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体面劳动与女性行业禁入问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
劳动权是公民的一项基本权利,被明确规定于宪法之中,其中最核心的是就业权利,而尤以平等就业的权利为重点。由于种种原因,女性一直处于就业中的弱势地位。根据国际劳工保护中"体面劳动"的新理念并结合中国实际情况,对女性行业禁入问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
清代基层社会控制中州县官与绅士关系之演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
官绅合治是中国地方行政的常态。19世纪中期以前,清代绅士一般不担任地方政府职务,他们只是给州县官提供咨询,进行协助,州县官掌握着对基层社会的主控权;咸丰初年,在太平天国迅猛发展的情况下,清政府在全国大规模地兴办团练。绅士通过团练组织,扩大团练的社会功能,由幕后走向了前台,成为乡村控制的主体。清末新政时期,办理地方自治,使大批绅士从体制外走向体制内,由非正式权力变为正式权力,绅士不仅已完全控制基层社会,并且正式进入州县政府机构。  相似文献   
清代是中国古代荒政发展的鼎盛阶段,救荒措施集历代之大成,最为完备。煮赈是荒政救助措施之一种,清代的煮赈分为官赈、民赈、官督绅赈三种形式。官赈粥厂又分为常设粥厂和应急粥厂。施粥主要用来弥补其他赈济之不足,尤其是在未赈之先与大赈之后殊为重要,可以说煮赈是花最小的代价达到最大赈济效果的救济方法,也是赈济措施中不可或缺的一个手段,故而有其独特价值。  相似文献   
清末科举制度的废除对中国政治、社会、文化产生了多方面影响,尤其直接改变了中国社会阶级结构。科举制度是士绅阶层存在的支柱,而科举制度的停废,意味着其原有阶层流动的渠道不再畅通,于是绅士便分流到新式教育、经济、军事等各个部门,绅士的社会角色和价值观念发生了空前的变动。但是,作为统治中国社会特权等级阶层的绅士地位和身份的变化对清末民初的社会产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
In this paper, processes of gentrification are assessed in relation to non-commercial farming: the production of agricultural commodities without the intent of earning a living. The author argues that due to the connection between residence and productive assets (particularly land) inherent in farming, agricultural gentrification represents a special case, distinct from rural and urban gentrification, where gentrification is possible from within the existing farm household. Pluriactivity of the farm household enables both economic capital accumulation and alterations in the cultural capital held. Similar to rural and urban gentrification processes, agricultural gentrification leads to landscape change. Both non-commercial farming and gentrification processes are found to have been encouraged by the state, through post-productivist polices and laws aimed at commercial agricultural producers. The author argues for further research on farmers as consumers of rural amenities, and raises questions about the environmental impacts of ‘non-commercial farming’ and the acquisition of farm land by the wealthy elite.  相似文献   
The global economic crisis has led to a sharp slowdown in growth and an even greater slowdown in employment creation. The resulting deterioration in the quality of employment has exacerbated the longer‐term trend of rising inequality. Jobless growth has dampened output growth through a worsening income distribution. Wages are costs on the supply side but are also incomes on the demand side, so that profit‐led growth and wage‐led growth are complements, not substitutes. Thus, growth can create jobs, while added jobs can drive growth. More employment and better jobs can also mitigate rising inequality. If macroeconomic policies focus on fostering employment creation and supporting economic growth, rather than on price stability and balanced budgets, employment would revive growth and reduce inequality.  相似文献   
民国以前,"绅"多与"士"结合,指称拥有权势的士大夫阶层,代表一种政治特权和社会荣耀。民国以来,"绅"多与"劣"、"豪"结合,指称与人民对立的"反动"阶层,"劣绅"、"豪绅"由此成为反革命的代名词。在短短几十年间,"绅"从社会荣耀变成"反革命",以至成为大革命时期的革命对象。  相似文献   
The glmnet package by Friedman et al. [Regularization paths for generalized linear models via coordinate descent, J. Statist. Softw. 33 (2010), pp. 1–22] is an extremely fast implementation of the standard coordinate descent algorithm for solving ?1 penalized learning problems. In this paper, we consider a family of coordinate majorization descent algorithms for solving the ?1 penalized learning problems by replacing each coordinate descent step with a coordinate-wise majorization descent operation. Numerical experiments show that this simple modification can lead to substantial improvement in speed when the predictors have moderate or high correlations.  相似文献   
劳动是人的感性的对象性活动,体面劳动是人的自由全面发展的内在规定;消解人与劳动的异化、消解物役是实现体面劳动的必然逻辑。  相似文献   
太平天国时期,为解决湘军出省作战和省内军需团练的饷费,湖南大力倡导绅商士民捐输。在各地捐输数目不多、绅商士民不甚踊跃的情况下,湖南当局对捐输作了变通办理,使捐输数额大大增多。湖南此时期办理捐输的结果,一方面扩充了绅士阶层的数量,加强了绅权;另一方面加速了吏治的腐败,加重了民众的负担,导致全省经济走向衰落。  相似文献   
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