable. Moreover, for ordinal scale variables, we propose a further decomposition in order to check the existence of power components by using Emerson's orthogonal polynomials.  相似文献   
This article presents an overview of the monetary benefits available in the context of long‐term care provided by family or other informal carers in 11 old and 10 new EU member states. All but one country in our sample offer at least some monetary benefits that can be used to help finance informal care. Old EU member states tend to direct benefits to individuals in need of care, whereas new EU member states place more emphasis on benefits for carers. Among new EU member states, monetary benefits are less often means‐tested and tend to be lower compared with benefits in old EU member states. Because social policies in many countries increasingly rely on monetary benefits rather than on benefits in kind and because the share of informal care in the overall provision of elderly care will scarcely decline, monetary benefit incentives for labour market participation need to be carefully monitored.  相似文献   
我国高等教育发展除受制于经济发展的影响外 ,其滞后还源于传统体制性弊端。要想尽快进入高等教育大众化发展阶段 ,必须扫除其体制性障碍。因此 ,应根据现有状况把高等教育大众化政策分为近期和中长期政策。其中最主要的是适应社会主义市场经济特征 ,加大高等教育体制改革力度 ,重视教育的生产力属性和产业属性 ,并按经济资源特性区分高等教育资源 ,按照不同资源给予不同拨款方式 ,以实现高等教育资源的最佳配置  相似文献   
就如格里姆所讲 :“我们的语言也就是我们的历史。”语言能够比较全面而深刻地体现民族的特点 ,这是民族的其他特征所不能比拟的 ,透过现代语言 ,可探索出该民族不同时期的历史进程 ,特别是民族语言中的亲属称谓词和固定词语中所蕴涵的文化遗迹最为丰富 ,也最深刻  相似文献   
近年来,中国企业部门债务风险不断暴露,其是否会引发系统性信用危机正成为焦点。本文着眼于中国企业部门信用风险累积与暴露背后的宏观经济现实,在简约模型中引入结构向量自回归模型(SVAR),将经济冲击区分为总供给冲击、总需求冲击和货币政策冲击,以此研究各宏观经济因子对中国企业部门信用风险溢价期限结构的影响特征,从而揭示中国企业部门信用风险定价的宏观经济机理。本文发现,正向的总供给冲击和货币政策冲击有助于降低中国企业部门信用风险溢价,但正向的总需求冲击则会推高中国企业部门信用风险溢价,自2011年以来持续处于高位水平的信用风险溢价的主要根源正是4万亿经济刺激计划所带来的扩张性总需求,因此欲从根本上降低中国企业部门信用风险水平,应紧缩社会总需求,并通过制度改革和结构调整,改善社会总供给。  相似文献   
国外发达国家老年人长期照护制度随着发达国家人口老龄化趋势的日益加重,已经成为继养老、医疗、失业后的又一重要的社会保障制度。中国在老年人长期照护制度的供给上,无论从体制还是从政策上都十分落后,但是中国的老龄化问题却是日益凸显的社会问题。通过介绍目前国外对于老年人长期照护制度研究的现状,并从老年人正式照护与非正式照护的关系的角度对国外的老年人长期照护制度的文献进行综述,阐述了目前国外老年人长期照护制度研究的最新趋势,指出家庭已经不能独立的解决养老问题,而应由家庭、政府、非营利组织、营利组织共同承担。  相似文献   
保证期间起算受若干因素的影响,保证人享有先诉抗辩权的,保证期间应自债权人就主债务人的财产执行终结之日起开始计算;保证人无先诉抗辩权的,保证期间应自主债务人不履行债务时开始计算.债权人在保证期间内行使保证债务请求权的方式应受到限制,以克服保证期间与保证合同诉讼时效发生竞合的理论冲突.  相似文献   
The monetary policy targets the short rates; however, during zero interest rate policy (ZIRP), the short end of the yield curve cannot serve as a policy instrument. Relying on the joint yields-macro latent factors model, this study empirically examines the effect of monetary policy stances on term structure and the possible feedback effect on the real sector using the Japanese experience of ZIRP. The analysis indicates that it is the entire term structure that transmits the policy shocks to the real economy rather than the yield spread only. The monetary policy signals pass through the yield curve level and slope factors to stimulate the economic activity. The curvature factor, besides reflecting the cyclical fluctuations of the economy, acts as a leading indicator for future inflation. In addition, policy influence tends to be low as the short end becomes segmented toward medium/long-term of the yield curve. Furthermore, volatility in bond markets is found to be asymmetrically affected by positive and negative shocks and long end tends to be less sensitive to stochastic shocks than the short maturities. The expectation hypothesis of the term structure does not hold during the ZIRP period.  相似文献   
Cash‐for‐care (CfC) schemes are monetary transfers to people in need of care who can use them to organize their own care arrangements. Mostly introduced in the 1990s, these schemes combine different policy objectives, as they can aim at (implicitly or explicitly) supporting informal caregivers as well as increasing user choice in long‐term care or even foster the formalization of care relations and the creation of care markets. This article explores from a comparative perspective, how CfC schemes, within broader long‐term care policies, envision, frame, and aim to condition informal care, if different models of relationships between CfC and informal care exist and how these have persisted or changed over time and into which directions. Building on the scholarly debate on familialization vs. defamilialization policies, the paper proposes an analytical framework to investigate the trajectories of seven European countries over a period of 20 years. The results show that, far from being simply instruments of supported familialism, CfC schemes have contributed to a turn towards “optional familialism through the market,” according to which families are encouraged to provide family care and are (directly or indirectly) given alternatives through the provision of market care.  相似文献   
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